Heart Choices: In Other Words Tuesdays ~ Man's Heart -->

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In Other Words Tuesdays ~ Man's Heart

It's time for another "In Other Words Tuesdays" when I link up with other participating bloggers as we share our take on a quote for the week.

Today our host is NINA of Mama's Little Treasures. Her quote comes right from the Scriptures:

Oh my, how thankful I am that God is sovereign. Even the king's heart is in the hands of the Lord. That gives me peace for today as I consider all that is going on in the world.

You see, the world judges others by the outside. Many leaders possess outward qualities such as charisma, great communication skills, tolerance and so people listen to their words of promise for a better tomorrow and ...world peace.

But only the Lord knows the true intent of every heart. God sees beyond the outward to the inward motives and desires. Whether a person is in an important leadership role or not, God knows them ...inside and out.

That's also a warning for me. I can think I'm doing all of the right things and making sacrifices for God. But if the intent of my heart isn't right then ...it means nothing.

It reminds me of Romans 12:1:

God has given us so much and He desires our whole heart; not a part of it.

As I surrender it ALL to Him ...He can work in and through me.

And only then will I live a life of love that is pleasing to Him.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Beautifully said my friend, love you.

  2. This is such a comforting truth - especially in light of where our world and country is! I also loved how you related it to us non-king people, too. :-)

  3. I love this verse! There is nothing nor anyone who is NOT under God's control and authority. That is a truth to hang onto when we see all the "stuff" going on in this world. Thanks for the reminder...

  4. Amen to that, Debbie. Yes, we can not hide our heart from God - He truly knows us. Like you said, it keeps us on our guard too.

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I needed to read before heading to bed tonight...

    Be blessed, my friend.

  5. Precious, I could write a book on this post...:)

    But this says it all:

    "But only the Lord knows the true intent of every heart."

    Love you!

  6. Thanks for the reminder today.

  7. Like it or not God does know us inside and out and we need to know where our heart is as well as we choose to be obedient to the King instead of trying to take over His throne. Thanks for your insight today it was great.

  8. Wonderful post Debbie!!! Love the verses and the encouragement.
    Be blessed in His grace today!

  9. Yes, I am thankful to know that God directs even the hearts of the "mighty" leaders in our world, but He is also just as concerned with the condition of my heart as well. I love how the theme of this week's quote coincides with the theme of your blog - Heart choices. God knows the interior of our hearts. Thanks for sharing your insights today. :)

  10. Debbie, You are absolutely right...
    God does look at our hearts. Sometimes that is very comforting, sometimes challenging. Like, "why am I really doing this," (whatever "this" may be). Is the intent right, is it pleasing to God? Something to keep me thinking.
    Have a great day. Love you. h.

  11. I love this line from your post:

    "But if the intent of my heart isn't right then ...it means nothing."

    That needed to be brought to my attention today, friend. Thank you :)

    Sweet Blessings,
    Kate :)

  12. Thank you so much for sharing, and getting personal with the intents of our heart. I appreciate you! :)

  13. Isn't it both reassuring and terrifying that he knows the intent of our heart? Challenging stuff. Great post.

  14. But if the intent of my heart isn't right then ...it means nothing.

    Yep. I'm with you, babe. May God continue to purify our hearts to His liking.

  15. Wow, it's been awhile since I have been here. Beautiful post, and I love the new layout!


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