I was almost going to skip this week's IOWT post but when I saw the quote she had chosen, I knew I had to participate.
You see, "Same Kind of Different As Me" was the Bloom Book Club choice earlier this year. BTW, it's such fun to read a book along with Angie and Jessica. The two sweet gals post videos where they discuss the book and what they learned. Being mothers of young children, they often end up taping in their bathroom so they can have some privacy. Don't you just love it?
OK, back to our quote for this IOWT.
I have always prided myself on being able to be organized and I can usually figure most things out. Hmm ...I notice that word PRIDE in there!
But lately I've been at the end of my rope, just like the quote.
My experiences are different from Denver Moore's. But I realize that when I get to the end of relying on my own resources, abilities and power, that's when I look to God.
When I come to Him by faith believing that He can do all things, He has the opportunity to intervene. It's always in His timing and in His perfect way which may be ...quite different than I expect.
As many of you know, I moved this past week from an almost 4,000 square foot house to a 1,100 square foot rental home. It was very difficult for me to leave but I realized that material possessions do not last. And maybe the Lord needed to loosen my grip on them.
I like to live in an orderly environment. I really hate chaos as I'm a pretty peaceful person. Disorder drives me crazy and right now that's what I'm living with. There are boxes that take up most of the garage and I can't find anything.
However, I've found very helpful resources online such as Bible Gateway and Crosswalk. Most of my books are somewhere in the garage along with many of my Bible study helps. My Amazon Kindle has been so helpful too. The Lord has shown me that I don't need to hold on to every book I've ever read. So, I'm starting to give them away or sell them at Half Priced Books.
The Lord is also teaching me that simplicity can be a good way to live. Why do I need every kind of kitchen tool known to man? And how many different sets of dishes do I need? After all, I'm really not much into entertaining. But I do love the Farmer's Rose Norwegian china that belonged to my mom.
Greg and I decided that I could create a little Norwegian style house to make it seem more like home. I don't know how long we'll be here but I'm learning to trust the Lord with those kind of decisions.
He has a plan and a purpose for my life and frankly, I want to get out of the way. He knows my heart better than me. So I pray that ...His desires will become my desires.
I'm learning that not being in control isn't so bad after all; especially when the God who created all things (Elohim) and the God who sees (El Roi) is ...in control.
Blessings and love,
ReplyDeleteIsn't 'timing' interesting?? This is a great subject, one that hits all of us at one time or another.
I really like that you and Greg are making your place like a Norwegian home, (as you know I would.) Some of my favorite things are my things from Norway. Our parents had a cabin in Oregon, and it was all Norwegian, just like her childhood. Even the outside was painted barn red.
I'm excited to see what's around the corner for you, and I know God has big plans... His plans!
2010: "Trust & obey"...
Love & hugs,
Sweet Debbie! I hear the struggle in your heart to be content in the midst of chaos. I know God knows your heart and desires to answer the cry for order. He loves you so much and will provide exactly what you need. In this time, He's providing a chance for you to trust Him more...and that is what you are doing, as His precious daughter obeying her Father. It is a beautiful sight. Hang in there for the full lesson. It is much more valuable than anything you might uncover in one of those dear boxes. I know...that was the case for me and I wouldn't trade it for the world, even though at the time it seemed a trial to great to withstand.
ReplyDeletePraying for you and praising God with you!
Love in Christ,
Ahhhhh stuff!
ReplyDeleteI'm so ready to purge stuff out of our home. With 9 children can you even imagine how much stuff we have acquired!?
I'm not a pack rat at all. I like less stuff - which means less to clean and keep track of.
I don't have a collection of anything. Strange to most - but I have never found joy in things and the closer I get to God the less anything here matters to me.
I'm learning to put all of my value in the relationships God has me in and to find joy with Him in them.
Love you!
Beautiful Debbie. First off I loved that book, read it when it came out. I love the idea of making your come Norwegian, that is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI know God has great things planned. But as you well know His plans and our plans sometimes do not coincide, but His are always sweeter in the end.
Ohhh Debbie...I did not know that you were part of Bloom Book Club.So are you in the social Ning too?
ReplyDeleteI just got Kindle for PC and loving it too, the problem is that my computer does not have enough space. I was not able to get this book and join this last time but I so enjoy Jessica and Angie's videos.
What a precious Norwegian piece of China! I'm a pack rat so I'd be months trying to do what you did. And books don't get me started ...that's MN. Here in Mexico, I live with minimal and still I have too much stuff.
Re: PRIDE...you just needed to word that differently and say you're a very "organized person and love organization because you're good at it".
Now I realized that this IOWT is about the quote but there was so much I just learned and enjoyed. I really do like that "our limitation is God's opportunity" because there is a lesson to be learned in this.
I'm sorry that you're a little crazy with this move, but frankly who wouldn't be? "Being at the end of your rope" so to speak leaves room for God to catch you. And He will and He does as you trust Him!
I have an issue with control also and need to learn your lesson & let go. My fear is more the insecurity.
I have not ever had a problem with God being in control, it's humans that worry me. This seems like God's making use of this move to teach you how to trust, eh?
Thank you for your transparency and this heartfelt post. I sense how difficult all this has been but look at the blessings...and less space to clean (lol)
Staying in faith and believing as I lift you in prayer,
Beautiful, Debbie, to hear how the Lord is showing you beauty in a new way.
ReplyDeleteThis really spoke to me , Debbie...disorder seems to bring out the worst in me sometimes, but by His grace, I will try to stay out of the way...because His ways are best and He knows EXACTLY what we need and when....
ReplyDeleteOh sweetie, I hear you about disorder...and boxes...and stuff. If we do indeed move this year, I shudder to think of the continued learning in this topic I will do. But I am so thankful that I know the God who is in control and can trust him.
ReplyDeleteThank you for participating this week!
Wow. What a major life change happening right now! A life of simplicity "ought" to be simple, but sometimes it takes a little getting used to. Thanks for sharing from such an honest place. Many blessings to you today.
ReplyDeleteLoving you, and praying for you.
ReplyDeletePraying the Lord will soon bring order out of the choas. I LOVE the idea of the Norwegian home. What a pretty piece of china and how special that it was your mom's. Trusting God through all of this is the perfect place to be. His control is really all we need. Have a good day. Hugs, Deb
ReplyDeleteGiving up those reins is sooooooo hard! It sounds like God may be doing some "spring cleaning" with you and your family. How exciting!!! Goodness is sure to come!
ReplyDeleteThat was really good, its amazing what we will find at the end of our rope if we only would look.
ReplyDelete"So I pray that ...His desires will become my desires."
ReplyDeleteMe, too.
Dear Debbie,
ReplyDeleteI don't know how big an average American home is.
1000 square feet sounds big to me.
The place I love highest on earth is the tiny hut my grandfather built for my lung sick grandmother in 1932. It is 2x4 meters,with a 1 square meter outdoor toilet/log stock room added.
It now belongs to the whole Ljung family, five generations.
We all like to gather there, summer and winter. My father and his siblings used the hut for their honeymoons, and it's become tradition that the Ljung cousins take their loved ones to visit the little red hut.
Fresh water in the brook and bath in the river.
I know, this is not how I could live every day. But it's a place filled with good memories, where I'll always want to return.
I think it is a marvelous idea to a<give your new home "Norwegian look. Gather memories and items you really care about. The Porsgrunn Porselen Famers Pattern can still be bought. It's genuine Norwegian, and hand painted.
I hate moving. We moved last time ten years ago, and I hope we can remain where we live now.
Even so we need to declutter.
So much assembled that we don't need or use.
It's a shame, actually.
The worst it living in chaos. You just have to accept that there's a reason thing takes time.
I hope you will bring us some phots of how your "new" life is developing.
Another blogfriend of mine, Mrs. Mac, did that. It's such an interesting reading.
God bless and strengthen you to day and always.
From Felisol
A wonderful post Debbie.....gave me room to pause and think about the chaos in my own life. Chaos is not limited to things, but also to being to busy...our minds get cluttered too.
ReplyDeleteI think you will enjoy that Norweigen home. It will be the perfect setting for your pancakes!
Love you,
When I come to Him by faith believing that He can do all things, He has the opportunity to intervene. It's always in His timing and in His perfect way which may be ...quite different than I expect.
ReplyDeleteI praise God you are trusting Him with those things you didn't expect and know He smiles at your willing heart. Hang in there, Debbie. God is working!
Oh, Debbie, you words are just so encouraging. You are right, it is not easy to lose control, but knowing that He is, is indeed comforting.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing from your heart.
Love & peace,