Lately, I can identify with little Rachel in this photo.
I'm really amazed at how emotions and uncertainty drain my energy. I'm a person who prefers to:
- Stay in my comfort zone
- Set goals and discipline myself to stay on schedule
- Plan my future
- Study and read up on things I don't understand
That's fine when I'm walking by sight. I can pretty much keep things under control.
But right now there are circumstances in my life that:
- I didn't plan.
- I didn't ask for.
- I dislike going through.
- I don't know what the outcome will be.
However, I believe God is teaching me ...to walk by faith.
(Photo: Niece Kristin in Philadelphia)
Instead of relying on my own strength, which is pretty strong given my Viking heritage, I need to rely on the Lord. I need to stay close to the Lord and trust and obey Him each step of the way.
This has been a difficult lesson for me to learn.
But in the midst of my trials, I know that the Lord has a plan and a purpose for my life. And I'm thankful that nothing happens to me that isn't filtered first through ...His fingers of love.
So when I feel weary and burdened by troubles in this world, I need to be reminded that I'm not alone. I can have peace in my soul regardless of life's circumstances.
Where does your strength come from?
I'm learning that my strength comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He is El Shaddai and nothing is impossible with Him.
Where are you getting your strength to handle the personal challenges you may be facing? Are you looking to your spouse, finances, social position, power or the government to meet your needs? I encourage you to share a comment below.
Just wrote a post on my blog a few days back about not having enough strength lately and the only one I can call out to give me that strength is Christ.. Thanks for sharing and the reminders! God bless, deb
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are a lot like me. I'm sure the Lord will bless you my dear friend with his strength.
Sweet sis, keep walking. I am walking the journey with you. I will be praying for you. I love you.
ReplyDeleteYour post touches on strength perfectly...in that we have to rely on the Lord. Isn't it awesome that He is always there for us...that we have only to turn to Him.
ReplyDeleteBlessings & Aloha!
(Thank you for coming by :o) And I always look forward to your comments!!! Yes, it would be great if you join in on the Valentine's Day meme :o)
What a great reminder for me as I yawn from exhaustion! Great post. xo
ReplyDeleteMy trust is in the Lord. But, since my husband's unemployment over about nine months ago, I've learned He sometimes uses the government to provide for His people. We'd have lost our home already were it not for those unemployment checks. So, while I don't put my faith in the government, I am so thankful for the help it has provided. (Rom. 13) During these difficult times, often my dear hubby has relied extra-hard on my emotional support, and we've both been thankful for the extra work I've found in the interim. And all of these have come through the grace of God. He is good, and He is faithful.
ReplyDeleteI am with you, Debbie. There are many times I think that I can not take another step. But I keep my eyes fixed on the Cross.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your wisdom with us.
In this world we live in today, I know soo many who are weary and whose strength is spent. I am right there with you. Soo many things I never thought I'd deal with, and certainly didn't want to. But you are soo right. He is faithful and ever present. Honestly, I have no idea where I'd ever be without Him to lean on and led me through. Have a good day Debbie. Lots of love, Debbie
ReplyDeleteThis road you are on is exactly the road that is teaching you what your heart wants, to trust and obey. I sometimes wish we could learn without the trials He allows, but no, it's IN those very 'days of our lives' that He proves His faithfulness and shows us more of Himself. Keep trusting.. you're growing, and God so loves it when we really wallk by faith in Him and in all of His promises. (And you know... I speak to myself in every one of these words!)
Love you sister,
Amen!!! God is my strength, everything else takes my strength away...but he refills me.
ReplyDeleteOh there are days when I don't think I can go one more step. For me, when I can't find the strength to do anything else, I simply worship Him. I turn on some good praise and worship music, or tune into the Prayer Room at the Kansas City International House of Prayer and just worship. There I gain new perspective and new strength!
ReplyDeleteI left a blog award for you on my blog. I hope you will visit to pick it up!
ReplyDeleteGood insight. When all that is comfortable and secure is taken from us, we are forced to realize it is only God through Jesus Christ that really matters anyways.
ReplyDeleteThis is needed in my everyday!
Thank you!!! Love you!
Praying for you for God to strengthen you and lift you close to His heart, dear friend.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you.
Blessings Debbie...Definitely know what it's like to have your emotions drain from you physically & emotionally, they can sap your spiritual life also if you don't press in and press on or better yet HOLD ON to Him.
ReplyDeleteI love that you already are starting to focus on the Names of God(Jill's study in March)...
there's also a Bible Study starting today AT THE WELL on "God, Who are you?" Looks like your focus is on
"El Shaddai" from the song in TSMSS to this strength & faith builder today. God, who is sufficient,
supplier of all of one's needs, and therefore by derivation "almighty".
That alone is encouraging.
I sent you my verses in an email on strength and being strengthened. I shared a song for you today at my place.
I use to look to most of those in your question...and now I turn to God. I find that He is my strength
in all things. He gives me my strength. I find on different needs I need a different facet of God & I focus on that portion:)
For strength today:
God is Elohim. This name means “Strength” or “Power.” He is transcendent, mighty, and strong. Elohim is the great name of God, signifying supreme power, sovereignty, and a covenant relationship that He is ever faithful to keep. Genesis 17:7,8
God is the strength of my strength of my heart...beautiful song by Don Moen:)~ you know I love Him & Don!
Praying for you today that our Faithful, Mighty GOD will show His Grace in an unexpected, wonderful way.
ReplyDeleteKeep Hanging On!
I love the way you used His title, El Shaddai. Just finished a study that reminded me of His names, titles and descriptions. The Bible is full of them, and using the names that fit our circumstances can bring us into that needed presence of God. When I need strength, I want to call upon My mighty Rock (Ps. 62:7), when I need a place to hide, how sweet it is to know that He is My Hiding Place (Ps. 32:7); weary, God of all comfort (2Cor. 1:3). Whatever my need, He is sufficient. Praise God. Love you.
ReplyDeleteI can sure say all the right words...God honors our faith.... I mean them......when things are going right it's just another day. There we are again Debbie, I too dislike being out of my comfort zone, and dislike not knowing what the outcome will be.
ReplyDeleteI'm SO am learning more and more that my faith shakes anywhere outside my walk with Him. Keep close to Him always, yes we will!!
Carol Joy
Hi Debbie,
ReplyDeletePretty much going through this right now...how strange that in the storm as we cry out to Him, all we want to do is praise Him..
Praying for you, Debbie. You are loved.
ReplyDeleteI'm going through an uneasy time right now too and I find that God is waiting for me to really, really let go and allow Him to handle it. I try really hard to "Let go and let God" but sometimes that human factor kicks in and I begin that foolish trick of doubting when, wondering what if, and all the other crazy making things our brains can think of. I feel tonight that He is waiting for me to jump or leap with faith. I hope that you can find clarity too. He never forsakes us and it's all in His timing.
ReplyDeleteBrightest blessings,
Oh how I need His strength each day because I do often feel exhausted. Thanks for this uplifting post!
ReplyDeletePraying that you are having a great week! :D
Love to you!
We just have to keep trusting the Lord, Debbie. Praying for God to give you wisdom and strength to endure. And I'm praying that He will bless you. Love and Hugs ~
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post Debbie! So timely too.
oh....you know me. I try to get things done myself. God is dealing with me in this area too. Thanks so much for your honest, heartfelt post. Blessings, SusanD
ReplyDeleteOh Amen Sister!!! My Strength is from the LORD!! I've been talking about it more lately on my Strength for the Journey blog. I'd be spent completely if not for GOD's strength that surrounds and supports me.
ReplyDeleteI love your heart.