Heart Choices: WFW ~ Zephaniah 3:17 -->

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WFW ~ Zephaniah 3:17

Today is Word Filled Wednesday and I'm linking up on Internet Cafe Devotions.

It's hard for me to even imagine that God rejoices over me with singing.  But that's what the Bible says so ...I believe it!

How awesome is our God?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Just beautiful, I love that verse. I just read another post about it. I need to work on my song about how God compasses around us with songs of deliverance. Love you ~

  2. Just beautiful, I love that verse. I just read another post about it. I need to work on my song about how God compasses around us with songs of deliverance. Love you ~

  3. That's is such a comforting verse of scripture isn't it!? I love it... and your photo is so serene and lovely.

    I really enjoyed your WFW, thank you!

    God bless you today...

  4. This has to be one of the
    sweetest verses in the Bible.
    I guess that's why it is a
    favorite of so many people.
    To think that the God of the
    universe loves us with that
    kind of love is simply amazing!
    Love & Prayers,

  5. Beautiful, Debbie. It makes me rejoice to know that He rejoices over me with singing.


  6. One of my favorite bible verse EVER!

    Love you,

  7. Singing along with you Debbie!!
    What a wonderful reflection...the image just speaks peace!


  8. Lovely image....that verse just causes me to pause in awe as I try to grasp the truth of it.

  9. If there is such a thing as a "power" verse, this is it. All of His Word is powerful but there is something about this verse that just does it for me. Love it!

  10. This verse is such a powerful reminder of how much God loves and delights in us, and I do love the words "He will rejoice over you with singing"! Thank you for sharing this today along with your picture as you sit in His presence.

    Blessings to you, friend,

  11. Blessings Debbie... Just the little I know you (though pretty well for virtual world because of how you share much of yourself & your life,
    like the Random Dozen, I breezed through to arrive here), it's not hard for me to imagine God sitting right there with you, rejoicing and singing His love & peace over you!

    No, no hard at all. This is just beauty in the peace and stillness.
    I find comfort in this verse and looking up into the skies. Looks like my clouds fro my WFW floated up to you to carry my love & hugs for you! ... as WE BELIEVE and TRUST in whom we believe. (I think you'll like tomorrow's blog post at
    amazing Grace...). Meanwhile, I'll catch up on you and read all those gems from Random Dozen, Miss Prom Queen... I would have guessed that one!!! We'll save the rest...

    Thanks for sharing this very favorite verse of comfort & assurance knowing He is with us & delights in you gazing so peacefully, pondering, hearing Him sing...

    Peace be with you Debbie,

  12. it's time for me to return the singing He has over me. I'm going to turn up some praise music. Thanks, friend. Appreciate your visit and this peaceful pic and precious verse.

  13. So beautiful and encouraging... Thank you..

  14. Awesome verse and I especially love the picture!!!

  15. Thank you, Lord, for this truth!

    I always enjoy reading everyone's verses on Wednesday. It's so encouraging. I'll have to participate sometime!

    God bless,

  16. That's my second favorite verse and don't I remember that picture from a Psalm 19 post a long time ago--the one where you encouraged me to memorize Psalm 19 and I did! Love this!

  17. Very awesome indeed. And extra encouraging as it reminded me of the lovely praise and worship music from church - Our God is Mighty To Save. Thank you for a lovely Word-Filled Wednesday.

  18. Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee,
    How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

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I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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