Heart Choices: Serious Life ~ An Online Magazine -->

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Serious Life ~ An Online Magazine

Have you heard of Serious Life Magazine? It's a free publication and you can access it online. The May issue is still available by clicking on the photo above.

Serious Life is a digital publication and the editor-in-chief is none other than Brent Riggs. You may know him as Abby's daddy. I have her photo on the sidebar of my blog. It says "Pray for Abby". He also writes The Riggs Family blog along with his wife Michelle. And he has another website called Brent Riggs, where he tackles many interesting questions.

If you're a blogger, this is a great opportunity to be listed on their free blogger directory. Heart Choices is listed for the second month now and I want to do my part to tell others about the publication.

If you're not a blogger but enjoy reading a great online magazine with many color photos and a wide arrangement of articles, you must check it out.

Here's a listing of some of the current articles:

Why Women Live Longer Than Men, Angry at God, Spring Clean Year Round, One Sign You're Driving Too Fast, True Peace, Has Evil Gone Out of Style, Understanding Why We Get Sick, Marriage is a Trip, Living for Heaven, Cammy Aguilara bio, games, featured blogger and ...much more!

So, don't waste any more time and click on the link to access the magazine. I love it! You can also download it to your computer to read at your leisure.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Hi dear sister,

    I am familiar with them as I pray often for Abby and I have read the magazine. I have to read the current issue. Looking forward to reading your message as well.

    Wanted to stop by and tell you that I love you and have been thinking of you. I pray for an increase of everything that is of GOD in your life. He absolutely adores you Debbie and He hears your prayers and sees your need. I just wanted to encourage you today.

    Love you.

  2. Thanks for sharing about this resource.

    Hope your day has been blessed! See you tomorrow for TT! :)

  3. Looks great! I signed up for it.

  4. Oh, it sounded very interesting online magazine, Debbie. Thanks for sharing about it and glad to hear that your blog is listed in there too:)) I always believed in the messages of your posts and it's always inspiring^-^


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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