Heart Choices: Mother's Day -->

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Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a time to celebrate moms.  But I know that it's not always a fun holiday for everyone. 

For some women, it's a painful reminder of their inability to have the children they dreamed about.  Others may be missing their moms who have since died.  And I  know that some women don't always hear from their children on Mother's Day; a painful reminder of challenging relationships. 

Those Hallmark moments aren't always as perfect ...as they seem.

My mom was beautiful, inside and out.  But she died a little over five years ago so I miss her greatly.

I also received news on Thursday that her only brother Ivar died after a battle with mesothelioma.  I was so glad that I had the opportunity to speak with him several months ago.  At that time, he was his usual joking self.  Uncle Ivar would have celebrated his 84th birthday on Sunday, Mother's Day.

Here is my Uncle Ivar with his youngest son James at Thanksgiving.  It's funny about timing as just this past Wednesday I wrote about my cousins (they are Uncle Ivar's children).  If you missed it,  you can read it here.

There may be reasons we don't always understand for why things happen.  I always dreamed of the white picket fence and a loving husband and children.  Well, I am so thankful for my loving husband Greg but the children part didn't happen.  I guess I can always put up a white picket fence, right? :)

A wise and very thoughtful blogging friend and sister sent me a precious email earlier in the day.


I read Lisa Shaw's recent blog and it SO reminded me of YOU! When she made mention of all the mentors and tireless helpers and Bible teachers, etc., as 'mothers' also!! You may not have a child of your own, but I know as I'm sitting here, that you have blessed the lives of so many of our children, and I just want to thank you for that. For my own 3... it was often the 'Debbie's' along the way that have taught, loved, and reinforced what I as a mother want so much for each of them.

Thank you Debbie! Remember, like my mom always said... "God keeps the records", and not one of the things you have done for these little ones, as unto Him, have gone un-noticed.

I love you sister!

Sonja of bits and pieces, you have blessed me abundantly with your kind words.  You reminded me to focus on how good God is.  He allowed me to teach little children in Bible Study Fellowship.  He gave me awesome nieces and nephews to spoil.  He provided me with great friends who shared their children with me. 

I always want to bloom in adversity.  Instead of saying 'why me' I want to say 'YES GOD' to whatever His plans are for me.

And I do want to wish all of you moms a Happy Mother's Day!

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Dear friend,

    I'm making my rounds and wanted to love on you and say "Happy Mother's Day" for you indeed have been and are pouring into so many young people along the way. You're a blessing to many lives. GOD chose how to use your life and it's beautiful.

    I'm so blessed that Sonja wrote that to you because YOU were one of the people I was thinking of when I wrote that in my message!!!! See how GOD wants you encouraged!!!!!!

    As one who has mixed feelings about Mother's Day I can understand. While I'm overjoyed in the mother-love I received from my Grandma growing up and am exceedingly overjoyed in my children and grandchildren (all whom I adore); and the joy they bring; I still hurt over having a mother that doesn't extend love and it hurts to not have Grandma here and then of course my heart never forgets my Precious (baby) in God's arms since 1991. I can't wait to hold my Precious when I get to heaven.

    So I said all of this to say, often those who are hurting on Mother's day hurt in silence. I pray for all who are that God's comfort would surround us all.

    I love you Debbie and GOD loves you even more!

    I'm very sorry about your Uncle. I pray comfort for your family.

    Blessings upon you dear one.

  2. Wow...this has been on my heart all day and you said it. I have friends who won't go to church on Sunday because of Mother's day for the reasons you have stated. I also believe that spiritual mothers have as important role, and sometimes more, than physical mothers.
    I have already been so blessed by you and you were on my heart today to say...Happy Mother's Day to you, because if you have blessed me through your spiritual mothering, than I am sure many, many others can say the same.....
    Blessings to you...and if you ever get that house to put the white fence up, I would love to come and help....Have a great day, because everyday is special!!!


  3. Your thoughts here are why I commented as I did on your previous post. Like Jeanette, I also have friends who avoid church on Mother's Day and I don't blame them. Just know you are loved and are so important to many lives.

  4. Sorry, I mispelled Janette's name.

  5. Debbie,
    We miss our mothers so much don't we (and prayers for the loss of your uncle as well)...in a nutshell we miss their hearts....full of the love they so abundantly gave to us...yes,their "mother hearts." You have the heart of a mother Debbie, that SAME HEART, just ask all of us out here! So, 3rd sis, sending love to you on Mother's Day bigtime.

    Carol Joy

  6. Well Debbie, between you and Lisa today, I have shed more than a few tears. What a very special weekend this has been already.

    You are special to so many. I love your sweet gracious spirit, and I appreciate the heart of my friend Debbie!

    Much love,


  7. Dear Debbie,

    I have been thinking about you a lot the last couple of days.

    I too want to recognize you for all the ways you minister to others - me included. The way your wisdom has touched me, encouraged me and guided me along this journey. Just like a mother would to her child. You are always so loving and so full of grace - even during the trials!

    I love you Debbie and am blessed to call you friend and sister!

    Hugs sweet friend!
    Tomorrow a post is going up that was NOT easy for me to write for my parenting feature on Totally Tots - pray for the hearts who read it to receive God's love for them in their greatest calling whether it be as a mentor, guardian, foster mother, sponsor, etc - raising a child takes a village - full of grace, mercy, and God's truth and love!


  8. Very sorry about your uncle, praying for your family. I love you dearly, and appreciate your beautiful Mother's heart.

  9. This was beautiful my friend. I believe it's people like you that give the extra family that some people need. My BFF is the official Auntie to my children. She and her husband were unable to have children together but she loves on mine like her own and gives them that feeling of extended family where there is none.
    Everything you do touches a life one way or another.
    Big Hugs to you sweet sister.

  10. Debbie, This is such a sweet post. Too often we forget those who have those feelings of sadness on Mother's Day as they are missing their Moms or other reasons.

    I have been thinking of you. You are special to me.

  11. This is a very important message that will minister to many hearts I am sure! Praying the Lord will uplift you as you remember your wonderful mom.

  12. Oh Debbie.

    I'd just like you to know that you have filled me up and encouraged me and motivated me so many times! You have sweetly directed me and inspired me - on so many levels...through our blogs. And I just want to say THANK YOU. I'm blessed by you - and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow :)

    You're awesome :)

    Kate :)

  13. Yes, Debbie, you are an inspiration and mentor to many women. You are nurturing and building into the lives of many, blessed are you my friend.

    I've been praying for you this week concerning the passing of your uncle. May you feel the Lord's loving embrace.

    You are loved.

  14. Dear Debbie,

    This is such a heart-warming post. Thank God for such a lovely and precious mother. May the memory of her remains sweet and dear to your heart always. I am sorry to hear of your lost of a dear Uncle. May you feel the Lord's loving arm around you always. Take care and have blessed Lord's day and week ahead.

    Warm regards,

  15. I lost my mom in 2003 and miss her very much, she 'showed me Jesus."

    But God has blessed me with a wonderful lady from church who I now call "Mom." She encourages me along with those big hugs when we great each other.

    Like her, I'm sure you are a blessing to many!

  16. A mother's heart isn't predicated on having given birth. It's a condition of grace blended with nurture - and so like the Father's heart towards His own.

    You are that, friend. A nurturer that mothers, in the best of ways, those young ones brought to your life & care.

    I gladly share my chidren & grandchildren with you. I know they'd one day rise up and call you blessed too.

    Until Wednesday ...


  17. Debbie, you have a mother's heart and the Lord has no doubt used it to bless soo many that have had the privilege of coming across you in your life. There are soo many who may be mother's in the physical sense, but their hearts have never been those of a loving mother. How they need women like you who sooo openingly nuture and love children. I KNOW your nieces and nephews have been blessed indeed. Som I am sending you lots of love on Mother's Day....sorry to hear about your uncles....BLESSINGS AND HUGS, Debbie

  18. We don't know the reasons now that God hasn't allowed all women that want children to have them, however, I know that you & many others have so blessed the lives of all the children you have touched. Thank you for that!

    Your post is beautiful ~ my condolences for the loss of your uncle.

    Brightest blessings,

  19. Beautiful words Debbie. What a lovely encouragement your friend sent you. I agree that spiritual mothers are extremely important and such a blessing.

    So sorry to hear about your uncle. May the Lord's peace and comfort abound.

    Blessings dear one.

  20. Debbie, what a beautiful post!! Thank you for sharing with us.



  21. Dear Debbie,
    I so understand that you miss your Mom to day and all other days. My dad died three years ago,I haven't stopped grieving yet, even if I know he's "home free" with Jesus.

    In Norway we celebrate mother's Day second Sunday of February. That is good. May has so may jubilees and red days.

    I did not become a mother till I was 38 and I so can confirm Sonja's way of thinking.
    God need women with motherly feelings willing to share and be there for all the needy children of the world.
    I've often sen just that happen; the women are not blessed with children of their flesh. God simply need them for pressing tasks for his needy ones. Jesus said, "What you have done for one of my smallest,you have done for me."
    May he bless you richly back.

  22. It is true Debbie, you have blessed many lives, young and old.

    You are right, on so many levels, Mother's Day can be a difficult day. I have already heard from friends what a hard day it was for them. But your blogging insights helps us understand that it can be very rewarding on lots of different levels also.

    One more thing.....cute picture of you and kids on the slide, especially that little boy in the very back. Cute kid!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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