Heart Choices: Wear Red Day -->

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Wear Red Day

Today is National Wear Red Day. The American Heart Association aims to educate the public about heart disease.

Did you know that the #1 killer of women is heart disease? We often think it's breast cancer which seems to be impacting more and more women every day. But the statistics prove that ...heart disease is the #1 killer of women.

As many of you know, I worked as a cardiovascular nurse specialist for 25 years. Although I no longer work in this field, I try to keep up as best I can.

I was born with a congenital heart defect called an atrial septal defect. Although today this is a simple defect to correct with open heart surgery, I was born way back in 1953. This was before our modern surgical techniques.

My parents learned of my diagnosis when I was two years old. The recommendation given to them was to wait until the surgery became less dangerous. As a result, I was a very sedentary child during those early years. At the age of seven, I finally had open heart surgery at Columbia Presbyterian Children's Hospital in New York City.

At that time, we needed 30 blood donors with B+ blood. They were required to travel to NYC to donate blood the morning of the surgery. I'm amazed at how the techniques have changed and improved. My mom was having a hard time locating donors with B+ blood. So, she turned to the newspapers.

A Newsday article "Mother Pleads for Blood to Save Life of Debbie, 7" got the attention of the public and thankfully we had enough blood donors. The good news is that I came through the surgery and I've been healthy and active ever since.

For years, my mom and I would do all we could to help the American Heart Association by going door to door collecting donations. Mom felt this was the least we could do for this organization.

There's a simple online test you can take to check your risk for heart disease.

Here's the link to get started. It only takes minutes and will show you how to get started taking better care of your heart health.

I want to encourage you to wear RED today! I love the color RED so I have no problem wearing it. :)

Heart Choices is all about how your day by day choices determine what your tomorrows will become. These choices impact your body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and your spirit.

Let's take care of our bodies and our hearts so we can be about the work the Lord has called each one of us to do.

I'm going to link to Sandy of God Speaks Today for this Fitness Friday so you can read more about ways to take care of your health.

And don't forget to wear RED today!

Happy Wear Red Day Friday!

Debbie Petras
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  1. Thanks for caring about ur hearts, love you dear.

  2. I did it! I wore red today (and I'm not terribly fond of that color), and when I stopped at Macy's they actually gave me a 20% discount on my purchase BECAUSE I had red on.

    What a worthy cause, and equally worthy reminder!


  3. Wow, Debbie, I did not know you had to go through all that when you were young. Thank God for His healing touch on your life. I know my problem is getting active! Love you ~

  4. Debbie,

    thanks for sharing your story. What an amazing testimony you have. Your post is both informative and personal. I love it.

    Blessings friend!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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