Heart Choices: Laughter is the Best Medicine -->

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Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter is the best medicine.  But when was the last time you really laughed?  You know the belly ache kind of laugh.

Last week in our Pre-K 3 class, we learned the letter F.  The children get to put on their 'I Spy' eyes and go on a hunt for the letter F in our poem.  They circle all of the F's they find.  Heidi and I formed an assembly line with the twenty children.  You just have to picture this in your head!

  • Heidi called each child by name and had them take off their socks and shoes.   
  • She painted the bottoms of their feet with white paint.  
  • We helped them to stand so we could get their footprints on a black background.  
  • I cleaned the paint off their feet.
  • I put their shoes and socks back on their feet.  
This simple activity was so much fun!

Some of them were ticklish.  Little Nevin started giggling the minute Heidi began painting his feet.  He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It was so cute and ...very contagious.

We found ourselves laughing along with Nevin.  Even now, when we point out his feet in this poster, he giggles.

Recently I received a short video of my niece Kristin's baby.  Kenzie was laughing.  I can't tell you how many times I watched this video of that precious baby laughing.

Kristin and Kenzie
I know life can be hard.  Yes, there are struggles each and every day.  Moms need to train their children.  Teachers need to teach.

But in the midst of it all, I challenge you to find something to smile about.  Laugh like you mean it.  Time passes so quickly so take the time to enjoy those every day moments.

And I dare you not to laugh after watching this 30 second video?

I hope I caught you laughing.  It's OK and besides that ...it's good for you.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Good morning! Oh again, I couldn't agree more! You have absolutely GOT to find the humor in life...mom and I laughed ourselves almost sick yesterday over the simplest thing...and a baby laughing is one of my favorite sounds in all the world, sometimes you just have to NOT take yourself sooo seriously. Thanks for the smile this morning! HUGS

  2. Oh how great. This past weekend I watched videos on you tube and laughed and laughed...they were mostly about going through menopause and the laughter was so good for my soul.

    Lets all laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chonda Pierce is fun to watch

  3. Great post and just for the record concerning my recent post, I love to laugh and look for any reason to do so. Kids always are good for that because they are able to see the fun in daily life more than we adults tend to.

  4. i love to laugh and make people laugh. it would
    be so much fun to be a comedien and make people
    laugh all the time.

    if you want a belly laugh, go to this you tube video:
    "thanksgiving turkey, i will survive"

  5. Very good. Laughing can be good sometimes.

  6. Hi Debbie! I've finally caught up from my Belize trip (and college kids home!). So glad I came across your post. Love that video! It reminds me of getting together with my sisters. And when you toss in a couple of goofy cousins and giggly aunts, it sounds just like that video!

    Thank you so much for your prayers for our trip. We're so grateful for so many things. God's grace and provision was abundant in every way.
    Blessings to you!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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