Heart Choices: A Renewed Mind -->

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A Renewed Mind

Our quote this week for "In Other Words Tuesdays" was chosen by Living for God.

"Without the renewed mind, we will distort the Scriptures to avoid their radical commands for self-denial, and love, and purity, and supreme satisfaction in Christ alone." ~ John Piper

This is a quote I totally agree with.

  • Many people have studied the Scriptures.
  • Many people have much head knowledge of the Scriptures but not heart knowledge.  
  • Many people can quote certain verses.  
  • Many people can take a verse of Scripture out of context to suit their own agenda.  
  • Even Satan knows Scripture and distorted it to try to tempt Jesus.  (good luck with that)
Romans 12:2 says: "Do not conform any  longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- His good, pleasing and perfect will."

As I surrender more and more of my life to Christ, He changes me from the inside out.  I don't need to try to be good.  I don't need to try to do more good.  

As I study the Scriptures in context, my mind is being transformed by the Holy Spirit.  His desires become my desires.  It's like hand in glove. He works in me and through me to impact others.  My outward behavior changes slowly as I grow in Him.  

Do I have it all together?

No way!  After all, I still have my human flesh to contend with.  

But praise God.  

As I learn to give it ALL to Him, I am learning to live this Christian life in the power of His Spirit.  That's called maturity.

What are your thoughts on this quote by John Piper?  I'd love to hear what you have to say.  Or you can link up with Living for God and share your post with us.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Great post...God has been reminding me that He has given us the mind of Christ(I Corn. 2:16)...and as I renew my mind I come to understand what John Piper said. I need to renew and stay in His word daily or I will distort scripture.

    Thanks for sharing today

  2. Good morning! I believe that verse in Romans is one of the most basic cornerstones of what Christianity is all about. We are to NO longer be lead around by our emotions, feelings, or even our own desires and wants. This is soo difficult of course because from the moment we are born almost, the world tells us differently. How do you feel about this or that? What do YOU want? Please yourself...let everyone live the way it suits them best, etc. But we are to be CHANGED by the Holy Spirit as He takes up residence in our hearts, TRANSFORMING our minds to be like His. Christians MUST think differently then the rest of the world. The only way to accomplish this is to spend time in the Word and in His presence EVERY day. As He slowly changes our mindsets and ways, it will eventually show to all those around us. I have been discovering recently just how much more work needs to be done in my heart that is for sure. I didn't express this as well as I would have liked, but I LOVE this question you have asked here. Have a wonderful day Debbie! HUGS

  3. It is a powerful quote to reflect on, Debbie. I totally agree with your assessment of how we often take Scripture out of context to make it part of our agenda.

    Even though we do not need to do good to be saved, we still want to do good as the Spirit renews our minds.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the John Piper quote.

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris

  4. Your response to John Piper's quote was well-put, Debbie. I agree with your words, "As I study the Scriptures in context, my mind is being transformed by the Holy Spirit. His desires become my desires. It's like hand in glove. He works in me and through me to impact others. My outward behavior changes slowly as I grow in Him," This is the life I, as a Christian, desire. And He is faithful to bring the changes in my heart as I surrender more of myself I gain more of Him. Oh, how I desire to be less of me and more of Christ!

    Blessings to you, dear friend!

  5. So glad you decided to participate in IOW today! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You know I agree with you :).

  6. Hi Debbie! I think I'm in need of renewed mind, although I never forget my friends like you!!!
    Kind regards and forgive me for not passing by more often. The reason is simply. Too busy!!!

  7. I agree with John Piper completely but I think at the same time that those are words that a lot of Christians don't necessarily want to hear. Life can be difficult and we have to commit each day to renew our minds to His word to live in victory.

  8. Awesome Piper quote and great insights! I agree wholeheartedly! Thanks for being a voice of hope and Truth!
    Sweet blessings
    Cindy :)

  9. I love this quote....and without the Holy Spirit our minds can't be transformed into His mind! We need His mind to renew and reform our thoughts to His. We can memorize all the verses we want but without His mind, it will only be an memorization exercise! Great post...Lori

  10. Love John Piper and love that quote and agree with your thoughts 100%. I begin each day by asking Him for a renewed mind through Him and I still fail. Blessings for this day my friend!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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