Heart Choices: Encourage One Another -->

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Encourage One Another

Encourage one another.  I'm all for that.  I've been on the receiving end at times.  And I've given encouragement to others at times.

The fact is ...we all need each other.

I received a surprise package in the mail last week from (in)courage.  Check out the goodies; a t-shirt and many lovely cards I can send to friends and family to ...encourage them.

If you've not heard, (in) real life is hosting an online conference April 27-28.  You get to attend and even stay in your pj's if you choose.  It's not too late to sign up here.  The cost is only $10.  You can check out the video trailer for yourself.

I am so looking forward to this event.

This past week has been a very tiring one for me.  Greg and I are still moving into our very small condo.  It's been challenging to choose what to take and what to get rid of.  After 27 years of marriage, there's lots of stuff.  As I unpack many of the boxes, I realize I didn't even miss the stuff.  So our dumpster is getting full for the second time.  We're going to need another one before we're done.

I am so glad I get to work with Heidi.  We are such a good team in our Pre-K 3 class.  We encourage one another.  There are days when she needs it and there are days when I need it.  How thankful I am to have come to know her these past two school years.

#431 An upcoming online conference on encouragement
#432 Friends who encourage me
#433 A special friend who needs lots of encouragement as she goes through a challenging time
#434 A husband who has been working on all the details of our new nest to make it special for me
#435 A new baby to be born SOON to my niece Kristin and her hubby Kevin
#436 Getting rid of excessive clutter and simplifying
#437 Birds singing every morning
#438 Good health
#439 Getting lots of exercise with this move
#440 A wonderful sermon this morning on James 4
#441 China Mist iced tea
#442 The children in our school; I love them
#443 Getting to drive through the mountains of Paradise Valley, Arizona each morning
#444 Hearing the sound of my dad's voice each weekend on the phone

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Dear Debbie,
    I'm all with you when you are counting blessings.
    Your blessings make me realize I am rich too.

    I hope your leftovers aren't thrown in a dumpster, but recycled. The need is great in all parts of the world. I am a firm believer in recycling. I buy used stuff and every spring and autumn I sort out stuff to give to charity.
    I'm passing my bread on, and I'm finding more than I'm passing.
    Isn't that a blessing?
    I've said a prayer for your friend who needs encouraging.
    I know the Lord has heard my voice and are seeing to her just now.
    Praying for you too.
    I am grateful for your prayers as well. I am getting renewed more than I ever could imagine.
    What a great heavenly Father we are sharing.
    May this be a week where your cup is flowing over!
    From Felisol

  2. Debbie; isn't it wonderful how our special close friends and relationships are one of the most precious and delightful gifts that God has blessed us with here on earth? I think that He often speaks through a friend to offer us encouragement, guidance, laughter, and joy to help us grow. We are blessed to have our close friends and relationships when we need them them the most!

    Blessings to you and Greg as you continue to get settled in your new home. :)

  3. I'm trying to do voluntary simplicty/downsizing without being in a "have to" situation, but it's hard either way. These days I'm still just overwhelmed by "stuff" even though I've made such an effort to get rid of things over the past few years.

    Praying for the process to go easily for you - that the decisions as to what to keep and what to get rid of are easy and decisive.

  4. Debbie...the downsizing has been so good for me...who would have thought that smaller and less is better...LOL Blessings as you continue to see what to keep and what not to.

    Encouragement...oh yes, we all need it.

    Love the thanks for the birds singing, Benjamin and I have so enjoyed them this year.

  5. You are such an encourager, Debbie. I am so glad you'll be taking part in this weekend's retreat!


  6. Debbie - Isn't it true - we hardly miss most of our "stuff" when we have not seen it for awhile. Keep sorting and keep encouraging others. May you be encouraged today! Blessings - Marsha

  7. I've missed you Debbie! And when I come back and check on you, you are still and always counting your blessings. Do you know how that blesses me?? :)

    So glad to hear that the move is coming along, and hopefully you are getting close to having your new nest 'feathered'.

    Tell Greg he has done a great job! He is right in there fixing and making everything ready, and I'm thinking he's been blessed in the process.

    Love the picture! You look great.

    So glad to get caught up a little today and to see that all is well with my sister!


  8. Hi Debbie, so nice reading your post and seeing the sweet photo of you and Heidi. I am encouraged by your encouraging list and outlook :)

  9. We have moved so many times that I like the opportunity of cleaning out that it affords. I always say we don't need another thing every time we move and then I seem to collect more for the next time! And those Paradise Valley mountains are so gorgeous. You are blessed.

  10. Such wonderful blessings you've shared today. Encouragement is such a wonderful thing. A couple weeks ago in our Bible Study we learned about Barnabas which means Encourager. That's what I want to be, an encourager. Thanks for the reminder.

  11. May you be blessed with many more sweet blessings my friend.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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