Heart Choices: Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ El Shaddai -->

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Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ El Shaddai

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

I've been reminded this week that our God never changes. He is the God of the impossible. He is unchanging, the same yesterday, today and forever. How comforting that is to me!

May you remember that our God is ...El Shaddai.

No matter what challenges you may be facing He is the God of the impossible. I'm learning to trust and obey.


Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie:

    This has been one of my favorites for years! I love Amy Grant and I love El Shaddai. "Age to age you're still the same"... isn't that amazing? This is a perfect song for listening, worshiping and remembering the unchanging faithfulness of our God.

    Great choice Debbie!

    Love you...


  2. Blessings Debbie...Clearly HE IS EL Shaddai for you tonight! I believe our two songs go together. Hearing Amy's precious words and voice again brings me back. I'm so thankful for the beautiful reminder tonight that HE IS EL SHADDAI; age to age, never changing, filled with power in His Name. Mostly praise songs so far!

    Thank you for this choice & your loving words of WHO HE IS. I needed this reminder and the comfort of trusting Him as the One who does not change or fail, no matter what.
    "Of what the Messiah means to me"
    YES...oh yes all of what the Messiah is and means... I'm so blessed by this. Thank you!


  3. What a beautiful song and a great reminder! Great choice!

  4. Amen, have always loved this song.

  5. I've always thought this song was so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it this week.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!

    What a perfect song for our study in March!

    I can't wait to dig in deep of all the names of God!

    Sweet friend thank you for your prayers and love this week. When I tell you that it has taught me truly the meaning of trusting and obeying Him - I mean it literally on a deep level.

    Let go and let God Debbie. As you said here, no matter what is happening all around you - HE WON"T FAIL YOU!

    He loves you so deeply that every detail down to the most minute He knows and is working on!

    He won't let go of you and is holding onto you! Sit back and rest in His being right there loving you!

    Father, You are El Shaddai. Lord, I pray right now that You teach Debbie what it is You want her to learn. Lord, open her eyes to see You in all that is going on. Open them so that she can rest in You being right there. Allow her to rest in Your perfect love for her and guide her with Your light. Father, grant her peace that surpasses all understanding as she continues to trust in You and desires to obey You. Love on her for me as I'm so far away. Speak to her and whisper my prayers to her heart. Let her know how much she is loved and rest in that! Oh God You and You alone deserve all praise and honor and glory! We thank You for never changing! You are an awesome God who loves us! We are reminded of that love every single day and I pray we live by it and allow it to change us more into Your image! I pray in Jesus' most blessed name. Amen!

    Hugs my precious friend!

  7. Powerful song; one that always gives me goosebumps!

  8. He is the God of the impossible. Thanks for the reminder of that, Debbie. I always need to hear it again and again. Love this song.

  9. This song is right at the VERY top of my favorites. I just LOVE it. Amy Grant is wonderful too. There is just something soo comforting about know the constantness of God. Have a good week-end Debbie. Hugs, Debbie

  10. I love this song!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Regards Debbie.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  11. That was just gorgeous, Debbie. I love that song. Thanks for sharing it. Love and Hugs ~

  12. I think this may be my favorite Amy Grant song. Thanks for posting it today!

  13. The God of the impossible...what a trend for today!

    I so need your blog now...I'm getting ready to start training for a half marathon and really want to work on learning a new, healthier lifestyle, as well as building my walk with other Christians.

  14. I'm right there with you, Debbie, praising Him for doing the impossible in our lives. Our Messiah never fails.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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