Heart Choices: Praying the Names of God ~ Yahweh Rophe -->

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Praying the Names of God ~ Yahweh Rophe

I'm continuing to study Ann Spangler's book "Praying the Names of God" and linking up with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always.  If you've not joined in, it's not too late.  For me, there's nothing like growing in my understanding of who God truly is that puts my life into proper perspective.

This week we're focusing on God as Yahweh Rophe; the Lord who heals. 

God was first introduced as healer in Exodus 15:26:
If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.

Ann wrote that:
  • God is the source of all healing 
  • The New Testament reveals Jesus as the Great Physician
  • Jesus is the healer of body and soul
  • His miracles point to the Kingdom of God
She ended Monday's devotional with a prayer that ended with this:
I pray that you will heal whatever is bitter in our lives, transforming us in ways that glorify you.  Amen.

I don't know about you but my first thought about healing is people who are physically sick or have a disease.  So many people seek healing for cancer, chronic and disabling diseases or simply a cold or the flu. 

But have you ever considered bitterness a disease? 

Think about this.  It starts out with a root of bitterness but over time it can fester and grow.  Eventually, it has the potential to manifest itself in a variety of ways including depression, chronic fatigue, and many phyiscal symptoms.

This morning as I sat outside on the patio reading my Bible and praying, I asked the Lord to search my heart and reveal any areas of bitterness that may be creeping in.  I hate to admit this but I wrote three pages in my journal. 

My seeds of bitterness were small.  But God revealed to me that He can transform those seeds of bitterness into sweetness, if only I will entrust them to Him. 

I've experinced many changes recently.  Most of them are changes that I didn't ask for nor desire.  But I felt that I was adapting well and trusting God.  I've lost much in the way of material possessions but I realize they are only temporary anyway.  And everything I have is really the Lord's.

As the Lord revealed a few things to my heart that were personal, I asked Him to heal me of this bitterness.  I layed down everything and everyone at His feet.  And I know that true healing is taking place within me.

As bitterness is replaced with sweetness, He reminded me of several things this morning:

I always wanted to grow roses.  Last month when we first moved in to this house, there was a dying rose bush.  I've fertilized it and watered it, and now look at the beautiful red roses.  The Lord knew my favorite color of rose is RED!  How like God to bless me like this!

I couldn't resist showing you these buds.  Each day I look to see the new blossoms.  I'm new at this so any rose growing tips will be appreciated.

I am blessed with bunnies and lots of them!  They run so fast.  Greg always describes me as fast as a bunny since I tend to move quickly.  Well, the yard is often filled with rabbits and even jack rabbits.

And talk about fruit trees!  The bunnies look for fruit that has fallen off the trees.  I've been told I need to pick up all of the fruit that falls but there's lots of it and I know some of the wildlife gets to it before me.  Oh well ...

I now have a place to plant a vegetable and herb garden.  I've never done this before so I may have to ask my friend Lylah of LA MAISON ET LE JARDIN for some gardening advice.  She lives in the Phoenix area and owns her own Cactus Farm.  And btw, we found out that her husband and I graduated from the same high school in Lindenhurst, NY. And we were just one year apart. It truly is a small world after all!

My SIL Amy gave us this gift of a tomato planter.  I plan to try it out as I love fresh tomatoes.  I have the best recipe for gazpacho which is a perfect cold summer soup.

The Lord God Yahweh Rophe also reminded me of the blessing of ...quietness. 

No wonder I can now hear the symphony in my backyard.  The birds sing and chirp back and forth.  I hadn't realized how noisy a well maintained gated community can be.  After all, the loud blowers were constantly working to keep everything well trimmed and looking beautiful.  It may not be as pretty and manicured here but I love the new sounds. 

The two sounds that most frequently interrupt the quietness here are the sound of jets from the nearby Air Force base and the sound of an ambulance taking someone to the nearby hospital. 

The jet sound reminds me of the reality of war and yet I'm so thankful for the young men and women who are protecting our country in the military. 

The ambulance sound reminds me that life is fleeting and temporary.  This isn't my real home.  I'm just passing through and I don't want to waste my life on bitterness.

The Lord also moved me closer to a blogging friend.  Kathleen of Sassy Granny is awesome!  She is becoming a close friend and yesterday I spent some time with Kathleen and her husband Terry.  We went to church together and heard a wonderful sermon.  Afterwards we stopped by Paradise Bakery for a coffee and muffin.

So thank you Yahweh Rophe for revealing what was in my heart.  Thank you for the healing that only You can provide. 

I so want to be transformed into someone that can be useful for His purposes.  And I want to glorify God during my time on this earth.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. How blessed you are to live near Kathleen and spend time with her. I am just a wee bit jealous!

    Yes, we all have areas that need healing and they are not all physical. However, if we do not seek GODS healing in those areas I guarantee you that they will become physical. Bitterness, jealousy, resentment, etc. will eat us up from the inside out.

    Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

  2. Sweet Friend this is a beautiful post! So full of His grace and mercy!

    I love the rose bush He has given you. Sorry I am not a green thumb no tips on how to keep it healthy!

    I shared a deep part of my heart today - keep me covered in prayer as I heal from many areas I kept hidden inside.

    Lots of love,

  3. Thanks for sharing a peek into your life at your new home!

    I love the name of Jehovah Rophe as our healer and like you, I first think of physical healing but there are so many other ways He heals us. Great reminder.

  4. I was just reading on another blog about the "smallness" of life that allows us the occasion to notice the greatness of God! We live a crowded life, do we not?

    So glad you are finding the healing presence of God in the midst of change. I, too, am growing into a better version of me...

    only by the grace of God!

    You and Sassy make a great team. We all need some "sas" in our lives! You found the right mix.


  5. This is just beautiful Debbie! I LOVE your pictures, both of your beautiful area and of you and Kathleen! What a lot of ground you covered here, and all of it so worthwhile!

    It is so neat that when we really take time to listen, God reveals the 'little foxes that spoil the vines' and we can confess them and move forward. No one but God does this, and His way is always the best.

    I still love that you and Kathleen are getting together... I'm with you in spirit!

    Love you!


  6. Your photos are delightful to behold and I want to thank you for the reminder to really see and appreciate God's creation that's all around us!

  7. This was such a good post...my heart is so full from this sharing...loved this line here...

    "This isn't my real home. I'm just passing through and I don't want to waste my life on bitterness."...can I say...GLORY!

  8. I really am enjoying your blog. I asked you to pray for my nephew, now I am asking for another prayer request...I teach 1st grade and today one of my first graders and her mother were killed in a car accident. Please pray for the Simmons' family in Alabama. Thank you!

  9. Hi sweetie, Loved(I mean loved)this post-your words are so true! I have a dear neighbor who is in the final stages of cancer and harbors deep bitterness for her mom-it is so very sad to see. We need to rid our spirit of any resentment/bitterness or hope deferred. I'm right there with you...and I love the bunnies and roses too. Hugs to you today.
    With love and prayers,

  10. thanks for visiting my blog!

    this looks like a great study. I did Kay Arthur's study on the names of God...awesome!!

    It is a small world..I grew up in Tucson. My family still lives there and I try to get back every summer for a week!

    I have used that topsy turvy before and it works GREAT!! I loved mine!

    so nice to meet a new blogging friend!

  11. Debbie, I am so happy for you! Happy that you let the Lord cleanse and heal you and I can truly "feel" a sweet peace about you in this post. This blesses my heart! I LOVE the blessings you have mentioned about your new situation. Keep seeking the blessings of the Lord, and He will keep your heart light and thankful.

    I love you and thank God for the sweet gifts He has given you during this time. Continuing to pray for you...


  12. What a great post! Yahweh Rophe heals us physically, spiritually, emotionally...I praise Him for the healing He has done in my life.

    Love the pictures of you with Kathleen. My hubby and I got to spend the weekend with Elaine and Billy. What a wonderful blog buddy weekend we all had!

  13. This was such a good post Debbie. I too usually think of God as the healer of our physical bodies, but He really is soo very much more. PRAISE GOD....I love your roses...sooo pretty...and the bunnies are adorable. I feel like you have such a wonderful attitude and spirit about all the changes you have been going through. It is inspiring. BLESSINGS AND HUGS, Debbie

  14. Great post with lots to meditate on...and thanks for the complement :-).....we do need to visit before it gets to hot ....and i can show you our heirloom tomatoes :-)

  15. I have been studying "The Heart of the Problem" by Henry Brandt. He has been talking about bitterness and the effects it can have on our body and soul. That is great that the Lord has revealed to you some small seeds which can lead to bigger problems. It is great that you have turned it all over to God for healing. He is such an awesome God , and it is neat to be able to walk in the Spirit once again after being cleansed. You are deeply loved.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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