Heart Choices: Living Intentionally Together -->

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Living Intentionally Together

Extravagant Grace

A new year is almost upon us. I can't believe it will be 2010 in two days.

Where has the time gone? I guess that's what happens the older we get, right?

It's that time when we often make those New Year's resolutions.

Let me tell you what I'm going to do this year.

I'm planning to join eLisa of Extravagant Grace for the first week of January. If you aren't familiar with her ...you need to get to know her.

She's so talented with web designs and is a wonderful writer and best of all ...an encourager.

Have I told you I love women who encourage others? I think that's so important as we all could use some encouragement along this journey of life.

eLisa has spent some time in Anne Ortlund's book called "Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman". I checked my bookshelf and I found that I have a copy of this book. So I'm going to dust it off again.

eLisa put together a wonderful three page document to help us look back and review 2009 and then to set new goals for 2010. I love how her three steps include:

  • Prayer
  • Read the Scriptures
  • Write it down

Here's what you can do to prepare for January 1-7:

  • Visit eLisa at Extravagant Grace and read all about it.
  • Add a comment and tell her you're in on this one.
  • Download or print off the Living Intentionally Guide to get ready.
  • Post about it on your blog, if you like.
  • Tell your friends.
  • Don't forget to return January 1-7 for a week of Intentional Living.

Let's join together and pray for one another. Let's be united as sisters in Christ as we live our lives in a God honoring way.

May we learn to let Jesus be Jesus in us and through us ...to impact this world.

I hope to see you next week!


Debbie Petras
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  1. This sounds like just what I need to be doing! I'm looking forward to "meeting" eLisa and I've enjoyed my visit on your blog!

  2. Thanks for letting me know!

    Lots of love Jill

  3. This looks great! I think I will join in!

  4. Debbie:

    I love an encourager too, and I want to be one.

    I love Elisa's blog too and will jump over there next.

    Ray & Anne Ortlund were 2 of my mom and dad's closest friends as we grew up. Ray was one of the speakers at my dad's memorial service. I love Anne Ortlund and you will love her book.

    I like what you said about praying for each other. I already have found myself doing that so many times as requests and lives shared appear on these blog pages.

    Thanks Debbie!

  5. Thank you for sharing this Debbie. I will check it out. Although I don't make resolutions (I break them) - I do try to live intentionally every year :)

  6. Hey Deb!

    Hope your having a beautiful day. Thank you again for swinging by, I am gonna have to check out both that reading and this elisa grace business. Grace... my favored topic. :)

    XO, Heather

  7. Dear Debbie,
    It was interesting to come down and read your blog this mroning. I had just finishe my prayer time, where I was praying about trusting God more. It is always easy to know about trusting God, but much harder to put it into practice. I went over many of God's attributes, and realized I need to trust him more on a day by day, moment by moment basis. If I try to look too far ahead, it gets more scarry. I prayed for you this morning. I pray that 2010 will bring many blessings for you.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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