Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ Trials -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ Trials

It's Thankful Thursday and Iris of Grace Alone is hosting us for the month of November. My friend Iris is the originator of this meme which I've grown to love. Knowing that I'll participate each week, I'm on the lookout for all I can be thankful for each day. Thank you Iris!

However, Iris chose the theme of trials for this week. Can I really be thankful in the midst of trials?

Well, this is exactly what the Lord is teaching me during this season of trials in my life. So, I can personally answer with ...a resounding YES.

What am I thankful for in the midst of my trials?

I'm thankful that:

  • Instead of only focusing only on getting out of my trials, I'm learning to focus on trusting the Lord in the midst of them.
  • I learn valuable lessons if I choose to rest in Him.
  • Each trial has a purpose to grow me up.
  • I have the opportunity to glorify God.
  • My faith is growing.
  • I have the opportunity to share with non believers the reason I have hope and faith despite life not always being easy.
  • I have become more empathetic with others who are going through trials.
  • I'm drawing closer to the Lord.
  • I'm learning to live a lifestyle of prayer.
  • I'm learning to not attempt to escape my trials through things in this world.

I will close with a letter from Sheri Rose Shepherd's book His Princess: Love Letters from your King. It's entitled "My Princess ...triumph through trials":

"I see you when you are in the garden of grief, My princess. I hear your cry for help in the dark hours of the night. I Myself cried out in the garden the night I was betrayed. In My suffering I asked My Father for another way - a less painful way. Yet I trusted his will and purpose for My life and knew the ultimate victory was at the cross. Just as olives must be crushed to make oil, I poured out My life as a love offering for you. Don't ever doubt that I am with you and that I long to take you to a place of comfort, peace, and victory. Even when you cannot see me from where you are, I am working on your behalf. Give to Me the crushing weight of your circumstances, and come to Me in prayer. When it is time to leave the garden, I will walk with you across the valley and straight to the cross - where your trials will be transformed into triumph."


Your Savior and your Victor

How can I not be thankful in trials after reading that?

Debbie Petras
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  1. I know that God works miracles in us when we let Him. It is often through trials that He does this.


    I love watching God work in your through this season Debbie. It is a beautiful transformation right before our eyes.

    Drive me deeper into YOU O'LORD!

    Yes, we have complete victory because of Your love poured out for us at the cross.

    I love you,

  3. PRAISE THE LORD! Sis you hit the nail on the head with this message.

    I so love you and I'm praying for you.

    A word dropped in my heart as I looked at your beautiful photo on your blog: "SOON"

    I think only you and GOD knows what that means I'm just passing the word along so give HIM THE GLORY.

    I love you.

  4. Oh, Debbie, you said so many things where I could just nod my head...Yes, although our trials may be painful, but we know that we are not alone -- He is there.
    Love the letter and the cartoon you shared is this post.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

    Be blessed today as you have blessed me this morning.

  5. Thank you so very much sweetie for sharing this, love you.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh Debbie I really appreciate this list. Physically I am hurting this morning soo badly (long story) and I needed to be reminded. You are so right of course. My dependency on Him has become so much more as the result of this, and as a result of that, my relationship with Him haa become just that moch better. I LOVED that letter. I read it through 3 times, and I may be back again later to read it again. Have a good day Debbie. Love to you, Debbie

  8. This message is so beautiful, Debbie! And I agree, how can we not be thankful when we consider all these things? Blessings to you!

  9. Debbie,

    Your list is right one Debbie. learning and leaning on Christ and allowing HIm to show HIMSELF strong is such a testimony in and through our lives! Others see and prayerfully because of what they see then we realize JESUS has been wooing them in the process of our testimony! I know the Lord is doing a mighty thing in you and I am praying for you!

    Love and blessings my friend

  10. Hi there, Such a wonderful post! Trials refine us and hopefully make us more like Him. I love the poem Debbie. Have a blessed day!

  11. Great list Debbie. Trials can be so painful but God refines us during those times. Thank you for your word today. Blessings friend!

  12. That cartoon really hits it on the head (pun intended LOL) Thanks for sharing your beautiful heart!

  13. I love that nail cartoon!

    My trials are minor right now, for which I am grateful. I sometimes do get tired of the drama from other people, though. Does it ever stop? Can people ever just behave reasonably and stop demanding their needs be met to the exclusion of everyone else's?

    I know the answers to both those questions, but I had to ask. :-)

    I am grateful for those in my life who ARE reasonable and calmer. Sometimes it's easy to focus on the people who are difficult, but I also have wonderful, supportive friends who make my day every time I see them.

  14. This is such a wonderful reminder that God is using our trials in ways that we can not often see. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I always love to read what you are thankful for. I read Nancy Leigh DeMoss's article on humility, and she mentioned that those that are humble have an attitude of graditude. You have shown that to us.

  15. I'm learning to let the Lord lead me through the trials instead of fighting Him along the way. It gets me to the other side quicker when I submit to it.

  16. Oh Debbie, this speaks to me so much! I see the Lord in you sweet sister, and while I hate that you would have to suffer any trial at all, I rejoice in His faithfulness to draw you even closer to His beating heart these days. I needed this post today, Deb. It's beautiful and full of truth. His hand is all over you and His glory shines through! Love you! Thanks for encouraging me!

  17. I love that cartoon. It is so true that it's when we go through trials that we draw near to God. I'm glad that you have found so much to be thankful for throughout. Keep trusting in His unfailing love.

    Praying for you. Love you!

  18. I love, love, love your thoughts here (not to mention the wonderful cartoon and Sheri's passage from the book!).

    Oh, Debbie, every fact you mention about trials is right on. And I can say that in the midst of one. I'm so grateful for your encouragement.

    You know I'm praying ferverently for you!

  19. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing such encouraging words, Thanks too for dropping by my site. God bless.

  20. Debbie,
    This is such a wonderful post on things God is doing in your life. It is such a good thing to share on TT to find the good that has come from the trials. I love the cartoon, you always include such a perfect one for your posts.

    Thanks for your sweet message.

  21. Hi Debbie, Thanks for your visit and encouragements!

    Thanks for this great post. I love the picture. Such a great visual for this verse. And your sharing is very very encouraging. I need to learn the many precious lessons you have listed. The letter you shared is also very encouraging. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. May God bless you!


  22. Thankfulness in our trials...there is no greater evidence of a faith centered in Christ. So glad to find your blog...I'll be stopping by to encourage my faith walk.
    With joy,

  23. I love the cartoon Debbie!

    Amen! What a great post!


  24. A beautiful post that is so honoring to our Lord. I love that devotion book. My daughter and I read it together at nights.

    Love ya!

  25. I enjoyed reading your post. The cartoons were great. You are a wonderful writer. I'm slowly learning from all the blogs I visit. My granddaughter is training to be a surgical nurse. Doylene


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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