Heart Choices: Giveaway ~ God's Word From A to Z -->

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Giveaway ~ God's Word From A to Z

Memorizing Scripture is so much easier as a child. 

To this day, I can recite most of Romans 12 because I memorized it as a child.  I also remember learning a song that included all of the books of the Bible.  If I have to search for a book like Obadiah, I find myself singing the song in my head and then I can go right to the place in my Bible.  I vividly remember as a 6 or 7 year old child singing this song in front of the Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle with a boy named Richard.

I received an email from Liza Philip asking if I'd be willing to do a giveaway for a CD she and her husband Abe created for their children to help them memorize Scripture.  After receiving a free copy myself and listening to it, I said YES!

Although I don't have little children, I continue to learn best as a child.  (Just ask my friend Jill.) 

This CD contains 26 songs that were written and arranged by Abe and Liza Philip.  The Scripture verses are read by their 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter.  The music style varies from classical, jazz, bluegrass, pop, rock and Celtic. 

You can find more information, including samples, on their website Philip Music.

This is Abe and Liza. Aren't they the cutest?

So, if you'd like to be in the running for this CD giveaway, be sure to leave a comment.  If you share this on Facebook or Twitter, leave another comment letting me know.  You will have more entries to possibly win.  Come on moms.  I think this is a great way to teach your children about God's Word.

A winner will be chosen on Friday.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I would love to win that CD for my grands - Hannah is almost 3 and Nathan just turned 1. And yes, they really are the cutest grandbabies in the whole world! :)

  2. That would be so awesome. Plenty of grandchildren here. BTW, would love to learn the song for the books of the Bible. Gabi (granddaughter) and I would both talking about that the other day!

  3. OH wow!! I'm actually related to them! No joke... they are related to my mom's side of the family!! It's definitely a small world...they have the cutest kids! They have a picture of their kids on their site (at least they did awhile ago when their parents told us about the site and free music).

  4. As you know our children LOVE to learn verses to music and we would love another resource to memorize verses!

    Love you precious friend!

  5. Hi my friend~ It's been SO long since I've been on your blog on a real computer!!! I had a few minutes and am trying to catch up with my dearest blog friends. I can't wait to read about your visit to FL, but if I don't get to it today, I will asap!

    I'm not commenting to win the give away - I just wanted to say hello, love you, and scroll through the wonderful things you've been sharing.

    Praying for you often, my friend...

  6. What a wonderful giveaway, Debbie! This would be a wonderful CD for my grands to listen to, and I think I will hop on over to their website to find out more. Thank you for sharing this!
    Blessings to you,

  7. I'm helping my Sunday School class learn the books of the Bible. I told them I wished I had learned them when I was younger. It would be easier now when the Pastor calls out the scripture on Sundays.

  8. Please enter me in. I would love to share/teach my very first grandchild Bible verses in song. My daughter could also use this CD at church.

  9. I love your heart! There's something about imagining you singing aloud the song that helps you remember when to find a particular book that makes me grin. You'll have to demonstrate next time I'm in Phoenix.


  10. A true blessing this would greatly be for many moms & children! I would love to have the opportunity to share God's Word with my children... looking forward to see who wins!

    Hugs & Thanks for the info!

  11. I just tweeted about your giveaway!!! And that updates my Facebook - but I'm excited to add this to my blog post today as well... sharing tips on memorizing Scripture!
    Hugs, HL

  12. How nice and interesting. Great idea Debbie!

  13. I'd like to be entered! Thanks.


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