Heart Choices: Do You Want to Study the Bible? -->

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Do You Want to Study the Bible?

Do you want to study the Bible? 
According to Isaiah 40:8, the Word of God endures.  The things of this world will fade.  Look at how many people are losing their jobs and material possessions. 

In the midst of economic turmoil, where does your source of help come from?

By studying the Bible you can:
  • Learn about Jesus and how much He loves you.
  • Store up treasures that last
  • Listen to God speak into your heart
  • Grow in holiness
  • Have more intimacy with God as you spend time with Him
  • Learn how to live the Christian life
  • Understand prophecy and the signs of the times
If you are new to studying the Bible, I'm amazed at how many good Bible studies there are and ...for free.  We live in a nation that has been blessed with the freedom to worship how we want and when we want.  Many countries do not have that freedom.

I want to share some information wtih you about a Bible Study program that is worldwide.  It's called Bible Study Fellowship and you can be in different parts of the world and still be on the same page.  There are classes in Singapore, Paris and all across the United States.

I completed all seven studies through BSF several years ago.  But now, BSF has introduced a new study on the book of Isaiah. 

So, count me in!

If you don't know where BSF is offered in your area, you can click on this link to find a class that is close to you.  There are day classes and night classes. And btw, there are a few men's classes.  If you have children, there are programs for them too.  I taught for seven years in the children's program of BSF and what a blessing it was.

Who wouldn't want to be taught by one of these two ladies?  Marlene (on the left) is the teaching leader for the Phoenix women's night class.  Julie is the teaching leader for the Phoenix women's day class.

Julie's BSF class is held on Tuesday beginning at 9 am.  If you have a child under the age of five, there's a class for them too.  Even babies are welcome now.  The children are taught the same lesson the moms learn but on their level.  The goal is discuss the lessons learned with your child during the week.

Marlene's BSF class is held on Monday nights.  In this class, school age children are invited to attend.  They meet in a church in the west valley just off the 101.  It begins at 7 pm.  All of the classes in total last two hours. 

There is also a Scottsdale women's day class.  This is the one I attended in the past.  However, this year I will attend the evening women's class since it is closer to where I'm now living and the time is better for me.

Even if you don't live in the Phoenix area, the same program has been established all across the world.  I love it because when I traveled, I knew I could find a BSF class wherever I was going and still be on the same lesson.

I can't wait to get started tonight in the book of Isaiah.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or leave a comment below.

Blessings and love,
Debbie Petras
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  1. Sounds like an awesome experience Debbie!

    enjoy it and praying for you!

    Love and hugs,

  2. Not alot of comments here, but I know how wonderful BSF is. It's great that you are always pointing people to Christ.
    I too, am excited to start this study. I'm a little intimidated, but Julie did such a great job yesterday, I'm excited now. We'll have to share what we are learning. I look forward to it.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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