Heart Choices: Walk with Him Wednesday ~Being Still -->

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Walk with Him Wednesday ~Being Still

holy experience

I recently discovered a blog called Holy Experience.

It is written by Ann Voskamp. Read how she describes herself:

"I'm plain Ann without the fanciful "e." I'm a farmer's wife. I homeschool our six crazy exuberant farm kids. I deal with a lot of dirt. Especially in my own heart."

I love her humility. Ann is an excellent writer and her writings can be found on Dayspring, Christian Women Online and the San Antonio Christian Beacon. Many might have a tendency to be prideful but not Ann. She goes on to say:

"Truth is, I'm broken and bruised."

I decided to join in her meme "Walk with Him Wednesday". This is what Ann has asked us to consider writing about:

"And for Walk with Him Wednesday tomorrow, perhaps prayerfully consider sharing with community: How do you slow down? How do you be still and know God?"

I'm going to get right into that topic. Right now, I'm in the process of learning many lessons. The only way I can get through this difficult season in my life is to trust the Lord. My flesh is going crazy but I'm learning to die to self more each day.

As a believer, I have this ongoing struggle. I'm a new creation in Christ but I still have my flesh to contend with this side of eternity. The lesson I'm learning is to ...abide in Him.

When I abide ...I won't satisfy the desires of my flesh.

Here are some of the ways I'm slowing down and being still before God:

I'm spending time with the Lord each morning. Sometimes I sit on my patio with my Bible and a cup of coffee. Other times I sit in my comfortable chair in my home office. I praise Him and thank Him for who He is. I read from His Word and take time to listen and write down what I learn in my journal. I'm trying to live a lifestyle of prayer instead of always sending up those SOS prayers all the time.

I'm becoming more aware of the beauty of His Creation. I used to go through my day often oblivious to the beauty that surrounds me. Now, I tend to grab my camera and snap photos when I see something awesome, like the sky or the mountains I love or a bird.

I spend more time at home and less time running around. It saves gas money too. I work from home but ...I really enjoy being home.

I'm getting rid of clutter. The more stuff I have the more preoccupied I become with the stuff. And that's not to mention taking care of the stuff.

It's amazing how much we accumulate over the years and why? I don't need it all.

So, I've been consigning clothes and selling things on eBay. I'll donate some things and maybe even have a garage sale. I had a book sale and invited my friends. I didn't realize how many cookbooks I actually had!

This is my start to slowing down and being still before God.

How about you? How do you balance the busyness of life and listening to the Lord. Do you make time to be still before Him?

Debbie Petras
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  1. I've found it is so valuable to slow down. If I don't I am not at my best for those I love. Sometimes my husband just has to tell me go back to bed. I think of a list of things I want to do but sometimes I just have to listen and get the physical rest.
    It feels refreshing to me to stop in the middle of my day for my Bible reading/prayer time. I have been in this routine of doing that when Caleb napped. Now that he is at school I still find it refreshing to stop what I'm doing.

  2. Your blog was so refreshing to me. I actually had to slow myself down to read it. I too am going through a difficult season in my life, and I too am in a process of scaling back "things." Your post was the first blog I have read in several weeks because I have simply been in too much emotional pain to think about it. Thank you for reminding me that He calls us to a lifestyle of rest in Him and nothing else.


  3. Hi, Debbie,

    I've seen your comments on many blogs I visit, but this is my first time to visit your blog.

    Came over from Felisol's. She and I have become close blog friends through the months.

    I loved the natural way you expressed your heart, and what you wrote resonates deeply within my own heart!

    It is always a delight to discover yet another woman who feels and thinks the same way I do.

    Hoping to visit your blog place again soon.


  4. Mmmmm... the heart rate slows down here.

    Thank you, Debbie...

    And this -- to *live* a lifestyle of prayer, instead of SOS prayers. I humbly join you...

    You bless... and I'm grateful...

    All's grace,

  5. Debbie, welcome to our community. Good words to live by and I hope you come again. Dianne

  6. This was sooo good Debbie, and again, I can relate soo well. Some things are also going on with me right now that puts me in a difficult place. I have found myself all over the place with it emotionally. But everytime I remember to STOP and be still before our God, I settle in, and relax and my spirit knows peace. My quiet time is very similiar to yours. I run around in the morning pulling everything together (as I call it) showering, making beds, straightening up, etc., and then I pick up my bible and get in my comfy chair (icing my knees) and have my time with the Lord. Days I get too busy and don't do this, are NEVER a good day, so I really guard this time carefully. I honestly can't tell you how comforting it is to hear from others on this wonderful internet and get to know them etc.
    I've absolutely no doubt that the Lord led me to your blog, and few precious others to bless and help me as I travel through this world. So thank you for writing this, and for being there...Blessings to you, Debbie

  7. What a great post...sounds a lot like me. I love cook books and have too many.
    However, I have always loved nature and all that God has given in that way. You have a beautiful view from that window. I look out my windows often! I feed the birds and have many visit...I love to sit and watch them and spend a little time with our Lord at the same time. It slows me down...peace be still. I dont sit for very long in one spot and watching the birds helps!

    I am a home body...dont care to run around and try to bundle my days. Yesterday was a busy go every where kinda day, today, not so much.

    I wanted you to know that I sooo appreciated your comment. I've read it at least 3 times. Sounds to me that we need to lift each other up during this time!

    What a blessing you've been...I'm fixin to do something I never have...you'll see : )

  8. Thanks so much for weaving together the spiritual and practical in a way that helps us pause and then take steps toward slowing down. And thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I'm so glad it led me here!

  9. I'd like to have one of those cups of coffee with you!

    This is very interesting -- how you are growing and changing.

    I find that God keeps pulling me toward him. Thank goodness it's not all up to me to stay on track in my spiritual life. I am grateful to have a Heavenly Father who watches over my comings and goings.

  10. "The lesson I'm learning is to ...abide in Him.When I abide ...I won't satisfy the desires of my flesh."

    A lesson I need to learn too. Thank you.

  11. "the beauty of His Creation"...like this line. My camera is an item I won't leave home without. The sun over the hills or the children being silly - I don't want to miss any of it. I want to still myself and enjoy the God-graced moments.

  12. Debbie, I loved your insight into de-cluttering and its connection to truly slowing down. I think we all need that reminder from time to time. Do a quick clean-up - of the stuff. The home stuff, the work stuff - and especially the heart stuff. Thanks for sharing your heart =)


  13. What a beautiful example of ways to slow down. I enjoyed reading them all. You are wise to spend time with the Lord each morning, and to "live a lifestyle of prayer." Thank you for blessing us with your photographs so we can share in thanking God with you for his creations.

    I pray your de-cluttering will continue to go well. I've been trying to do it for quite awhile, but haven't sat still long enough to do it. Perhaps I'll be one step closer now...

  14. I enjoyed that post, Debbie. You are doing all the right things to slow down. I am slowed down most of the time now, here at home. But I do need to get rid of so much clutter, that I ignore. Praying for you ~ Blessings and Hugs, Cathy

  15. I love Ann's heart. And I can see here, right now, that I love yours, too.

    I like the pace here. God bless you!

    May you find His voice in the stillness.

  16. Such a wonder filled post sweetie, love you.

  17. I want to be 'still' and I need it but right now I have to wiggle to keep up with my kids. But I do dream of a quiet time, and just dreaming about it makes me feel calm. lol


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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