Heart Choices: Praying the Names of God ~ Holy One -->

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Praying the Names of God ~ Holy One

I continue to study Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of God" and linking up with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always

This week our focus is on God as "Holy One of Israel" or "Qedosh Yisrael".

Qedosh is Hebrew for Holy One.
The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: 'Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.'" Leviticus 19:1-2

Holiness is grounded in God's nature.  He exists above and apart from the world He created.  Ann writes:

It is important to realize that God's holiness involves not just separation from sin but his absolute hostility toward it.
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments for the people of Israel to obey.  This was their standard. 

Believers today are called to be holy; to reflect the character of Christ.  We've been given the Holy Spirit to enable us to grow in holiness.

My desire is to grow in holiness but ...my flesh gets in the way. 

I've asked the Lord to search every area of my life and reveal the areas that are not pleasing to Him. ( I challenge you to do this because He will reveal things to you.)

I've learned a secret to growing in holiness.  It's called ...abiding in Christ.

It's a moment by moment 'heart choice' I have to make over and over throughout my day. 
  • Will I give in to my flesh and do what I want to do?
  • Or will I listen to the Holy Spirit and trust and obey God?
My desire is to reflect Jesus.  But if I continually satisfy my flesh, I'm not abiding and growing in holiness.  There are some areas of my life that still need lots of Holy Spirit cleaning.  But I'm learning that His way is the best way for me.  Believe me, I've made way too many mistakes in my life. 

I want to be right in the center of God's will for my life, no matter what that is.

How about you?  Are you willing to abide in Christ?  Do you struggle with this too?

How thankful I am that He is a God of grace, love, patience and mercy.

Blessings and love, 

Debbie Petras
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    Love you and thankful to share this journey with you!

    Thanks for the love you showered me with today!


  2. hi debbie!

    do i struggle? only every moment. if
    i gain a victory, then i puff up and fall
    right back on my face.

    thank goodness for His mercies.

    happy mother's day!

  3. Debbie,

    My signature is "Abiding in Him". That's where I always want to be. It's a constant starving of the flesh so that I will feed the Spirit. Loved your writing today...a very good reminder. I often tell my children that God's standard of the ten commandments are not suggestions and they were written with His Holy hands and must be treated with such respect.

    Love you, my friend. Oh so much!

  4. Thanks for the encouraging reminder to us for this daily battle! He will give us the tools and the strength to resist our flesh and follow His way. There is no better place than to be abiding in Him!

  5. Debbie:

    Yes, this is another one of THOSE words!! Holy, holiness... it's what I want too, and 'abiding'... sometimes I think I'm like a yo yo... the only good thing is, the bounces aren't as high as they used to be! Only because He has gotten my attention through the years, and slowly I have listened...but there's still a lot more to learn. "Abiding" is the goal, not just when I feel like it.

    Love you sister!


  6. I think I'm actually going to have to order this book. Everytime I see your Name study, I want to know more about what you are learning. Also, looks like a good resource.
    It seems that I am constantly being reminded of God's Holiness, always asking myself if I respect the holiness of God?

  7. I've heard it said so often that the safest place to be is in the center of God's will. I'm on the journey with you and tomorrow I'll see you in person!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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