Heart Choices: Wednesday's Walk ~ Fishing -->

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Wednesday's Walk ~ Fishing

Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane is back. Yay! Jenilee of The Goodwin Family blog is hosting it. Thank you Jenilee!

This is one of my favorite pictures of my husband Greg. Years ago, we had a boat on Lake Powell which is on the border of Arizona and Utah. We loved to water ski and fish and even camp out under the stars.

Music tends to cement the memories for me. I remember cruising around listening to Michael Jackson's Thriller album and Lionel Richie's "Three Times a Lady".

Greg loves to fish but he hasn't done much of that lately. Maybe it's time to unpack the fishing rod?

I'll be back for another walk next week. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to look for many of my old photos and share memories.


Debbie Petras
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  1. Glad to "meet" you through the wednesday walk!

  2. My husband went fishing today but he didn't even have a bite! But he and his fishing buddy had fun anyway. ((smile))

    This was a fun memory that you shared today. I love having Wednesday's Walk back again don't you? It is a great place to re-live our special memories and share them with each other.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  3. thank you for posting that picture! I have one almost like it of my husband fishing. so fun! thanks for linking up with us and I look forward to reading more of your walk posts! :)

  4. So glad I stopped by from Wed. Walk! I love how a song can instantly transport me back to the moment of a certain memory.

  5. Wow, what a catch!

    I think fishing would be a great stress reliever. Maybe you could surprise him and kidnap him for a fishing date. :o)

  6. Your post reminded me that I've been wanting to plan a fishing trip for our family this summer! I love pictures like that too - that remind you of a really fun and great day!

  7. I agree, Debbie - you two need a break. I hope you will be able to get away for a couple of day.s

    Love & peace,

  8. Thanks for sharing with us Debbie. I enjoyed seeing the photo of Greg fishing. I pray opportunities for you both to have some down time come along again quickly.

    I too used to enjoy Lionel Richie's song back in the 80's..Once twice three times a lady. Seems like a long time ago.

    I love you dear sister and I'm praying for you.

  9. That's a great picture of your hubby. I'll admit, I liked both of those albums. I had both. :)

    Yes, pull the fishing rods out! Life is too short - we should do what we love huh?

    I ALWAYS think of you now when I think of Wednesday's Walk - because of the Norwegian relatives you discovered through it. That's just too cool. I know how much you liked participating - and I'm so glad Jenilee wanted to bring it back.

    Thanks for sharing Debbie.


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