Heart Choices: Weigh-In Wednesdays ~ New Habits -->

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Weigh-In Wednesdays ~ New Habits

It is the third Wednesday of the new year.  Are you keeping those New Year's resolutions?  You know, the list of things you were going to do and the new habits you were going to develop?  I'm just checking in.  Maybe you didn't write resolutions but instead chose a one word for 2013.  Well, it's important to make sure you're making progress.  I did both.  I wrote a few resolutions and I chose a one word for 2013: SURRENDER.

So how am I doing?

I'm doing pretty good.  Not perfect mind you, but I didn't expect that.  After all ...I'm human.

But one thing is starting to take shape for me.  The habit of exercise is being renewed in my life.  I used to have the habit of daily exercise.  I did that for years and frankly never thought twice about it.  It was a HABIT.

Well, that went by the wayside when my life turned upside down a few years ago.

I used to have a beautiful workout room with all my equipment in one place.  I could watch TV or check out the beautiful view of the mountains.

Now I have a treadmill squeezed into my husband's office in our small condo.  But the treadmill works!  So I made the decision to get back in the habit of daily exercise.  Already, I'm beginning to feel more energetic.  I don't dread coming home from work and hopping on my treadmill.  My husband understands that I need that time and he does all he can to be sure it happens.  No distractions!

I've also been planning my meals.  Well, I guess I have to qualify that.  I'm doing better.  On Sunday afternoon, I prepare a few meals in advance.  I used my crock pot and I also made a huge salad with lots of veggies.  So I have meals to take to work with me for lunch. My  hubby has been a big help as he often helps with dinner.  He is so creative with the leftovers and makes delicious meals.  Thank you Greg!

I'm also loving our Weigh-in Facebook group.  It has been so encouraging to share recipes and things that work.  We are also accountable to one another; love that and I need that.

The important lesson I take away from this weight loss issue is:

Healthy habits must be developed.

It takes 21 days to create a new habit.  So for at least 21 days it may be hard to keep at it.  But if you do, you may find that you  no longer dread the behavior as it becomes a part of your daily life.

What habit are you in the process of developing?  Are there any healthy habits that you've developed and care to share?

I'm linking up with Kim of At Home with Kim for Weigh-In Wednesday.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie, thank you for linking up!! We are about to start the process of converting a downstairs bedroom into an exercise room. I cannot wait to have a space dedicated to working out... I am hoping it turns out like the one you have pictured. You are so right about being intentional and it taking time to develop a habit. Just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other and take it day by day. Thanks for your encouragement and friendship!!

  2. I chose my One Word and it's thanks. I'm trying to deliberately look for things to be thankful for.

    You have inspired me to get the treadmill moved in my house to another room, where I will be able to consistently use it. We were going to move it last night,but didn't get to it. Think I'll try to talk hubby into helping me tonight. Then I'll see if in the next 21 days I can make it a habit.

  3. We set up a home gym with a new treadmill, a weight bench and weights. We built a new home two years ago, and there just isn't any where in the house for the equipment. So our workout room is in the garage - we have a single stall and a double stall - we are using the single stall space. It's complete with mats and some carpet (and space heaters) it works well enough...but I'd love to have a view of the mountains! So glad I met you through the FB WIW group! Love having that connection!

  4. Very encouraging--gonna get on my treadmill today! Thank you--

  5. Debbie,
    Congratulations on working at making exercise a habit again (as well as the healthy eating and weight loss)! You're right, exercise does become an automatic thing that we actually (sort of) miss when we don't do it. And it really does give us more energy. My elliptical and treadmill are attractively located in my sunroom, sandwiched in a corner of the room next to a sofa and near a piano. I'm resisting moving them to the basement, where they'll never get used.
    You've also got me thinking about a word that I might select to represent my upcoming life journey this year. Haven't chosen one yet...
    Thanks for the thought-provoking post, I've enjoyed being a fellow member of WIW and MM.

  6. Oh I have switched to plan B, because no gym membership this year...so I started back working out dragging my feet, but I have started...in front of the TV with videos. Even though I don't have equipment I can follow the lady on the video. Now to just stay motivated and start working on the meal thing.
    Great job Debbie...you go girl and thanks for the inspiration.

  7. My one Word is "Believe" and I am reminding myself everyday that I truely, with all my heart Believe God listens to me and cares about me. It is a great word for me this year in many ways.
    The habit I am re-developing is eating at the dining room table and not in front of the TV. Though this means I eat alone, I set out my plate and a cloth napkin, a large glass of water and usually flowers are on the table. I like eating this way, it is much more relaxing and I am more aware of how much I eat.

  8. Good for you Debbie! I love, love my treadmill. I have walked on a treadmill for over 25 years and use that time to listen to some wonderful sermons by Dr. Charles Stanley. It's a win, win situation! I get both physical and spiritual exercise. I love it! Blessings to you!

  9. Congratulations with great results. I'm sure you will continue the good work. Changes also takes time. Your Greg must be a very supportive husband. I'm so glad for the both of you.
    Me? I'm walking on promises. Isaiah 45:2 that God will go before me and even open doors of copper and remove bolts of iron. Guess what. I have experienced I must ask please first, then he makes small wonders happen.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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