Heart Choices: Friday Photo Flashback ~ Norway -->

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Friday Photo Flashback ~ Norway

Friday Photo Flashback
It's another Friday Photo Flashback when I link up with Alicia of More Than Words.  We get to share  pre-digital camera photos.  It's always fun to pull out my boxes of photos to find a few to share.

The photos I posted were from a trip to Norway in 1985.  My parents were going to visit many of our relatives and so I got to tag along.  I figured Mom and Dad were fluent in the Norwegian language so it would make things so much easier.

This photo was taken in Trondheim, Norway.  From left to right is my cousin Kjell's sister Hildur, Tante Agnes, me, Tante Haldis and my mom. I was amazed at how energetic these ladies were.  We actually hiked up hills to get to an ice cream shop.  I know we worked off all the calories.

This is my mom and dad overlooking the family farm in Sumstad, Norway.

Sumstad is my maiden name.  Here I am with Dad and Mom in front of the town's sign.

Maybe you have some photos you'd like to share?  It's not too late to link up with Alicia at More Than Words.

Blessings and love,
Debbie Petras
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  1. What beautiful pictures and such interesting family history. Thanks so much for sharing Debbie. I wish you a wonderful weekend.

  2. Wow, totally fabulous pictures, and I must say your Mom is a very handsome woman indeed! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  3. Hiya Debbie!

    That middle photo shows some magnificent scenery!

    I loved seeing your pics... what a memorable time that must have been. So precious to have these memories!

    Love and hugs...

  4. Such lovely photos. The one with the town sign is really neat. It looks like you had a lovely trip.

  5. Such a lovely time you all must have had visiting family. Thanks for sharing the pictures and a little of your heritage. Have a great weekend. Blessings, SusanD

  6. How fun...Norway was on the Great Race the other night...I watched the show just to see the country...it was beautiful!

  7. Wow, looks like such a fun trip! Great pictures!

  8. Oh my gosh, that is SO special!! That pic of your parents overlooking the farm is precious. I bet you made some great memories over there and being with them. Have a great weekend ~ ♥

  9. You can't post too many Norway pictures for me!! I may have to dig into some of my boxes and to this one of these days!


  10. Beautiful pics, Deb and a beautiful family history. Love you.

  11. Wonderful pictures!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  12. What beautiful pictures,
    Debbie. Such sweet memories
    for you I'm sure. Your parents
    look so sweet.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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