Heart Choices: Walk with Him Wednesday ~ Listen -->

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Walk with Him Wednesday ~ Listen

holy experience

Lately, I find that I crave quietness. Our world has become so busy and hectic. Although I enjoy being with people, I also need time alone. And it seems that during this season in my life, I don't mind that aloneness. I'm still able to be in contact with so many people online through blogs and Facebook. And I love that.

Ann Voskamp of Holy Experience hosts a Walk with Him Wednesday. We share a spiritual practice that draws us closer in our walk with Jesus. I have to say that I enjoy her posts. I feel so peaceful and calm whenever I visit. What a gift she has with words! Thank you Ann.

Spending so much time in my home office has actually provided me with more time to be still without outside distractions. I have my morning quiet time but that doesn't end my time with the Lord.

I may be quietly working on my computer but I glance down and see a laminated Scripture verse that I posted in front of me. The words from Isaiah 41:10 tell me that I have nothing to fear. My God will strengthen me, help me and uphold me. Such words of reassurance ...in a time of uncertainty.

I've used this Joyful 'Toon before but it seemed so perfect for this post.

Are you so involved in busyness that you can't even hear His voice as you go through your day?

It can be easy to get caught up in all of those good things we do for God and yet miss out on ...His best.

How about taking time to sit at the feet of Jesus and simply be still? Allow His Word to saturate your mind. It takes time to do this.

It's hard for me to listen to loud music and focus on my work. I'm so easily distracted.

However, I find that quiet background piano music seems to work fine for me. I have CDs by Fernando Ortega that are perfect. And I've also found beautiful piano music on a website called Secret Place Ministries. It helps to quiet my mind and yet I can still get my work done.

I take breaks from my work so I can visit many of my favorite blogs. I often receive emails for prayer requests and I'm able to immediately stop and pray. You know how easy it is to tell someone you'll pray and have the best of intentions but ...then forget?

I've found that's another benefit of being at home and not running around all day.

Do you have any spiritual practices that help you listen to God?

I know many of you may be in different seasons of your life with children and school. But maybe you've found ways to still stay close to the Lord throughout your day. I encourage you to share them with us in the comments.

Debbie Petras
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  1. I praise God for 8 soon to be 9 blessings who help me stay focused on God - needing more of His grace and praising Him throughout the day.

    The want more of Him which blesses me beyond words.

    We stop and pray. We stop to worship Him. We read His word together. We listen and learn to obey!

    We cry when we have missed His mark. We rejoice that He forgives.

    So many ways to bring us to His feet.

    I love you Debbie and yes God is our strength. Cling to His unending love for you!


  2. Beautiful post my friend. I am home most of the day every day but I wouldn't say my home is quiet with 3 kids here all day! LOL. But getting up early and having a little quiet time helps.
    I love piano music playing in the background too.
    Blessings to you sweet sister.

  3. I get up very early most days to pray. I also alternate between studying, writing, and reading great blogs that inspire me :-).

    One of the easiest ways I have found to keep God on my mind despite busyness it to listen to worship music throughout the day. I did it while I was at home in the middle of kids and laundry and messes, and I do it now at work in the middle of work and projects and deadlines. Helps keep me grounded.

  4. " ... crave queitness."

    It's an appetite He gives us; one shared by all believers of all times and generations. I've come to cherish that craving, knowing it's His summons to time alone, together.

    I'd like to say that I've developed a discipline, or an obedience that I employ daily to draw nearer to Him. Alas, it's one I value yet all too often omit.

    One thing's for sure: He is as near as my breath, my heart beat. When I stop to listen to either, or both ... I remember Him.


  5. I can really relate to this post Debbie. I too find myself anymore craving silence and alone time. I LOVE my grandkids, but sometimes after they leave I am soooo ready for quiet. I turn off everything and jut liten to the quiet, haha...I have also taken to having two quiet times a day recently. My reg. morning one, and then sometime in the late afternoon (except when I have the grandkids) I usually go outside and get myself settled somewhere and spend time again in the Word and with Him. What a wonderful pick me up that has been. You are soo right though, our lives and our brain are soo full and soo busy I find myself having to listen too hard for His voice. This was really good Deb. Have a great day. Debbie

  6. Wonderful post! Thank you...needed it today, for my life is full of "crazy" right now! I am also very involved in the MOPS ministry as a Field Leader and had to prepare for a large event this week, which was last night, I spoke...so loving the quiet this morning. Don't get me wrong, I love what I am called to do, but as you mentioned, "crave" the quiet more and more.

    However, I also listen to XM radios Message most of the day, which keeps my thoughts focused and mind on Him. I also pray right at that moment for the need I learn about. I did have a piano CD playing yesterday...but it was Christmas music!

    I've been reading Margaret Feinbergs book, God Whispers and it goes right along with your post today...you should check out her website. She is amazing!

  7. Debbie, Thanks so much for this beautiful post! I too have been CRAVING quietness! It's so wonderful to have complete quiet if I choose so or put on an anointed praise CD as I take time drawing closer to His Heart, Feasting on His Word, praying or just sitting in silence in His Presence. And when I must arise to go about daily life, I feel renewed, refreshed, encouraged and alive and find myself communing with Him and He with me all through out the day, everywhere I go. He's so Wonderful!

    Again, thanks sister for sharing!

    Sweet Blessings!

    P.S. Oh, Debbie...I didn't know Linda Carter lived in Phx but I've met her sister Pam Carter Gilbert at my church in the valley (she looks sooo much like her sister - Wonder Woman!) Small world isn't it!

  8. What wonderful words you share here. My heart feels the same as you. I need quietness more and more, the older I get. The cartoon is so perfect. The Lord is always talking, but we're not always able to hear because of our own noise we create. Thanks for sharing, Debbie!

  9. It is so hard sometimes in this busy world to just sit. Isn't it? But then add all the distractions we create ourselves.

    Great reminder. Thank you for sharing with us.

  10. Thank you for your sweet comment today, Debbie. I too enjoy just being at home, after working 14 years at Wal-Mart. I get many scripture verses in the mail and devotionals. And I love reading the blogs of my Christian friends and praying for them. Oh, I loved that post by your friend, thank you. Blessings ~

  11. being still is such a problem and struggle for me then but i've learned that if i do i can hear Him better. sometimes i have to put my cell phones on silent mode, turn off the TV and just sit still with my eyes closed on the bed. i've noticed that sometimes even a soft music can be a distraction to me so i just have to turn everything off if i wanted to spend time with God and listen to what He's going to say.

  12. Debbie, I'm in total agreement with you...the little cartoon says it all. We have an enemy that knows how to distract us from our time with the Lord. I also love to be at home alone and with only the sounds of the birds or wind outside. Other times, I like worship music, but not all the time...just quiet. When I have to leave the house for whatever reason, it takes precious time away from doing what is really important to me...quiet time in prayer, reading the Word...I could do both all day long if the responsibilites of life didn't get in the way. I also have learned that I don't have to answer the phone just because its ringing...any distractions are just that, distractions.

    Great post, Debbie...we have to be good stewards of our time, and not allow ourselves to miss spending time with our best friend, Jesus.

    God bless you!

  13. My life is rarely filled with quiet moments to listen. Thus, I crave them all the more. I'm going to find some this weekend as hubby and I are headed for the mountains!

    Thanks for stopping by and weighing in with my post. Blessings and peace to you this weekend.


  14. Thanks for the Secret Place Ministries link. I didn't know about it before, though I've enjoyed Fernando Ortega.

  15. I love the joyful cartoon. So true! It is rare to have quiet around me (unless it is intentional). Even in the shower, I have a very talkative 4 year old in and out of the room.

    I do enjoy peace and quiet when everyone goes to bed.



I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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