Heart Choices: A Grateful Heart -->

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A Grateful Heart

My heart is overflowing with gratefulness right now.  Contrary to my human understanding, God's timing is always perfect.  Have you ever prayed and prayed and see no obvious anwer?

I know I have.  But I tend to look at things from my human perspective and not through ...my eyes of faith. 

Faith takes TRUST. 

And that's an area of life where I've struggled.  But I'm learning an important life lesson through this season. 

God is faithful!

Recently, I wrote about how I had gained some weight. 

When we moved, I sold our treadmill and other exercise equipment.  The weather has been so hot in Phoenix this summer.  So I didn't go outside to walk.  I was amazed at the difference not exercising has made in my post menopause body.  I absolutely need to have exercise a part of my daily regimen.  Why?
  • I feel better.
  • I sleep better.
  • I have more energy.
  • It helps with depression.
  • My clothes begin to fit better.
I could go on and on but you get the message:

Exercise is good for us.

I believe the Lord used a friend and her young son to totally bless me on Saturday.  The doorbell rang.  By the time I got to the door and peered out, nobody was there. However, there was something that was left behind on my doorstep.

A treadmill and two bags of groceries!

I was shocked and tears appeared quickly.  It was an answer to prayer.  Also included in the package was an envelope with a $50 gas card. 

I've been so humbled as we've gone through this challenging time.  And sometimes the ones who are used by God are people that surprise us. 

I'm pretty sure I know who came bearing gifts on Saturday morning.  Although no mention of name was given, D and V ...thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You will never know fully how grateful and thankful I am.  And I know you are teaching V many important life lessons.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. What a beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness and continual goodness! To hear God utilize vessels to impart His blessing upon you is so endearing and uplifting. We too have been going through times; but because we are skilled by the Holy Spirit we know that we are equipped to see the struggle as an opportunity to see God come through. I praise God for you and your willingness to write about what you are going through and how you are allowing God to bring you through! Be blessed!

  2. I'm telling you Debbie... God KNOWS when we need to be lifted in our walk with Him. What a beautiful expression as He graced you through these precious people who were sensitive and caring. I LOVE THIS!!! It encourages ALL of us!! :) :) :)
    You're going to be SMILING as you get on that treadmill!

    Love you!

  3. This is one of the greatest lessons any of us can learn.

    To simply trust God to give us what we need and when we need it.

    To not try to bless ourselves but to wait on Him to bless us more abundantly than we could have dared to dream or ask.

    To not focus on what we want but what He wants us to learn.

    You my friend are learning to trust Him in such beautiful ways! Your faith is encouraging for all to see!

    I love you,

  4. What a wonderful blessing to receive!! And, what a great example of what Shaun Groves was talking about here (http://bit.ly/9iElB9) while on his Guatamala trip...a 'Pay it Forward' way of thinking about how giving to others creates more giving.


  5. That is just sooooooooo awesome!!! We have been on the receiving side through our struggles and it is both humbling and faith building! I am rejoicing with you!!!

  6. Awesome testimony....God is so good!

  7. Knowing your generosity, Debbie, this doesn't surprise me. You are a giver and a lover and it is coming back to you. Praise God for the wonderful friends who obeyed the voice of God and blessed you. They are His hands and feet today.

  8. Oh Debbie, I'm humbled by your humble heart! I know what a rugged stretch this has been; and for so long.

    God bless the generous hands God used to bless you; and God bless you for blessing us!

  9. Oh Debbie what a blessing. God is always faithful.

    I'm so happy for you and Lisa finally getting an opportunity to meet. I know that meant the world to both of you. Yes God is faithful.

    Have a great week my friend.
    Much love to you!! ♥

    I may have to swing by and use your treadmill. The body doesn't get any better when your post menopause either. LOL!

  10. Oh you DID say post. I thought you said pre. *sigh* I think I need more than exercise. :D

  11. Doing the happy dance! God is so good. He knows the desire of our hearts. He is so faithful to provide above all that we hope for and ask for. Enjoy your new treadmill!

  12. Wow! What a blessing! God has answered your prayers in a beautiful way. My heart is full of happiness for you, Debbie! Thank you for sharing your joy with us! And blessings to your secret gift-givers!

    Living for Him, Joan

  13. That is such a God kind of gift, I love it! I am so encouraged to hear how God is at work, thank you for sharing your story of God's blessing! xo

  14. Oh Debbie, how wonderful for you! I'm so thankful God prompted people to express His love for you in tangible ways.

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. I don't get around as much as I should, but I am adding your blog to the few I make a point to read each week. Much love, Lee

  15. WOW! What a great example of living out God's command to love our neighbor! You have been blessed because you are a blessing to so many others!

  16. How very special....I would surely have cried too because God's faithfulness was so evident....yes, He still answers prayers even when we feel He doesn't!!


  17. God's angels are so precious sis.

  18. You told me about this yesterday, and I scrolled down until I found it. What a blessing, not only to you, but to the giver and to us as we read about God's faithfulness - even down to a treadmill. God's grace is sufficient, right down to the smallest details.
    Did you ever guess that your life would be so blessed by so many truly beautiful women? You are blessed, you are a blessing.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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