Heart Choices: The Small Things That Delight -->

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The Small Things That Delight

The small things that delight.  I spent an hour writing a blog post and ...it disappeared!

I think this little one is getting a good laugh about it.  Does she work for Blogger?

Well, I'm not going to let it get to me and hopefully I remember most of what I originally wrote.

I've been learning to enjoy the every day moments.  Laughter is so good for the soul.  I can't help but laugh when I listen to the children in our classroom.  After all, it's filled with boys and girls who are three or four years old.  They are still innocent and find delight in simple things.

Melika celebrated her fourth birthday.  She loves being silly when Miss Debbie asks to take her picture.

I love how the kids proudly tell me how old they are and then guess my age.  I tell them I'm 20 and they laugh and say "no way Miss Debbie, you're 8".  I smile at that!

The children wear uniforms to school but Friday we had a special day.  It was Farm Day so they could wear jeans if they liked.  Melika was so proud of her bright pink belt that went well with her stylish jeans.  The only problem came when she had to go potty.  It's kind of hard for children this age to unbuckle a belt even though it looks very cute.

Heidi and I chuckled when we noticed Marley in her cowgirl outfit. She looked so innocent in her Daisy Mae look.  She sported two long braids.  Check out those boots; so cute!

Speaking of small things that delight, the children get so excited when they learn a new concept.  They were learning to identify patterns.  This pattern was square, circle, square, circle.  The colors didn't fool them.  They smile when we tell them they must be wearing their Smarty Pants!

I wrote about Childish Enthusiasm on Saturday (in case you missed it).  It seems to be a theme with me lately.  I never want to lose that childlike delight.  Life can be hard but there's so much to delight in too.

And speaking of delightful things ...

Even though I live far away, I get to see photos of this little bundle of joy.  Kenzie went to her first pumpkin patch event with her parents, Kevin and Kristin (my niece).  Is she cute or what?  Now that makes me SMILE for sure.

I hope that you are delighting in those small things.  Take a look around.  There's always something to smile about.  And dare I say ...laugh?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Good morning! I just couldn't agree more! I have lost posts before and it is soo frustrating! The picture at the top of your post is hilarious. Kenzie looks adorable. Sam hit his first pumpkin patch this week-end too! Enjoy your week with those delightful kids! HUGS

  2. All your pictures made me smile, Debbie. (And we need reasons to smile after thinking about Blogger for very long! ha). Thank you for continuing to let your joy spill over onto us. I don't have many small kids in my life right now, so I love hearing your stories and seeing your pictures.

    Have a great week!

  3. I have lost so many posts that I spent so much time on too. I love writing a Bible study post and put a lot into it and then to have it go poof! is so frustrating. Enjoyed this one though. Kenzie is a little darling and that outfit so adorable.

  4. Absolutely love that first picture!!!

    Yes, it is so easy to lose the pleasure in the small things of life. This was a good reminder for me, as are all your posts.

    Blessings to you for a wonderful week!

  5. how frustrating to write a post and then
    have it disappear! and you seemed
    so peaceful about it.

    maybe it was daisy mae!

  6. Oh the pictures (and how they make you so joyful) are precious! I saw your comment yesterday about loosing your post and immediately checked my Blogger account! (I have heard others who have lost their posts) I am glad you were able to quickly re-write it! :)

    Blessings and hugs for this brand new week Debbie!

  7. Hi, my friend. Your posts always make me smile & feel light-hearted! I live reading them & feel a burst of refreshment each time v

    Thank you for always pointing out the positives & for leading others in grace & gratitude.

    I love you & praise God for your presence here. The Lord's blessings upon you & all who enter here~


  8. Just reading this made me smile, and reminded me that I so need to see those little joys that make me smile.

  9. Methinks you have a wealthy collection of small things in your life, Debbie. Nothing like children to make pathways to our hearts!

  10. Oh what a delightful post Debbie....love the pics, especially the one with the shorts and boots, that was my choice of dress when I was in Kindergarten :-)Kids are so funny aren't they? Have a blessed day, and I can feel your pain with the post that disappeared, been there! Lori

  11. Oh how cute...children just keep us smiling. God has been speaking to me for about a year about having the heart of a child...which is how I am to approach Him. You keep that word ever present before me...thanks


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