Heart Choices: I'm A Work in Progress -->

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I'm A Work in Progress

It's week 6 (final week) of Makeover of the Heart study with Tracy Berta At the Well.  I'm actually one week late.

As a person who normally keeps my emotions under control, I have to confess that I feel so exhausted.  But I do believe the Lord has been peeling back some of the layers I built up around my heart.  So it's a good thing!

I am a work in progress!
  • I listened to all of Tracy's videos
  • I've done the Bible readings
  • I read and answered all of the questions on the handout sheets
I am realizing more and more that love is a choice

What can happen when I choose to open my  heart?
  • I risk being hurt
  • I feel more deeply
  • I'm more vulnerable
But in the process I also get to:
  • Trust God with my heart
  • Receive more love
  • Give more love
This past week has been a difficult one for me.  I see God at work in my life as He opens new opportunities.  However, I need to step out in obedience even though I don't know where it all leads.  I like to know where I'm going.  You know, give me a road map and I'm off and running.

But walking by faith requires ...trust and obedience. 

It always seems to come back to my 2010 theme.  After all, this is my year to learn to live fearlessly.

A few of the important lessons I've learned through A Makeover of the Heart are:
  • God wants me to trust Him completely with my heart.
  • God is trustworthy and knows what is best for me.
  • God has a plan for my life and I don't need to know every detail.
  • I am to live a life of prayer.
  • I am to be still and  know that He is God.

I highly recommend Makeover of the Heart.  It's a great online Bible study and can still be accessed for all six weeks.

Since I'm a work in progress, I may take a few steps back now and then.  But I know the Lord won't leave me there and I'm so grateful for that.

How about you?  Are you trusting God with your heart?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I'm a work in progress too. I confess I have a trust issue at times where the Lord is concerned but I'm learning to let go more.

  2. One of the biggest challenges I face in my Christian walk is allowing God full control. So many times I try to handle things myself. I am very detail-oriented, and I like to plan ahead. This part of your post really spoke to me:

    God has a plan for my life and I don't need to know every detail.

    I am very much a work in progress! I'm so thankful that God loves me for who I am while He's guiding me to become the woman of God that HE wants me to be!

    Great post...hugs.

  3. Anyone who is NOT a work in progress is already in heaven!!

    I love what you are learning and sharing Debbie. He has you on this special road, but He's in front of you, all the way. (Good to know He also covers the ground behind us, especially when we miss a step!)

    Love you!

  4. Oh Debbie! I'm a work in progress, too! I love how you listed the things that you've learned over this past year. Each one of them requires trust in the Lord! I have been learning to trust Him in all things...and through each of the experiences He gives me, my trust is growing. I have moments of weakness and doubt, of course, but I trust that He is greater than my heart! "...whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." 1 John 3:20.

    Your post encouraged me today -- thank you!

    Blessings & love, Joan

  5. I am a work in progress too!! You are doing great things for me. I am learning alot from you!!

  6. Dear Debbie, I love this post because you echo my heart. This has also been my year to TRUST-in all areas. Our house in Ca. did not have one bit of interest so we will be pulling it off the market and today I began to stress about it and the economy but I realized I wasn't trusting in His provision. Thank you for sharing-I needed this today.
    Hugs, Noreen

  7. I'm definitely a work in progress.
    As long as we're alive we will
    be! I love and trust the Lord
    with my life so I have to also
    trust Him with my heart. Of
    course there are always going
    to be times when I step back and
    question if I am really trusting
    Him. This is just a part of the

  8. I too am a work in progress:)
    But I totally trust that the good work that He began He will see it through to the day we meet face to face.

  9. That's awesome that you are knowing Him more on a deeper level. As more and more layers are peeled off, how beautiful that must be to see the inner part purer, sweeter, more confident, more trusting...God bless and protect you always.

  10. Standing with you Debbie as a work in progress....holding to the truth that "He who began a good work in me will complete it." May we all learn how to love more as we fall more in love with Jesus!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments.

    Much love in Christ,

  11. Well my latest post tells how much I am a work in progress, but what is exciting is He is still working with me...He hasn't given up on me!!! He hasn't allowed my heart to turn to stone.

    Blessings on all your new adventures...I believe the best is yet to come!!1

  12. Sounds like we're on the same journey Debbie. I don't let very many people in. I keep a protective wall around my heart.

    This has been something that saved me over the years, however it's also kept me from many close & meaningful relationships. As I've been writing my book on the power of prayer, I've seen the Lord take me through leaps & bounds of progress in this area lately.

    I've even been "putting myself out there" (talking to people 1st!) Now that is a miracle for me. I always feel like I'm being judged (yes this was a definite stronghold in my life). But I'm growing in my trust & faith in the Lord!

    Keep pushing forward!

  13. I also wanted to share a poem with you that I wrote for my son when he was going through tough times & I have to admit it helped me too.

    by: Lisa Petrarca

    Your courage and strength is your crowning glory
    They can never take away your personal story
    You and God determine your destination
    Push ahead, without hesitation

    Try as they might to break your spirit
    Your heart and faith will keep you in it
    Believe in yourself and your path will be clear
    Push ahead, your dreams are so near

    Fear and doubt will creep inside
    You sometimes want to just run and hide
    You’re scared of failure and all it entails
    Push ahead, and you will not derail

    The road ahead seems long and tough
    The twists and turns sometimes seem too rough
    Your goals are worth the struggle ahead
    Push ahead, your hopes and dreams are worth the tread

    Reach high above and look toward the sky
    It sometimes takes just one more try
    Your steps are sure and your way is clear
    Push ahead, and you’ll overcome your greatest fear

    Perseverance is what it will take to shape and mold
    You and God will decide what your future will hold
    All your dreams inside are about to unfold
    Push ahead, the story of your life is yet to be told

  14. Debbie, this sounds like something I will be interested in. Thanks for sharing. I too, want to learn to live fearlessly and trusting in Him. I am going to check this out, and once again... thanks for sharing.

  15. What an awesome entry and something I so needed to hear at this time. I will definitely go and check out this study. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

    Love and blessings!

  16. Debbie, I only said this very thing today, before I even read your post:

    Love is a CHOICE! I was telling my pastor how I had lost my evangelistic heart somewhere along the way, and became indifferent to the lost. Too many things I had to deal with this last 2 years, got in the way I think. I have felt a little bit of new life springing forth in my heart, in this area, again. I spoke to my Pastor that I am deciding to walk out the 'love' instead of waiting for the feeling.

    I know this might be in a different light of what you were sharing, but it all boils down to our heart issues doesn't it?!

    Beautiful post my dear friend.

    I wish we could sit and have a cuppa together... that would be so lovely. sigh. blogging will have to do instead ;)

  17. Praying for you sis, and loving you.

  18. Hi Debbie,

    As always I treasure your honesty and you're willingness to share your heart - struggles and all. We all have them and it is the encouragement of others that helps point us back to God and get us through.

    As so many have said, we are all works in progress. I am so thankful God loves us enough to let us struggle and learn deeper dependence on Him. He truly is the answer to all our questions.

    We are again finding ourselves in a period of transition and uncertainty too. But God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine for His glory ... and I can imagine a LOT! :)

    Continue to be blessed!

  19. Thank the Lord, He never gives up on us as we are in the process!!!

    The one lesson learned that stood out to me is....
    God has a plan for my life and I don't need to know every detail......

    I'm one who's into the details and resting in Him and His plan and walking by faith in complete reliance upon Him is the process I'm continually in!! BUT, praise God for His mercy, grace and patience as He brings me along!!!

    Thanks Debbie for sharing your heart!



  20. Wonderful post! I need to check out that study too! Sounds like exactly what I need.


  21. way to go, debbie! you are a wonderfully
    encouraging work in progress :)


  22. Just when I think I've 'arrived' He always reminds me that I too am always a 'work in progress'. Blessings to you, Cindy

  23. You are a beautiful work in progress dear friend. So much truth in this post. Love it!

  24. I love the saying: Progress, not perfection. We take 5 steps forward, and two back; yet we are forever taking new ground.

    I hope to get to see you next week when we're in AZ. I'll give you a holler.

    In the meantime, I'm sorry this has been a rugged week, my friend. I pray the rugged gives way to the restful.

    Huge hug,

  25. Debbie,
    Thank you so very much for your kind words on my last post. It has been a heart wrenching time. Since I wrote the last post, we have suffered another loss. My brother, Daniel, and his beautiful wife, Crystal, lost their only daughter just a week ago. She was 30 years old and passed away in her sleep. She had sleep apnea and died of cerebral anoxia. My poor family and I are devastated.

    If I did not have a faith that has stood the test of time---if I did not know a God who sees the future and knows what is best for me---if I did not have His precious Word to lead, guide, and comfort me---I could not have survived the past month. How do people make it without the Lord? He is the most dependable part of my life.

    I am so grateful to have come to know you through our blogs and in the Spirit. He truly leads people into our lives at just the right time.

    Please continue to keep my family and I in your prayers, especially my sweet brother and his wife.

    You have no idea how you bless me.

    In Grace,

  26. Hi, Debbie
    I missed you at In other Words this week. Yes, love is a choice, just not always an easy or clear one. Boy, do we need the Lord's help! God bless you - marsha Y.

  27. Like so many, I am just a work in progress. I know that when I do trust God, life is so much better. But for whatever reason, I guess I glance over in that other pasture - you know, the one the world makes look so good? And off I go, ahead of God, perhaps not even asking Him to come along. Surely this new thing, or this book, or this speaker can make my heart happy, content. It never works though - maybe for a bit I feel relief in whatever the situation might be. But truthfully, only Jesus satisfies. So, the question is, why do I trust my heart to anyone or anything but Jesus? I guess you might say it's because I am stuck with this flesh for a bit longer. And since we are all stuch in this flesh together, it is good to encourage each other. Thank-you for helping us look at ourselves and the depth of our faith.
    Love you,

  28. This is a wonderful post dear friend Debbie. Wishing you a fabulous weekend. Hugs.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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