Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ Change -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ Change

It's Thankful Thursday and Iris of Grace Alone is our host.

Iris and I have both committed to living fearlessly in 2010. We are making the heart choice to trust God in all things instead of depending on our "selves".

It's a moment by moment choice and some days I have to admit I fall back to my old ways. However, the more I walk by faith, the more I see that ...God is trustworthy.

Change is in the air. We sold our home and have been packing all week. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate. Our last move was 12 years ago. We left our 1,400 square foot townhome and moved to a 4,000 square foot home. At the time, I thought I'd never move again. Well, never say never!

In the midst of this change, I'm so thankful for God's peace. This didn't happen overnight, believe me. I struggled and struggled for so long and questioned why and where Lord. I'm learning the secret of contentment and Philippians 4:12 says it so beautifully. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

When I am weak ...He is strong.

And I don't have to manufacture peace. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit that flows from a life lived ...in Him.

I'm actually thankful for change because it allows the Lord to teach me life lessons. I'm learning that He is trustworthy even if I don't know exactly what the future holds.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Praying with you, and for you sis. I love you.

  2. Without His strength, His peace, His grace... without His Word, where would we be today? Can't imagine the dire straits we'd be in. Packing and moving are hard, but it's nothing compared to a life without Christ. Thanks for this reminder.
    Please click here for mine.

  3. Yes, in His time God will give us the best place for us. Congratulations to your new home. Join me for TT.

  4. I read this phrase somewhere and I wrote it down and keep it on my desk. Gracious Uncertainty:
    Not being certain of our next step but being certain of our God.

  5. sending hugs and much love debbie.

    moving any time is stressful - but under your circumstances feels impossible - BUT GOD!

    i praise Him for the peace He gives! I praise Him for the love He showers us with! I praise Him for the strength He gives us to go on one more day!

    love you!

  6. Debbie:

    You are in my thoughts so much this week. I am praying daily for everything to be smooth, and for peace in the midst of change. It sounds like God is giving that to you.
    I'll keep praying...

    Love you much!


  7. (((HUGS)))) and prayers. God makes his own timing sometimes we dont understand but in the end he deseves the praise

  8. It's definitely hard sometimes but knowing that God is ALWAYS faithful makes it a whole lot easier.

    We are trying to move and are asking the when question a lot.

    Hugs to you my friend.

  9. My mother showed me how to be content in situations. Notice the word 'showed'... I'm still learning.

    Praying that your move will bless you beyond anything that you could have imagined!

    love and hugs~Tammy

  10. Debbie, we are right behind you. Our house is also on the market and we will be moving within a few months or so as well. After 25 years here...And where? Not sure yet. All very uncertain and NOT in our original plan. But the Lord has been very faithful and in that I REALLY do trust it is in His hands. I can't even picture in my mind living somewhere else after all this time. I don't do change well at all. Never have. And yet? He has not let me go to fear or stress. I'll pray all will go smoothly for you, and in a few months you can cover me. = ) Hugs, Debbie

  11. Oh sweet friend. Your post reminds me that if I had not surrender MY plans and trusted in HIS equipping for this overseas move, I would have missed this adventure that is revealing Him in new ways.
    When we were first approached with this expat opportunity I was not in favor. I was overwhelmed at the thought of leaving all that was familiar and moving aboard with 5 kids. I was focusing on my inadequacies and not focusing on God's adequacy.
    The blessings followed when I trusted and obeyed His call.
    I trust that He has great things in store for you too with this change that is in the air!
    Lifting you up from Hong Kong,

  12. I had to giggle... My thankful heart was on life lessons today as well....

    I so agree that our peace is in him and I'm thankful he is showering you in that peace as you embark on a new adventure in life with this move!


  13. So true, my friend! I'm praying for you right now, and thanking God for the growth and peace this change has already produced in your precious life.

    With love and continued prayers as the Lord keeps you on the forefront of my mind...

  14. Good post for me today, Debbie.

    We are considering selling our home soon - and I've been PRAYING so hard about it. When to do it? Where would we go next? Is this the best decision?

    This post encourages me...and reminds me that yes....He is trustworthy. Thanks so much :)

    Love and Blessings,
    Kate :)

  15. Hi dear friend, I so related to this post-things have been crazy here and I just need to focus on Him alone. I wish I could help you pack and move-hated doing it two years ago and then last Sept. but so thankful I have a home to move to.
    Hugs to you today.

  16. So glad to know your packing...not ~ not blogging! :)
    Been missing you !

    Praying for you in this new season!

  17. It is amazing how fast a big house can fill up. I am living that! I hope you love the new place you move to and enjoy the new plans the Lord has for you. :)

  18. Blessings Debbie...WOW! Lots of Change going on in the air... for God is TRUST WORTHY!!! Beautiful thankful heart and I'm thankful that He's given you the strength to make it through the move. You have shared such beautiful words here and in some comments I read. I came here finally because of the comment I read at Denise's was so filled with warm love but I noticed this: "TRUST God"... hmmmmm. This is only the end of February, and your Heart choice to trust God is bearing such fruit already! Now to not depend on self...is a whole 'nother thing but
    I see you walking in faith more and more! Now it looks like it's letting go of control, and letting God have complete control. Are you sure that's trust? Peace, love, strength, & contentment... as we mature in the lessons God shows us!

    Love your thankful heart...Peggy

  19. I'm glad your house sold! Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new home and in the meantime, let the Lord be your strength and courage.

  20. Hi Debbie, what a blessed time to get to sort through the things in life that bring us joy, give us work, and allow us to grow. I praise God with joy that your house sold and I wish you blessings on your new journey!

    Yoli :)

  21. I have been where you are...just this year. Selling your home, packing, moving. It's a joyful, stressful, and highly rewarding season as you wait on Him. Blessings, SusanD

  22. Blessings on the move - transitions tend to be stressful, but they really yield such wonderful opportunities.

  23. Congratulaltions on this sale. Praise God. May the packing go well for you. Your journey to trust Him inspires me.

  24. Sometimes it is hard to trust and be thankful ~ but life is so much more peaceful when we surrender ! Best wishes with your move. Blessings.
    Just Jenn~

  25. Since we also chat via Email you know my love and prayers are with you precious sister. I love you dearly.

    May God's grace, love and strength rest with you and Greg.

  26. Been thinking so much of change lately,(I'm a hanger-oner), but more and more have come to know that I'd have missed out on some of my best life experiences and blessings had I not turned that corner. Ouch! Once more....He doeth all things GOOD. Onward and forward you go Debbie!!!!
    "Carol Joy"

  27. Thanks for sharing this sweet thankful post with us, Debbie. To trust and depend upon God in everything is indeed a moment by moment choice. It is my desire too but too often I also get carried away by the many challenges in my life. Thank God that He brings us back to Himself, guide us in His ways and give us peace when we turn to Him. He does wonderful things beyond our imaginations because with Him all things are possible! Thank God for guiding through the changes in your life and giving you peace and joy in Him!

    Thanks for your visit and encouragements. May God bless you abundantly! Take care.

    With hugs and prayers,

  28. You are in my thoughts and prayers, sweet friend. Love you ~

  29. Change allows (and forces) us to grow. I know this is a difficult time, but with HIs strength, His peace, His grace, you will survive,
    and grow. You are loved Debbie - by me, by so many others. I'm praying for you.

  30. Prayers for perfect peace and continued strength in Him. And that your new home will be the perfect place, wherever it may be.

    We have been in our home for 5 years and we are very blessed. My hearts desire is to move closer to where all our kids are going to school, in Lexington, KY. ...so patiently (have to remind myself about patience) waiting on His timing!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  31. Always dear Debbie our thoughts and love with you.

  32. Dear Debbie,
    I'm hurting with you.
    And I am proud that you don't blame God, but still praise his name.
    That is what I call victory.
    You are an example to the many in a similar situation.
    Of course I pray for you, that your strength will endure, or more right; that you will be strengthened even more than now.
    I hope I shall be allowed to follow you for many years years to come.
    I am so exited about what good God has in store for you.
    And which paths he will lead you to do his deeds.
    You are such a sweet and willing soul, and there's a shortage of such people nowadays.
    I pray He will bless you in every way, according to his promises.
    2 Chor,9:
    8And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 9As it is written:
    "He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor;
    his righteousness endures forever."
    From yours Felisol

  33. Because you are a star dear Debbie and you like the art, please have a look here STAR!

  34. I know you're settling in, and that in itself can be daunting. But I simply must tell you how much I appreciate your testimony to God's faithful, abiding care.

    Thank you for loving Him with your whole life.


  35. Praying that you have a smooth transition in your new home!

    I noticed that several others sweet friends commented that they are selling their homes - I pray that the Lord will bring them the right buyer and it will be a "God thing"!. We have our home on the market and desire to get back to the valley. Would appreciate your agreement prayers. As you well know, the real estate market in AZ is really bad but I have two words to say about that... BUT GOD!!!
    We know His timing is perfect and He has a buyer and He already is preparing a home for us in the Phx area!

    He is Faithful!!

    Sweet Blessings!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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