Heart Choices: Count Your Many Blessings -->

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Count Your Many Blessings

I always look forward to Monday when I count my many blessings.  It causes me to focus on what's good and right instead of the negatives in life.  I love this printable and I included the link where you can download one for yourself.  You can print it out as a vertical or horizontal and then frame it.  It's a good reminder.

I had such fun this past week.  My friend Theresa loves to kayak.  She enjoys going down rapids in fun places. But since this was my first time, we decided to play it safe.  We rented a kayak for two at Tempe Town Lake. For one and a half hours we kayaked, getting lots of upper body exercise.  I loved it and can't wait to do it again.
We had to go early as the temperatures in Phoenix are hot this time of year.  Of course, we had to get a cold smoothie on Mill Avenue after we finished.

My niece (and godchild) Brittney is heading off to college soon.  I can't believe how quickly she's growing up.  I enjoyed spending an evening with her as we talked and talked.  A movie and The Cheesecake Factory were the perfect combination for a fun evening.

I am so thankful that I had this week off work to rest up, do some much needed organizing and cleaning and have some fun.

#885 Kayaking on the lake
#886 Enjoying the outdoors
#887 Spending time with Brittney
#888 A surprise encounter with my former BSF teaching leader Lori
#889 Not setting my alarm but waking up early anyway
#890 Organizing my clothes closet (finally)
#891 Discovering a ton of clothes that I love but were packed away
#892 Motivation to lose 10 pounds so I can fit into the clothes I love :)

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays as I count my every day blessings.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Good morning! Always love reading about your blessings Deb. These are good too! I love not having to set the alarm, but just waking up anyway.
    Best way to start a day! Glad you enjoyed your week!

  2. Great Monday Morning - stayed in the scriptures longer than usual today - that was the way to start my new day. Nice post debbie - thanks

  3. The kayaking adventure looks so refreshing. I was outside a lot this weekend at an outdoor wedding and it was invigorating to spend more time in God's nature. (But it was very hot. ha)

    Glad you had a nice week off work.
    May God bless your Monday and new week!

  4. I am glad you are having fun dear. I never tried kayaking, but ut sounds very fun:)

  5. Oh, I probably would not have the arm strength to kayak. :o) I'm so glad that you are enjoying your short time off. You deserve it! Have a great week and enjoy the rest of your time off!

  6. Dear Debbie
    Oh, when I was younger and much healthier, I used to love kayaking! Nice to discover a box of old clothes that is all of a sudden as good as new.
    Hugs XX


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