Heart Choices: Faith Barista Jam ~ Beloved -->

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Faith Barista Jam ~ Beloved

 I'm joining in on this week's Faith Barista Jam.  Bonnie gave us the following writing prompt:

"How is God calling you to become the Beloved?"

When I think of the word beloved, I don't think of myself.  I think of my husband.  I think of Jesus.  But me being the beloved seems kind of odd to me.  And yet the question posed for this jam is how is God calling you to become the Beloved?  That is Debbie, right?

Even as a child, I had this hunger to be loved.  In my young eyes, I was different. I was born with a congenital heart defect.  I couldn't run and play with other children. I was sidelined in life because I couldn't keep up. I had to make frequent trips with my mom to the 'city'.  That was what we Long Islanders called New York City.  My doctors were located at New York's Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. My mom and I would sit for hours as we waited in the Clinic for my name to be called.

I was told I was special.  And my parents told me I was loved. But Beloved?  I didn't believe that.

I was always a dreamer.  I guess sitting on the sidelines for the first seven years of my life allowed me plenty of time to day dream.  I dreamed of my wedding.  I dreamed of walking down the aisle to my Beloved.

Many years have gone by since I was a child.  I am a very healthy adult.  Thankfully, my open heart surgery at the age of seven was a success.  I made up for lost time by my determination to keep up with the other children to prove I wasn't odd or different.

But beloved?  Am I becoming the Beloved of God?

You see my life has had lots of ups and downs.  My husband of 28 years loves me.  My family loves me.  But life hasn't always been easy or fun.  There have been many challenging times.

As a beloved of God, would that happen?

What I've discovered over the years of my faith journey is that I can know the Truth.  I go to the Truth; the Word of God; the Bible.  My emotions don't always feel what the Truth says.  But I still believe it and it seems that over time it is proved right to me.

As I grow in my love for Jesus, He shows me that I am His beloved. He holds me when I need comfort.  He provides friends to walk alongside of me just when I need them.  He provides what I need but not always all I want.  He knows what's best for me.  That's my Beloved.

Song of Solomon 2:16 says what I need to hear:

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Good morning! Loved this Deb! I too have a hard time sometimes with this concept. My relationship with my father when I was growing up colored the way I thought of myself for years. Sad how that can happen. How blessed we are to be daughters of the Kind though. His beloved. Have a wonderful day!

  2. I meant daughters of the King of course, haha.. ; )

  3. Beautiful post Debbie. I think this is the heart of our walk with Jesus.... in believing ~~ truly believing in the depths of our souls.... that we ARE His Beloved and that He is ours. I agree with you, and I struggle with that. Which reminds me of the man in Mark, "I do believe. Help my unbelief." I'm about to spend time in the Word and I'll be pondering this my Friend. PS ~ I'm so grateful that you were healed but so sorry you went through all of that in your childhood. {hugs}

  4. Amen. Every time He meets our needs, He is demonstrating His love for us!

  5. Hi Debbie! These two sentences really resonated with me as I have truly felt my beloved acting upon them:
    He provides friends to walk alongside of me just when I need them. He provides what I need but not always all I want.
    Key words: HE PROVIDES! Love it! :)

  6. To be His beloved...what more in life could we want. When you really think about it, that is everything.

  7. Good reminder of how much some of us don't think we deserve Jesus' love. We are indeed beloved. We accept His love intellectually, but still reject it in some ways because of that feeling of undeservedness.

  8. Such a sweet post Debbie. I can't imagine what you went through as a child. I'm grateful your surgery was a complete success and that you have the understanding of God's love for you!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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