Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday ~ Enough -->

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Five Minute Friday ~ Enough

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with Lisa-Jo of Tales from a Gypsy Mama.  The rules are to set the clock for five minutes and write.  No worrying about getting it perfect; just write.  Our prompt for today is ...ENOUGH.

So here goes ...start.

Enough!  How much stuff does a person need?  I'm so tired of unpacking boxes as we've been moving for months now.  Yes, it's challenging given that we started out with a house that was almost 4,000 square feet plus a vacation home that was 2,500 square feet. And we're trying to fit it all into a 870 square foot condo with no garage for storage.  Yikes!!

What's in the boxes?  I don't even remember half of what is in them.  I have clothes that I haven't worn in years.  I have boxes of Christmas decorations.  Boxes of cards.  Boxes of ribbons.  Enough!

What do I do with boxes of receipts from business expenses?  And photo albums, oh my.  The older albums take up so much room.  I hope to scan in my photos and create new albums that take up much less room over time.  But how many photos can I save?  I almost feel like a person on the TV show 'Hoarders" as I find it hard to part with many mementos.  But enough ...

I will no longer keep every Christmas card or birthday card I receive.  There's just no room for it.

I will upload all of my photos online.

I will go through my closet and donate clothes I no longer fit into or haven't worn in the last year.

However, I will keep my Worth Collection clothes that I cannot part with.  I paid too much money for them years ago and they are classic.  I will lose at least ten pounds so I can fit into these clothes once again.  Enough ...


Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Awesome! We did a similar thing when we moved a year ago...it was wonderful!

  2. I love this. I am learning to simply, although I don't feel as if I have too much to give away. Yet staring at all of the piles, and clothes that are too small, are beginning to overwhelm me. Enough already! I must get organized!

  3. Oh Debbie I can soo identify. When we moved here from our big house I ruthlessly pitched things out and got rid of tons of "things".... goodness, I had soo much of it. I haven't kept cards in years...I haven't printed pics either, they are all in blogs which I print out at the end of each year or stored on my computer. My poor mom is soo attached to her "things"...she has boxes and boxes of stuff that my sisters have packed up for her with NO WHERE to put at my house. I kept telling them to encourage her to get rid of stuff, there is simply nowhere to put it and no garage to even to pretend to store it. They kept saying, "Well, she says she wants it." I think once they got to my house and saw for themselves there really wasn't anywhere to put it, they finally got it....sigh. they drove off with boxes and boxes... who knows what they did? I don't think at the end of the day my mother will even notice. She has an entire room and bathroom, linen shelves, drawers etc. totally full with what she actually does use. Though some of it is things I am sure she will never touch. One thing I have learned so far from all of this. I will start getting rid of things LONG before it might be an issue so my kids aren't sorting through my things some day. I sound kind of bad huh? I don't mean to. But I guess it is kind of a sore subject over here. I have given my mom sooo much and it is hard having my sisters make me the bad guy. Anyway, I am applauding you over here.....

  4. Good for you. When it comes down to it, what do we really need? On the card issue: I have a file box that I keep cards from close family members and close friends.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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