Heart Choices: Good Things In Small Packages -->

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Good Things In Small Packages

Patsy Clairmont is a petite woman but ... she packs a lot of dynamo into that small body of hers. She can bring joy and laughter to almost any situation.

As a speaker for the Women of Faith conferences, she shares stories that truly touch the heart. I was thrilled to have had the opportunity to hear her this past weekend.

Patsy spoke about her friend of 50 years named Carol who was diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, the cancer has spread to other organs of her body. She has undergone chemotherapy and become quite weak and depressed.

Patsy wanted to be able to say something positive to Carol to help lift her spirits. She prayed and asked God to give her a verse from the Bible but the only one that kept coming to her was Genesis 1:3 "let there be light". In her lighthearted speaking style, she shared how it's not good to argue with God. But she told Him that maybe a Psalm might be more appropriate for this situation. And yet ... she kept hearing "let there be light".

So, she called Carol and said she had a word for her and repeated "let there be light". Carol was perplexed and thanked her but wasn't sure what that meant for her. She had an appointment with the doctor after her latest bone scan. He posted the films to discuss and told her that what he hoped to see was light. Light would indicate the areas where her own antibodies were fighting the cancer! Well, who would have known that but ...God!

Patsy said that this lifted Carol's spirits, knowing that God saw her pain and knew all the details of her struggle with cancer. I encourage you to watch her YouTube video as Patsy shares this story. You can link to her page here.

Do you want to say just the right words to a friend in need to offer encouragement but don't know what to say? Sometimes, simply being there beside a friend is best. Ask God to give you the words as Patsy prayed.

Patsy Clairmont is not only a great speaker. She's also up to date on the latest internet tools. Can you believe it? She's on twitter, a micro-blogging tool!

Panda444 Phoenix says thank you!!! I so enjoyed W of F. You're a pint sized dynamo. Hugs and God bless you all. 11:16 AM Nov 23rd
patsyclairmont Thanks. Phoenix was a hospitable place to close out our year. Thank-you for being there. 8:36 AM Nov 24th

She even responded to my twitter to her!!!! A big hug and thanks to Patsy Clairmont!

Debbie Petras
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  1. This story reminds me of a movie called Good Will Hunting. A psychologist repeated over and over again to his patient 'It's not your fault, it's not your fault...'
    It was a very powerful moment in the movie.

    Your story is a nice reminder of how God blesses us and teaches us through the people around us.

  2. This was a beautiful story, Debbie. I will check out the links!

  3. Thank you for the visit. I've been inspired by reading your recent posts. Thank you for sharing what God is doing in lives.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  4. Debbie,

    What a perfect post. I am thankful for your friendship. I pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving, my friend.

  5. What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it. Thanks for visiting my blog too - nice to "meet" you!
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving,

  6. What a heart filled and beautiful story!

    So glad you had such a wonderful time and this memory will last a lifetime!

    Blessings to you and your family Debbie!

    God bless!

  7. That is great, fun, encouraging stuff here. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Isn't God wonderful, what an inspiring story.

  9. Debbie:

    That's so cool that Patsy Clairmont responded to you.

    That's a great story. I've been on the giving and receiving end of those types of situations before. Whenever that happens, I think to myself, "I know this is the way it's supposed to work, but I'm always surprised when it does!"

    Bless you today.
    Sandy Cooper

  10. wow! that's very inspiring story:) thanks for sharing:) you're right, a gift of friendship, love and sincerity are the best gifts one can offer and it's free:)


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