Heart Choices: Random Dozen -->

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Random Dozen

I decided to join in with Linda of Second Cup of Coffee for Random Dozen.  A few of her  questions were related to fall.  And since I live in Phoenix, Arizona it doesn't yet feel like fall.  It's hot!  So, maybe I can pretend.  :)

1. Have you, or has someone close to you, ever won an award for anything?

    As a matter of fact, I have.  I was the class valedictorian when I graduated from elementary school.  I don't know if they award them anymore but I had to give a speech to the graduating class. 

    I won four pens for speeches I gave in a public speaking program at Dale Carnegie.

    I was the Junior Prom Queen in my high school in 1970. Can you tell that's me at the top of the stairs?  I was also crowned Lindenhurst Centennial Queen for my hometown celebration.

2. Who is the nearest relative to you who has served in the US Military?

      My brother was in the Navy and served during the time of the Vietnam War.  My second cousin Ken was in the Army and spent time in Vietnam.

Cousin Ken, my brother Steve and my dad

3. Share something that stirs the patriotic spirit in you.

    I get tears in my eyes when I hear our national anthem.  I'm also very touched and thankful when I see soldiers in uniform.

4. Where are you in the birth order in your family? Do you think your "placement" made a difference in your personality?

    I am the second child of three.  My brother is older and my sister is younger.  I'm not the typical middle child though.  Since I was born with a congenital heart defect, I was different from the get go.

5. Name one trait you hope you carry that was evidenced in your parents or grandparents.

    I would have to say ... LOVE!
My parents and grandparents were very loving people.  They had a love for others and a love for God.

6. If female, do you prefer wearing a skirt or pants? If male, shirt and tie or polo?

    Definitely pants, although I love dresses for a special occasion.

I used to love wearing dresses!

7. Approximately how many times do you wake during the night? What do you do to go back to sleep?

    In the past, I never woke up during the night.  I slept like a baby the moment my head hit the pillow.  However, I cannot say that these days.  I'm past menopause and I've been under much stress lately.  So, I wake up during the night and toss and turn.  I don't want to wake my husband so I tend to get on the computer and ...blog (just like now).

Thank you Susan!

8. Share a favorite movie quote.

    "I believe God made me for a purpose but He also made me fast.  And when I run I feel His pleasure."  from Chariots of Fire

I have to thank South Lakes Mom for completing that quote correctly.  You see, I wrote this blog post about 1 am when I was groggy.  LOL.

9. What is your favorite Fall candle scent?

    I love the smell of pumpkin.

Paula Deen

10. What is one Fall activity you're looking forward to?

    Cooler weather in Phoenix  ...maybe?  I hope soon.

House Beautiful Photo

11. Tell us about a pleasant surprise that happened to you recently.

    I was surprised by the kindness of dear friends who supplied my need when I least expected it.  Thank you Diane, Sue, Lisa, Linda and the Wild Bunch.  You know who you are!

12. What was it like when you first met your in-laws-to-be?

    Greg took me to meet his mom soon after we first began dating.  He told her I was the one he would marry before he even asked me.  LOL.  I think she was taken back a bit since this was the first she heard of that too.  He took me to meet his dad and I was surprised at how talented he was.  His hobbies included artwork that looked so professional.

Happy Fall to you!

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. This was really fun to read. Love all the pictures that go along with the fun facts!
    Like you, I longing for fall in Hong Kong!
    Love & Blessings,

  2. I enjoyed getting to know
    you a little better today!
    I'm up early and blogging
    this morning, too!
    Hope your day is beautiful!
    Love & Prayers,

  3. I enjoyed reading your answers! I'm in Florida, and there's not much autumn here yet either. I'm going to put out my fall decorations and pretend!

  4. Oh . . . the smell of pumpkin. YES!

    And I love the rest of that Chariots of Fire quote.

    I believe that God made me for a purpose…but he also made me fast.
    And when I run, I feel HIS pleasure!

  5. Loved this!

    You know I love love the fall colors and pumpkin well you know MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    Love you,

  6. We are exactly the same in the birth order...older brother, younger sister. Your trait is very evident! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  7. You are something you know it? I was never queen of anything and I don't think I EVER "liked" wearing dresses. LOL!
    But I did recently whip out my spiced pumpkin candle and start burning it. At least it can smell like Fall here because it sure doesn't feel like it!
    Have a blessed day my friend.

  8. Wow, I didn't know elementary schools even figured out who is valedictorian!

    Loved your answers, and that Chariots of Fire quote is a great one!

  9. Awesome reading about this and that in your life. I'm also up in the middle of the night....grrrr...and I just hit my blog also :)

    I hope you can feel fall soon. I love the changes that come with the seasons. Here in Oregon the mornings are chilly and the days are getting crisp - of course with a bit of rain here and there.

    I have family in the Phoenix area, employed at INTEL. Moving there from the bay area, where temperatures are more moderate, has been a hard transition for them.

  10. I enjoyed reading this. Chariots of Fire is definitely one of my favorites. Have a wonderful day Debbie....HUGS

  11. This is the first time I've ever visited your blog. Loved reading your answers but especially enjoyed your old pictures!!

  12. Smiling right now Debbie! Try identical answers from me for at least #3,4,5,6,7,9 and 10... + Chariots of Fire!! :):):)

    Middle sister hugs!

  13. I'm going to have to amend my answer to #11, for I got a sweet surprise in such a delightful comment from you! I love that you won awards for speeches! I love public speaking, the more people I'm in front of the brighter I shine. (Is that too conceeded?) You know how most people would rather die then give a speech, I'm the oppisite, maybe that's why I love to blog.
    I also liked your answer for #5. Although love was not modeled for me very well, I DO believe that everything in my life made me who I am today. I am a Child of God, a devoted wife and mother and a fierce supporter of TRUTH. But sometimes I wonder, if I had been loved "softer" would that have softened my edges more?!?
    I loved that you showed pictures! It is so fun to peak into people's lives. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for making my day with your kindness. Nice to meet you Debbie.

  14. Oh, too cool! I loved reading more about your sweet self! And I loved all the photos. What fun! Blessings to you, sweetie! :D

  15. This was totally fun! I enjoyed learning more about you! I love the pictures of you especially the Prom Queen pic! Your hair was fabulous!!!

  16. LOVE your list Debbie. You and me are on the same fall-pumpkin-page!

  17. I can hardly wait for the cooler temps of Fall...one of my favorite times of the year!

    Great post!

  18. Blogging at 1:00AM, oh, my! So enjoyed stopping by today and making a new "blogging friend."

    Blessings to you for a wonderful rest of the week!

  19. Yes, it would be heaven if these temperatures would get under 100. Enjoyed the rain but not this wind. I luv September cuz the calf sale is up at Peeples Valley & the have a delicious pit bar-b-cue with beans & salad. I hope it'll be cooler. And, it is this Sat., 9/25. Discovered UR site & will be visiting.

  20. Great answers and pictures. That pumpkin pie looks awesome! I think I need some pumpkin pie now! lol

  21. I enjoyed your answers and I love the quote too! That whole sleep/menopause thing has been an unexpected and unwelcome surprise. Yuk.

  22. Dear Debbie,
    Always interesting to find new information about the unique person you have developed to be.
    I had to double click to find you almost hiding at the top of the stairs, the beautiful Prom Queen.
    Guess there never was a more modest queen ever. And, yes, God made you lovely both outside and inside. That is a rare quality.

    We are down to our usual 50 degrees and rain, lots of rain. I bet you wouldn't change.

    Now, it's already morning. I've got to get some sleep.
    It is always interesting to read what's filling up your thoughts and mind.
    God bless your day.

  23. Great list! I am loving all the different movie quotes.


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