Heart Choices: Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Be Still -->

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Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Be Still

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I join with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

This week the Lord was teaching me to ...be still.

I have such a tendency to run ahead of Him. I seem to think I'm so capable in my flesh. But that's not where I want to live. I want to abide in Christ and allow Him full access to ALL of me. When I do so, He directs my steps. And believe me, I need that guidance.

Happy Saturday to each one of you and thanks for visiting Heart Choices for TSMSS!

Debbie Petras
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  1. A nice teaching song. Just like with kids they absorb instructions better when they are still.

  2. Debbie, I remember the first time I read the verse "Be still and know that I am God"...it was as though my heart opened wide and God's peace poured in, filling me. The words in this song speak volumes...to know that He is holy, that He is unchanging...I wonder that the whole world does not bow down and worship Him! That day will come, I know, but when we have a choice, and we choose not to...I can't understand it. You're not alone in needing to stand still and know that He is God. To go before Him, or to go without Him, how futile it is.

    Wonderful video and sharing...thank you!

    God bless,

  3. Love you and so glad you are sitting with Him and allowing Him to fill you up with His awesome LOVE!

    Hugs today!

  4. Hey Sweetie, I came online this morning just to talk with you and tell you that I woke up with you on my heart. I prayed for you. I love you.

    I'll be back online Monday but I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and praying specifically for you.

    Be still in the LORD's presence this weekend and soak HIM in.

    I love you.

  5. Great choice sweetie, praying for you. I love you.

  6. This was a great song Debbie, and full of such truth of course as well. I too have such a tendency to rush ahead and handle things on my own. Always such a mistake. I LOVE that verse, "Be still and KNOW that I am God"...what comfort it brings me knowing He is always there and always in control. Have a great day...Blessings to you, Debbie

  7. Wonderful song and message...I try to run ahead too often, and that's when I can't hear Him as well...

    Loved these lines...

    "Consider all that He has done
    Stand in awe and be amazed
    And know that He will never change
    Be still"


  8. I have been blessed by your post. Amen that how we need to be still. We should depend on the Lord and not on our own might.. Beautiful song..

  9. Such a wonderful song. This post is a blessing. Thanks. Hugs, Marty

  10. Blessings Debbie...ohhh how I miss hearing these words through this song..I too am like you...run ahead.

    May HE instruct us on how to enJOY being still so we will abide and allow Him that full access. So well said. May HE DIRECT our steps!!!
    Worshipping with you, sis & enJOYing TSMSS and our fellowship of songs & friends! Steve CC is a great favorite kind of friend...
    good til the end. JESUS is our forever friend to the best end!
    Have a wonderful weekend & TSMSS!

  11. That is just beautiful, Debbie. Thanks so much for sharing it. Blessings ~

  12. Such a beautiful song. The Bible verse this is based on is something I have tell myself daily. It is so easy busy doing life stuff and not hear what the Lord is telling me.

  13. That was a beautiful song with a powerful message. I get so busy, thinking I am serving Him, but in truth, I am just busy. At least for a moment today, I was still. Thank-you.

  14. I love that song! It is a much needed reminder - Be still and know He is God...

  15. Debbie,

    One of my favorite scripture passages and love the song.

    God bless you, my friend. You remain in my prayers!

    Love you!

  16. Hi Debbie, I don't know what all is going on in your life, but I pray that you (and ALL of us) can find the peace that Christ provides us if we can be still. I need this lesson every day. A beautiful song; I've never heard it.

  17. Wonderful song. thank you for sharing Debbie.

  18. Be still. Yes, Lord. Help us all be still and hear your whispers.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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