Heart Choices: Friendship & Car Pooling -->

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Friendship & Car Pooling

Friendship can happen in many ways.  

I have to drive quite a distance to work each day.  Tara and I work at Rancho Solano Private School and realized we both lived in the same area of town.  So we decided to car pool.  I'd never carpooled with anyone before but it seemed to make sense.  At the time, I didn't know Tara very well.

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But when you spend at least an hour and a half together every day, you have a captive audience.  After all, where are they going to go, right? :)

Tara and I come from completely different backgrounds.  We have differing opinions on many topics.  We are far apart in the age category.  She could be my daughter.

However, during our drives back and forth to work we have the most interesting conversations.  We laugh about solving the world's problems in our cars.  We each share our viewpoint and why we feel that way.  I've been able to share my beliefs with Tara and she shares hers with me.

We get to laugh together, talk about our futures, our hopes and dreams and even our fears.  

But our car pooling days are coming to a close.  Tara's last day of work is today.  She's getting married to Josh in West Virginia at the end of July.  

Tara was accepted into law school at Arizona State University.  So when she returns from her wedding, she and Josh will be moving to Tempe.  And I wish them well!

I will miss Tara's smiling face.  But I'm thankful for the season in our lives when we got to car pool together.  

Yes, friendships can happen in many ways.  And I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to get to know Tara.  We've agreed to stay in touch so it's really not goodbye.

How about you?  Do you have any stories of how you met a friend?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Friends are such a gift; and it is always such a delight to meet and build a relationship with someone new! :) Glad you had this opportunity to bond and hold onto a new friend relationship. :)

  2. Friends are blessings from God. I met my best friend at church. However, we didn't truly become close until I went through a difficult time. She stood by my side and was a huge comfort, mentor, and listener. Today, we share a bond that I know only God could create. Even though we live in different towns, I feel like she is right by me (Yea for e-mail!)

    Best wishes to Tara on her marriage. I'm so glad you have had this time to get to know each other and become friends!

    Blessings, Joan

  3. This has been another blessing of this job...God has been so faithful to put wonderful people around you...so glad you had this chance to enjoy each other. I know you both are better and stronger by meeting each other.

  4. What a wonderful post on friendship and getting to know someone for who they really are. I have no doubt that you 2 will stay in touch! I am sorry I have been out of touch myself, Debbie. I have managed to get a few posts up on my blog but have had little time to visit, as we are selling our home and downsizing. It was good to read up on your recent posts and I hope to be back more often.
    Blessings and love,

  5. Isn't it amazing how God puts just the right person in our path at just the right time......So glad the two of you had this time together...I know you were a huge encouragement to her on those long rides...especially with all the new changes she is getting ready to face......

    Hugs and blessings

  6. Special times with her will always be remembered!

  7. Such a neat story...
    sometimes the most un excepted friendships turn out to be the best

  8. I loved this story : ) Friends can turn up in unexpected places. When I think about my friends I see they've come from a variety of places...one I met in a library when we were both there with our similar aged little girls. God puts people in our paths when we need them I think. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. You and Tara were both very lucky to have each other to share with! I hope all of the dreams come true for both of you! I am truly lucky to have gotten to spend time with both of you! We will still talk with Tara - just in a different form! This was a wonderful tribute to your friendship!

  10. Dear Debbie,
    friends are a true gift. I am of the opinion that where everybody things alike, nobody 's thinking very much.
    So glad that you and Tara found each other.
    She's looking so strong and straightforward. I know you appreciate that. I will pray that you find another car-pooler very soon.
    One hour and a half is a long time, but shared with a person you like it may become uplifting and energizing instead.
    Dear Lord, please send Debbie a new car pool person now. You know her needs better than she knows it herself.
    Thanks for our prerogative to relay and put all our worries and trust on you.

  11. Well....I met one of my very dearest friends at a church Bible study. We have been through quite a bit together - good times and hard. We have laughed deep belly laughs and cried hard tears together. We've been through the best of times, and some very difficult times. We have prayed together and we have had pajama parties together. Right now we don't see each other as often as we'd like, but still, she is one of my dearest friends - a forever friend. Love you Debbie.
    Your friend, helen

  12. Friendships given to us are gifts from God. I'm glad you've had the opportunity to share a car with Tara. Thanks for stopping by.



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