I've been reading Daniel Henderson's Transforming Prayer
So, I'll ask. How's your prayer life?
- Do you tend towards issuing those SOS messages in the midst of challenges?
- Do you pray each morning and mentally check it off your to-do list?
- Do you have an ongoing conversation with the Lord throughout your day?
- Do you realize at the end of the day that your forgot to pray?
I have to be honest. There have been times when I could identify with each of these scenarios.
I'm in a relationship with my husband Greg. We've been married close to 27 years now. We have time together each morning. We've become closer this past year than ever before and it's in the midst of ongoing trials and challenges. That really blows my mind too!
When I come home from work, Greg and I sit down together and talk. He is interested in how my day went and I'm interested in his day. We laugh and consider options when there are problems we encounter. We do this together.
If I simply lived with Greg but had no dialogue, it wouldn't be much of a relationship. We would exist and live together but we'd miss out on the closeness that develops when we listen to each other's hearts.
When I consider that the God of All Creation desires to be in a relationship with little old me ...I am amazed.
As a Christian, Jesus paid the penalty for my sins. So I can boldly come into the presence of God. Jesus intercedes for me as my High Priest.
How amazing and overwhelming is that?
So, do I simply pray and ask for all the requests on my list? Or do I pour out my heart and take the time to praise Him? Do I actually listen and then obey Him?
The more time I spend in His Word, the more I grow to love Him. Because of that love, my heart is changed. I long for His desires to become my desires. I let go of my plans and submit to His plans. After all, He knows my heart better than I ever could know it.
How about you? How's your prayer life? Are your daily activities crowding out time to pray? Is your ministry getting in the way of spending time with the Lord?
I encourage you to give us your take on this quote. Simply write a post on your blog and then come back and link up. Or simply add a comment below. I look forward to reading each one of yours.
Blessings and love,
Great post, Debbie! We so need to converse, talking AND listening, with the Lord. Without His words of love and comfort, where would we be? Blessings!
ReplyDeletehi debbie!
ReplyDeletewhat a sweet testimony about prayer and
your relationship with your husband.
i don't know what the Lord would say
about my prayer life, but it has certainly
been enriched by the gift of a sweet
friend. i have been praying through
andrew murray's prayer journal which
keeps me not only focused on my family
but His family.
Yes yes and yes! Its so true and it seems when it comes to prayer..its so under used save for quick fixes..
ReplyDeleteDebbie, Thank you so much for this reminder to stay in prayer. It seems if something goes, it is my prayer time as I always study my bible first. Maybe I should switch the order sometimes
ReplyDeleteI am learning to look at prayer as a "get to" and not a "have to". I am learning to talk to God throughout my day, as if He were a close friend sitting right next to me. Most days I fall short, but I am getting better.
ReplyDeleteI think the key is not doing it out of guilt or as a thing to check off our to do list. I like the way you compare it to communicating with your husband.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting today Debbie.
Wonderful post Debbie. I am SOOOO in a place of busyness right now with my parents that I miss having quality quiet time. I do pray throughout the day and talk to God, but no "be still and know that I am God" time. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteBless you!
Excellent post! My battle has been always to allow him to be first in all things....beginning with prayer...not a religious activity but the intimacy needed to bring to a place of "knowing" him and his plans for each day given! Sometimes it is just to experience his tender love for me ...and yet we still struggle with finding time to pray...busy busy busy with our day ....thanks for the good word today
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting today Debbie. Great food for thought in this quote. Loved your illustration of maintaining the relationship with your husband. Good reminder.
ReplyDelete"The free breath of a ransomed soul." Oh, may my thoughts turn to GOD who loves me beyond measure!
ReplyDeleteI too can relate to every one of the scenarios you listed. I too forget how much GOD wants my fellowship. How can it be that HE would want a relationship with me?
Thank you dear one for sharing these thoughts with us. I'm off to spend time with my Father!
Boy, that was really something to think and ponder and look at. We don't do well do we when we stop and take a good look at our prayer life. Is it on the run? Is it a fly by action? Or is it from the heart, thought out from our inner most soul. Thanks for hosting today.
ReplyDeleteI can identify with all the scenarios you mentioned in you post. One thing that I have been doing that is meaningful for me is writing out my prayers. It seems to keep me focused. Sometimes I think I'll just jot down my thoughts and be on my way. But as I start to "pray," I usually end up writing 3-4 pages before I even know it. Often times, I will start off writing and then finish my prayer as the Spirit leads me - usually just bowing my head and talking to the Lord.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think we can all relate as this world have so many distractions that keep us away from what we should be doing incessantly: to pray.
ReplyDeleteThere are times I question Him, that "where 2 or 3 are gathered, He is in the midst of them...", how about with "1?" If I'm alone...where are You God?
Time...we're always short of time, not realizing how short truly it is. And in our stillness, when we are alone, that's the only way to know more of Him because He is "in us"...Working, changing something from inside out.
It's through prayers I'm able to weather the toughest storms. It's through prayers of gratitude I'm able to celebrate each joyful moments. Even if limited with what to say, He is willing to intercede for me. Always. I always tell my child, "start the day with the Lord, end the day with the Lord..." Then if we are doing that as a family, it helps before the worldly things creep in into our minds and hearts. Blessings to you sister. It's very important to always have a conversation and your conversation with your hubby inspired...especially at this hurried pace nowadays, that is a necessity...to build up, to find out, to strengthen what matters the most.
What a great blog Debbie, and so many wonderful comments. Prayer is my lifeline, for everything. I am not sure always where praying and thinking meet and overlap. It becomes a way of life, doesn't it? And underneath the whole thing is His promise that He hears every single one of them.
ReplyDeleteI loved this my friend.
Great post and so true...and one I need to take to heart.....
ReplyDeleteBlessings my friend.
Enjoyed your post on prayer. God has shown me three different things on prayer the past two days so I'd say this is something He wants me to pay attention to!