Heart Choices: Let's Get Real -->

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Let's Get Real

It's In Other Words Tuesday and Karen of In Love with J.E.S.U.S. is our host today. 

Karen chose the following quote for us to write about:

"You can't cling to a mask and God at the same time."
~ Dr. Juli Slattery~
Beyond the Masquerade: Unveiling the Authentic You

The first thought I had after reading that quote was:

Let's get real!

Why kid myself? 

God not only sees everything I do but He sees into my heart and sees the reason I do what I do. 

And I'm not talking about excusing behavior here.  I mean that He sees beyond the action ...to the motive. 

And that's what's most important to Him.

We can't hide behind a mask of doing all the "right things".  

Maybe you do a few or all of the following:
  • Go to church every Sunday morning and evening
  • Attend Wednesday night prayer meeting
  • Teach Bible study or attend a group study
  • Do volunteer work
  • Collect food for the food bank
  • Always saying yes to every request without praying about it 
You get the idea.  These are all good things and commendable.  But what is the motive behind your actions?

If you're doing it to be seen by others, that's not the right motive.
If it's out of the outflow of a heart of love for God, well now we're talking.

Hiding behind a mask of good works or perfectionism or always smiling and saying you are fine when your life is falling apart  ...

Is that really being authentic?

Yes, we must be a bit cautious with whom we share.  But I've recently been humbled by admitting I needed help.  How thankful I am for the awesome friends who have given from their heart so generously to me.  If I hid behind my mask of 'everything is just fine', I'd miss out on the blessing of receiving love.

I'd much rather be the one doing the giving.  It's harder for me to receive.  But the Lord provides opportunities for each of these.  After going through trials, we become more sensitive to the needs of others.  I know I will have many opportunities to share with others in the future.

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So I am going to get real and take off my mask.  How about you?

Blessings and love,
Debbie Petras
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  1. Wondeful post Debbie! Thanks for sharing. (and you are one of the most "real" people I've met whilst blogging--thanks for that)

  2. Amen! What a powerful message of truth Debbie!

    Love this: "And I'm not talking about excusing behavior here. I mean that He sees beyond the action ...to the motive."

    I believe that when we don't keep it real and just "do" churchy things that can be legalistic or religious. GOD cares about our motives (the why of what we're doing) just as HE cares about what we're doing.

    Grandma used to say, "actions don't impress GOD, motives do!". She said if we do a bunch of good things with a wrong heart then we've done it all in vain.

    Love you and thanks for the reminders!

  3. I guess my had to come off a long time ago and some how God doesn't allow us to wear it to long. When it cames off it does make life much easier...other wise I am not doing my self any favors, nor am I showing the image of Christ...I am showing what I think He looks like.
    It sometimes is easy to want to grab that mask to hide my sin or shame, but then that means I have something I need to deal with.
    Good post!!

  4. "Get real," that sums it up rather well. Why do we try to deny the fact that we can hide our motives from anyone BUT God. Its not possible but we sure try. Thanks for sharing today it was great.

  5. AMEN! I'm with Lisa - beautiful post and her comment shares my thoughts!

    Love you - Jill

  6. Wonderful post, Debbie and much
    to think about here. We know
    we can't keep anything from God.

  7. ah Debbie, this is really a good one for all of us to hear, and the comments above are so true. Man always looks on the outside, but not God... He looks at our hearts. I am both convicted and comforted many times by that. Convicted when He sees right through what I am doing, and comforted when He also sees what my heart is desiring, even when I mess up.

    You are learning so many things in this time Debbie, and the sharing of your heart is the truth He is showing you... keep it up sis... I love what you're saying! Every one of us needs these words.

    Big hugs!!

  8. I've never looked good in ANY of the masks I've worn. They mess up my eye makeup and hair; and they make me sweat - - literally, figuratively and spiritually!

    Great post, Debbie. It's especially needful for the Body, for nowhere is there greater danger of being something we're not in order to appear better than we really are.

    Love you!

  9. Great post! Good question to ask yourself...."What is your motive?"


  10. I choose to rip my mask off too Debbie. Great blessings come to those who are willing to open themselves up. Thanks for the reminder.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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