Heart Choices: Do You Know Your Neighbors? -->

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Do You Know Your Neighbors?

Do you know your neighbors? It seems like our lives have become so busy. I live in a gated community and often come and go using my garage door clicker to enter and leave my home. There are times when the only person I have real contact with is the guard at the gate. And by the way, it's a good thing that Tom, Veronica and Corey are friendly people.

But one thing I really love about my neighborhood is ...the monthly coffees.

They are held the first Monday of every month except for the summer months. After all, we do live in Phoenix and many people like to get away when the temperatures can soar over 100 degrees during the day!

Although I don't get to go to enough of them, when I do attend ...I always enjoy myself.

Women sign up to host a coffee in their home and they provide the drinks and food. It's usually breakfast type foods like muffins, fruit and cake along with coffee and other beverages.

The monthly get togethers provide an opportunity to meet and get to know my neighbors. I hear lots of news about what's going on in the area including who might be sick or newly widowed. I like that it's not a gossipy type of gathering. I've always had a fun and relaxing time, sipping a cup of coffee and visiting.

Today, our coffee was hosted by one of my neighbors who has the same model as my house. I love to see how she arranged her furniture and used her unique style to create her home environment. It's a great way to get new ideas or even find a word of mouth referral for a good dry cleaner or handyman.

How about you? Do you know your neighbors? Do you have any ideas or ways you choose to get together with your neighbors?
Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie,

    I really do hope you get to go over and meet up with Kimmy. You two will so hit it off! She is very health conscious, as well and loves the Lord so much!

    I loved this post, my friend. I, too, live in a gated community and it's been hard to get to know our neighbors. They seem to want to be left alone. We are trying though!

    Hugs to you, my friend.

  2. We live in a small town so everyone pretty well knows everyone else but a neighbor and I were recently discussing the idea of having a neighborhood cookout this summer for the people up and down our street. I think that would be fun.

  3. I know a few of my neighbors but like Debra said, most of them seem to want to maintain a little distance. I got to know people much better when I joined with a few others to form a comittee to negotiate drilling contracts in our area. The comittee members especially got pretty close but it was mainly the common bond between us. Once it was over, we all went our separate ways but we still feel like we could come together again for the community or each other in need.

  4. I live in a great neighborhood and I know my neighbors--but part of the reason is, I think knowing your neighbors is not optional for a Jesus follower like me. How can I love my neighbor if I don't know my neighbor?

  5. Oh how great is that. We are planning the first neighborhood gathering in the next month. It is a fantastic way to get to know the people and God is faithful to give oportunity to share with them.

    Thank you for sharing!

  6. We know most of our closest neighbors by name. Most are renters - and I've noticed that seems to make a difference in people's interest in bonding. I guess when folks don't feel permanent they don't feel like investing themselves so much. Our best relationship is actually with the property manager/caretaker of the duplex next door. We've had long talks and even shared our faith with him from time to time.

    When I lived in a cul de sac, I knew the neighbors pretty well. I also enjoyed seeing what they did with houses that were almost identical to ours. (I always thought everyone else's was nicer!) Eventually divorce destroyed just about every family there and we're all scattered to the four winds now.

  7. Dear Debbie,
    I live in a small town (of 30 000).
    Where we lived before, I had neighbors walking in and out all the time.
    I had to lock the front door to eat dinner in peace.
    Here I live rather secluded.
    Share news by the postbox stand or over the fence.
    Guess I should be more inviting, especially to the lonely elderly man next door.
    Gunnar use to chat with him outdoors now and then. Oh, you hit a soft spot there.
    For my excuse, everybody is busy working, I'm the only woman staying home in the neighborhood.
    Afternoons are rather spent with family and friends.
    From a thoughtful Felisol

  8. I can't say I know much about my neighbors. It seems like there is better community in housing subdivisions than in apartments, even though apartment dwellers are much closer to each other. I'm exceedingly shy in person, but I hope to be more involved with my neighbors once I move into a house of our own.

    ~ Kristi

  9. I'm in a newer neighborhood, and although most of my neighbors are younger, there seems to be a real sense of community here. I think my husband and I are becoming like "that sweet older couple," (a title I did not think I would want), but it is sweet for the children to yell out "hello" to us. The neighborhood gets together at different homes from time to time. We always try to go, just to be "good neighbors." Our main contribution is our annual "Happy Birthday Jesus" party that we have for the children. Through that we have met many sweet parents, who seemingly so appreciate our effort. We really receive such a hugh blessing from that.

  10. one thing that really surprised me when I arrived here in the US was Jim's closeness to his neighbors (well, just 4 neighbors in front of our house & our next-door neighbor)... they are very nice people! I remembered one neighbor gave me a bouquet of flowers on my first day and another one brought a cooked dinner for us! it was really touching:)
    last week, Jim gave Wayne our old printer and in return Wayne told Jim to check the painting on his garage and take it if we would like it, then Jim thought of giving away the big, heavy concrete flower vase to our other neighbor since they're remodeling their backyard... I was hesitant at first coz I really liked the vase, but then we don't have enough space anymore in the house (we remodeled our living room)... the couple upon knowing my hesitation told Jim that they're going to put the vase in their front yard just so I can still see it from our porch, hahaha!
    we don't go out every month though only when one is out to get the garbage cans or play with their dogs...
    and yes, I also know my neighbor far nicer than I ever thought:)

  11. This is a wonderful idea to develop community. I don't know many of my neighbors too well.


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