Heart Choices: Giveaway Winner ~ God's Word From A to Z -->

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Giveaway Winner ~ God's Word From A to Z

Abe and Liza Philip of Philip Music created a CD to help their children memorize Scripture. 
One reader of Heart Choices will receive a copy of their CD entitled God's Word From A to Z.

And the winner is ...Jill of Forever N Ever N Always.

Yay Jill!  I'll notify Liza and send her your address.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Jill, Congratulations!!

  2. Wow! Thanks Debbie! I checked out their website and we are very excited to listen to their CD together!

    Love you!

  3. Yippee! Jill will use it and enjoy with all of her little blessings.

    The weather is getting nicer (Well almost ...) Any plans to visit my side of the valley?

    happy day,

  4. Congratulations Jill!!

    I should not be reading blogs, but I am and I'm having fun! Should be packing or doing something like that!


  5. what a treasure for that sweet
    family. i used to make up songs
    for the scriptures we were
    memorizing. my kids would have
    much preferred you cd!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

[name=DEBBIE PETRAS] [img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2CDrwq9-7eo/WV6tdbP-QgI/AAAAAAACfb0/ViqQSnSVaDsMLXyz3AEEzZ5-78luBHOGgCK4BGAYYCw/s1600/Debbie%2BFace%2Bblog.JPG] [description=]