Heart Choices: Are You Weary? -->

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Are You Weary?

Today has started out in a difficult way. I woke up early to drive to Scottsdale for my 6am appointment for a drug research study I'm participating in three mornings a week for seven weeks. I returned home to a list of work related activities that need to be done ASAP.

But I have to say ...I feel so weary!

The tune that kept coming to my mind as I tried to pray was "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus". I've sung this song since my childhood but it was a timely reminder for me right now.

Here's Alan Jackson singing it. For me, certain music can soothe my soul and calm me. The words have such truth to them.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Praying over you now Debbie!

    Choose to look upon Jesus not the circumstances - they mean nothing in the end - only allowing Him to work in you and through you matters.

    Rest in His love!

    Rest in His peace!

    His grace is all you need!

    Lord, give her strength today and allow her the peace that surpasses all understanding as she seeks You!

    Father, we love You!

    We need You!

    We desire to do YOUR WILL!

    In Jesus most blessed name we pray! AMEN!

    Love you Debbie

  2. Thankyou Debbie ~ I was feeling weary today as well and so glad I came to visit.

    I LOVE this song too and will be singing it the rest of the day as I rest in HIM

    Love and Blessings

  3. Oh Debbie, can I ever relate to this today as well. I have soo much to do. And my knees are hurting and the days and the tasks have barely begun. I LOVE this song and Alan Jackson sings it wonderously. I probably didn't have the time, but I sat and listened and sang along through the entire thing...and found my heart and mind refreshed, it's so true, "the things of earth grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." I will pray for you, have a blessed day. Debbie

  4. Hang in there! I felt the same last night.

  5. I have loved this song since the first time I heard it too, Debbie. We need to always remember to keep our eyes on Jesus. It isn't always easy, but it always pays off.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Debbie, like you, I have loved this hymn since a baby Christian. The words tell me where to go when I'm weary, and believe me, I'm weary alot...many responsbilities in my life that give little time for recouping or pursueing outlets for stress. But they do seem to fade when I get my eyes off of them and onto Jesus. He is so much bigger than my little problems. I'm so glad we have each other to encourage us daily, with beautiful music and testimonies of God's work in our lives...its all in His plan, and I thank Him for blogging friends like you that need Him as much as I do!

    God bless you, Debbie, my prayers are with you!

  7. I too, love this song. We sang it every Sunday to close our evening worship service when I was growing up. I have been very weary lately due to a long-term daily problem that I have no control over. Thanks for posting the song--I needed the reminder.

  8. Praying for you honey, luv you!!

  9. Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you, friend :)

    Isn't that old church hymn a gem?

    Sending lots of hugs your way,
    Kate :)

  10. Precious LORD,

    Please embrace Debbie with your love, peace, comfort and encouragement. May she feel Your presence like never before. You know her needs Abba and we thank You that You are providing for them. Your plan is great and we praise You for it. May she find rest in You and be restored fully unto Your glory. Thank You Abba in Jesus Name I pray. Amen and Amen.

  11. Hi friend~ I'm just catching up on my fav. blogs and loved what you had to say about turning your eyes to Jesus when weary! It reminded me of something Lisa Shaw posted recently about how Jesus is truly the answer to every problem and need we have.

    Thank you for your prayers for me - and I want you to know that I very often pray for you, too. One of these days, we will both come forth shining with beautiful new chapters in our life stories of God's faithfulness.

    With love...

  12. I am praying for you beautiful sis of my heart.


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