Heart Choices: Do You Ever Feel Overwhelmed? -->

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Do You Ever Feel Overwhelmed?

(Google Images)

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and tired?  That's what emotional stress can do to a person ...including me.  This picture is how I've been feeling lately.

My friend Kathleen of Sassy Granny had invited me to join her for church yesterday.  Palm Valley Church was celebrating their first services in their new facility; a very large auditorium like building in Goodyear, Arizona. 

I almost backed out because of how I was feeling.  But at the last minute, I elected to go. 

I'm so glad I attended this service.  There was a sense of excitement in the air at Palm Valley Church.  Everyone was smiling and very welcoming to me.  I spotted Kathleen in the crowd.  

How could I possibly miss Kathleen's smile?  She was like an angel in white as she took me in her arms and gave me a hug.  I don't know about you but that means so much to me when I'm feeling so weary.

We sat with Kathleen's home group and I was warned that it might be loud.  The music started playing and a young man was rapping.  (You can see this first song for yourself, if you click here.)  As I looked up at the screens, the words he was saying were giving glory to God.  The style may not have been what I'm used to in church, but I have to say there was standing room only and this was only one service out of three.  I loved seeing all of the young people singing to the Lord, no matter how loud this Southern Baptist gal might think.  :)

Have you ever gone to a church service and felt like the pastor was speaking directly to you?

Pastor Greg was talking at me or at least that's how I felt.  Can you guess what the title of his sermon was?

When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

I think God has a sense of humor.

He was preaching out of Daniel 6.  Daniel had been taken into captivity from Israel as a young boy when the Babylonians invaded.  Fast forward to years later and now there was a Mede king named Darius in charge.  He promoted Daniel as one of three administrators to rule throughout the Kingdom.  Daniel  distinguished himself among these administrators and you know what always seems to happen.  They were jealous and tried to find fault with him.

They tricked King Darius into signing a law.  Anyone who prayed to any god or man other than the king in the next 30 days would be thrown into the lion's den.  Daniel was in the habit of spending time with God.  He prayed three times a day in his upstairs room.  This was something he did on a daily basis.  Despite the new law, Daniel continued in his usual habit.

Daniel was arrested and thrown into the lion's den.

Daniel trusted God ...no matter what.

I can only imagine how I'd be feeling in the midst of ferocious lions licking their lips staring at me.  Oh my; talk about feeling overwhelmed.  (Somehow my situation doesn't seem so earth shattering by comparison.)

I'm sure you know the end of this Bible story.  God shut the lions' mouths so they couldn't hurt Daniel.  The king was so glad when he saw that Daniel hadn't been harmed.  And the best part was that King Darius now issued a decree that in his kingdom the people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.  He acknowledged and saw for himself how the One Almighty Living God rescued Daniel and had power over the lions.

In the midst of feeling overwhelmed and challenged from so many fronts, I just pray that I would be a Daniel. 

Pastor Greg gave two application points in this message:
  1. Develop the habit of spending time with God.
  2. Determine to trust God.
Well, I have to say that I'm already in the habit of spending daily time with God.  I've written many blog posts on Heart Choices about my early morning time with the Lord.  May I encourage you to begin this habit today?

On the second point, trusting God is a major theme in my life this year. 

Trust and obey! 

Do you think God is trying to drive this home for me?

After the service, Kathleen took me with her as she had to speak with Lori, the pastor's wife.  The whole family was there as the crowd was dispersing.  After introducing me, Pastor Greg, his wife Lori and Kathleen joined together and prayed for me.  Oh what a blessing that was for me!

I have to say that God is so faithful.  He is my Rock and my refuge.  No matter what may happen, He provides me with His presence and His strength for each new day.

I know exactly where to go when I'm feeling overwhelmed.  And for that I'm so grateful!

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. It was quite an experience; I agree, Debbie! You have been such a blessing to me, and I know our friendship will endure my remaining days in AZ, on earth, and throughout eternity. God makes good bonds - - no junk!

    My sister used to tell me (when I was unusually overwhelmed some years ago): This thing may be atop of you right now, but you'll gain on it, and one day you'll be on top of IT!!!

    It happened as she said. And so it will be with you, my dear friend.


  2. Yes and yes to all of the above. I'm overwhelmed and undone with life at the present. I can only imagine an angel like Sassy enveloping you and your need into her heavenly embrace.

    I'll think of that white angel tonight as I continue on with the fight. I'll think of my God as well who has promised to step each step with me as I go.


  3. Oh boy Debbie... I am SO happy that you and Kathleen were together yesterday!! I know it meant the world to you, and to her as well.

    Listen my friend... you ARE a Daniel, I might even start calling you 'debbie daniel'... you are persisting, and taking one step at a time, at a time in your life when things are not so easy. I can't tell you how much respect I have as I watch you TRUST & OBEY... we're all in this race together Debbie, in one way or another, and you just keep on standing firm... I am standing right alongside of you, and so are many others, and I know you are doing the same with me and with each of us... like Kathleen said... 'God makes good bonds!'...

    Love you sister!


  4. I love what everyone else commented to you! To that I say AMEN!

    You are such a blessing in my life and to watch you stand strong in Christ when things are not easy - is REFRESHING!

    I love you Debbie and so touched by your heart choices that say over and over again, "I trust You Lord!"


  5. Amen! Loved what you shared...I needed to read this tonight....

  6. The Lord is so cool like that, He always knows what we need and He directs our paths right to it. I love the story about Daniel, it is a great lesson and a great reminder. I went to a soccer banquet in the public school tonight and they actually prayed over the meal...that made me so happy Debbie...I let the coach know how much I appreciated that.

  7. Hi Debbie, I asked Rick Warren to sign a book for me to give someone going through deep times and he wrote "the tide always comes back in"....I thought it was perfect! I am reminded once again to go by FACT and not let my "feelings" take over....just as YOU did when you went to that service! You are loved 3rd sister!

    Carol Joy

    Carol Joy

  8. Awe... I love how the Lord works! He is so good. I've been feeling overwhelmed too these days. God is sweet the way He encourages us to keep loving and keep serving.

    Love to you Debbie!

  9. A timely post for me. I've been feeling overwhelmed lately, but I am trusting God. He is always good!

  10. Praise God for always knowing what we need, when we need it.

  11. I sure needed this. These last few month have been overwhelming. It seems like I've been going a hundred miles an hour.

    Even my time with God has been difficult to focus on. A desert time, I do believe.

    love and hugs~Tammy

  12. Absolutely beautiful to see/hear and read how the LORD in HIS goodness ministered to your heart through His Word and the people He hand picked to bless you yesterday -- dear Kathleen and her Pastor and his wife. Awesome!!!

    I know without a doubt that what you're not just in now but have been in for some time; GOD has HIS HAND ON YOU and you will come forth like gold when it's all done.

    Rest in HIM dear sister.

    Much love! I'm praying for you steadfastly!

  13. Oh, how I can relate to feeling/being overwhelmed!! And it never fails, the pastor always seems to be talking to me just at the time I need it so badly...Yes!God's timing is always perfect!


  14. Amen and Amen!! Loved your post today!! Thank you for encouragement and for sharing your heart.A great reminder for us all! Oh so many time I have thought too the pastor was directing his sermon right at me!! I am sitting there thinking that he knows all about me!! God is so good!
    Hugs and blessings

  15. 2 great principles we should all live by! Great post!

  16. Amen and Amen! Thank you so much for sharing this. I've been in a state of overwhelm lately and with God's help, it is getting better.

    Have a blessed week ~


  17. Oh Debbie! How DID you snap that picture of me? Ha ha ha! When I saw your post I had to laugh because the past week and a half have been so busy for me! I have definetly felt overwhelmed! But, praise God...a calmness is settling upon me! Thanks for writing Daniel's story. Just like Daniel's example of faith changed the heart of a king, our faith can be a wonderful witness to others as we go through all sorts of things...including feeling overwhelmed and turning to God. Thanks for the great reminder.

    Living for Him, Joan

  18. I feel like that girl on her computer a lot too!
    Thank you for your words!

  19. Oh Debbie, again, I am so sorry not being there for you. I think of you often and pray for you.

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris


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