Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday ~ Undeserved Kindness -->

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Thankful Thursday ~ Undeserved Kindness

It's Thankful Thursday and I realize how good this meme really is for me. When you're going through many trials (challenges), it's easy to dwell on what's wrong. But that's not how I choose to live.

I choose to remember that I can be thankful ...in the midst of the storm.

The reason I can live this way is because ...I trust the Lord with my life.

And anything that happens to me is first filtered through His fingers of love. He has a purpose in it even though I may not understand right now.

So, how can I not be thankful?

Laurie of Women Taking A Stand is our host and she's chosen the theme of ...undeserved kindness.

I've always enjoyed being on the giving side. However, there are times when we must learn to receive too. And right now, I've been so thankful for much undeserved kindness.

Take a look at this, would you? I recently met two of my favorite bloggers, Iris of Grace Alone and Laced with Grace and Lori of Lori's Reflections. Iris made this beautiful page from our luncheon and gave one to Lori and one to me. I love it, Iris! I'm thankful for your creativity and ...your kindness.

I'm so thankful for my friend Sue. She has prayed with me and for me over many years. She's always been there to invite me to coffee or lunch and has showered undeserved kindness on me is so many ways. This photo was taken at a women's conference. Sue is on my left and her sister Barb is on my right. BTW, I met Sue when her son Mikey was a patient of mine when I was working as a nurse.

And my prayer partner Helen has provided me with much undeserved kindness. She's the one who gets to listen to my rants and raves, tears and laughter. I thought she'd give up on me but she hasn't and ...for that I'm so thankful.

My mother-in-law Gloria has given me such undeserved kindness. She's a little shy when it comes to photos but I know she likes this one. It says much about her as she's so smart and always curious. And have I mentioned that she's a first time author? Her book "Love, War and Eternity" by Lori Dare Lewis (I told you she's shy) can be found on Amazon. It's not a Christian book but it's a good read about a ficitional love story set in the background of WWII. I may be biased but I think she's a great writer.

Our relationship has grown so much over the years as we've come to appreciate much about each other. Of course, we have the common bond of love for her son, my husband Greg.

But I've also seen how she shares love with others. She's always eager to give. There are many times when she stops by with extra groceries or a meal she made. Her excuse is always "there was a sale and I had coupons" or "I made extra and I know Greg loves this". She even includes peach yogurt which is my favorite. This undeserved kindness has been much appreciated. Since my mother died several years ago, Gloria has assured me that I too am her daughter and not just a daughter-in-law. And I'm blessed by that and so very thankful.

I could go on and on but I don't want this post to get too long. I began this post a little late for a Thankful Thursday but I'm so glad that I chose to write it. I'm feeling so much better as I focus on this topic of being thankful.

I am also reminded to keep my focus on Jesus, my source of hope and strength. He provides me with all I need ...just when I need it.

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Debbie Petras
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  1. What a beautiful tribute Debbie to some great, godly women of influences in your life. None of us deserve the love, the grace and the acceptance that God gives us but aren't we blessed that He gives it to us each day! -Happy TT!

  2. What a lovely gratitude attack!

    Isn't is amazing how many items appear on a list of blessings, yet one blight can obscure the lot of them. Boy do I have to work on focusing on the many to the exclusion of the one - - sometimes more than I care to admit.


  3. Such sweet tributes, bless you dear.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you for sharing this lovely post with us, Debbie. Thank God for blessing you with so many wonderful friends. It is such a blessing to have their friendships. I am sure you are a very wonderful friend to them too.

    It's so blessed to have such a kind and giving mother-in-law! I love peach yogurt too :)

    Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless you always!

  6. You have such a thankful heart, Debbie. Such a heartwarming post and tribute to the people in your life. Many blessings to you.

  7. When you're going through many trials (challenges), it's easy to dwell on what's wrong. But that's not how I choose to live.I choose to remember that I can be thankful ...in the midst of the storm.The reason I can live this way is because ...I trust the Lord with my life.--- i love your thoughts here. i can feel your gratefulness. i feel the same way.

    debbie, God bless you more.

  8. Hi Debbie,

    But that's not how I choose to live...

    Girl, me too... ME TOO!

    Beautiful post and you have a precious gift in your mother in law.

    I loved reading this post. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  9. Thank you God. Thank you nature. Thank you human beings. THANK YOU Debbie!

  10. Loved coming over here and swimming in your pool called Gratitude. The dip refreshed my spirit and encouraged my heart.


  11. This was beautiful! I'm thankful that you have those wonderful friends and family in your life. And I'm thankful that you are choosing gratitude and sharing that choice with us.

    I love you and continue to pray for you as you seek and wait upon the Lord...


  12. This is an absolutely beautiful message that reflects GOD's love for YOU. He sends His love through so many who adore you.

    Love you and beautiful photos!

  13. And for me my dear friend, I am so grateful for your friendship.
    Give up on you....never! We know too much about each other.
    Love you. h.

  14. Debbie...always great reminders for giving thanks! Of course...thankful for Jesus and for those in our lives.

    Thank you for sharing the stories/relationships of some of your wonderful friends :o)

    ...such a blessing to have those to lean on, get encouragement from, laugh, cry and be real with :o)

    I am excited to hear about your mother-in-law's book... actually, the other day at our little town library...that is exactly what I asked the librarian...for her recommendation for a WWII fiction!

    Blessings & Aloha!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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