Heart Choices: Hearing God in our Pleasure and Pain -->

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Hearing God in our Pleasure and Pain

I'm honored to be the host for this week's In Other Words Tuesday.  I encourage you to link up your posts on McLinky below.  If you aren't participating, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.  I always love to read your comments. :)

Here is the quote that I choose for today's In Other Words Tuesday:

When my life is going along smoothly, I'm very grateful to God.  I'm already in the habit of having a morning quiet time.  So for me, that continues whether my circumstances are good or not so good.

Spending time alone with the Lord keeps me grounded in His Word and close to Him.

But I have to admit something.  When I'm going through painful or difficult circumstances my quiet time takes on a more significant role.  Those are the times when I'm desperate to hear from Him.  I've cried out and been so honest regarding my feelings about people, situations and when life seems so unfair.  I'd rather tattle to God than to call all my friends and share things that I might later regret.  I heard Beth Moore say that once and I thought it was good advice.
I had the opportunity to spend time in Carmel, California one summer with some friends.  It was a good time in my life and I remember taking long walks along the beach.  The smell of the salt air and the sound of the crashing waves was so calming to me.  I could easily hear God's voice during my times of prayer and enjoying the beauty of His creation. 

However, I've recently experienced a time of much pain.  After living in our beautiful dream home for twelve years, we had to downsize and move.  Our last night in this house was spent on blowup mattresses since we sold all of our furniture.  So much was happening and I remember crying out to God. 

Where are you Lord?

I learned that He hadn't gone anywhere.  I had become so distracted by my problems that I wasn't listening to Him.  I couldn't hear His voice.  I had to remember Psalm 46:10:

"Be still and know that I am God."

A wonderful reminder so that we can hear God speak in our pleasure but also in ...our pain.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. ((hugs)) Beautiful post Debbie. Thank you for hosting this week!

  2. In our pain we are seeking Him more, don't you think? In our desperation we are open to hear a Word from Him.

    I'm sorry for your recent pain, Debbie. I pray God will soothe your heart and help you press on. Some day it will be a time you look back on and see His great love for you.

    Thanks for hosting us with a thought-provoking quote.

  3. He also hearings us and speaks through our tears. As I started toward the town where we lost our home of 11 years tears just started to flow, He just took me in his arms and held me, as he has through this whole walk. Sometimes his voice is in the breeze that hits my face, or the beautiful blue bird on my fence.

    He is so faithful and crying out allows Him to love us in another way.

    Awesome God and I do look forward to my permanent home!

  4. Hugs Debbie - it is when we are at our weakest that He can be our strongest. It is when we are humble that we can best hear Him, feel Him, see Him and know Him.

    Lots of love,

  5. I so love your post your pick for in other words this week was an awakening of sorts for me and made me think and realize that there are times that we may not always be able to hear the message he is sharing with us

  6. Oh beautifully said Debbie, made me cry!

  7. Yes, beautiful post. Wonderful quotes also.

  8. Remember....beauty comes from the ashes of our pain.
    Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

  9. nobody says it better than clive!

    thank you for reminding me. i've
    been shouted at a bit lately.

  10. Beauty from ashes sweet sister.
    Your honesty and faithfulness are inspirational!
    Thank you for teaching and sharing!
    Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

  11. Thanks Debbie. I needed this today.

  12. Such a good word, Debbie...so glad I stopped by....

  13. Hi there, Loved this post Debbie-wonderful focus! I still count it a privilege to uphold you my friend so let me know how-o.k.
    Have a rich day in His presence.
    Hugs, Noreen

  14. Debbie:
    I didn't know you were doing a link. Good for you, and what a really good subject. It is one that we are all familiar with. I know that my real lessons come from the hard places, I just don't seem to learn as much when it's all going smoothly. Having said that... I do love the smooth times of life too, and I am thankful that God is in ALL of it!

    love you sister,


  15. Thank you for hosting this week, Debbie...such a good quote to ponder. And thank you for your post and the reminder to "Be still and know that He is God." Praying for you and your family as you continue through this time of transition!

  16. Debbie, Thank you for such a beautiful reminder. God is near the brokenhearted.

  17. What a perfect quote for today's "Other Words Tuesday". C.S. Lewis was wise in saying that "God whispers to us in our pleasures...but shouts to us in our pain." And rest assured, Debbie, God never, ever wastes a hurt. Through this painful experience, God will shout,and His voice is so comforting. But He'll also use the experience for the good - sometime, somewhere. You can count on it! And you are so right. He IS always right there!

    Blessings to you!

  18. That's a great quote. The only good I see in the pain is that it drives me to Him desperately...a good word you used!

  19. debbie, thank you for sharing this. you have no idea how much i needed to "hear" this. i may look like i'm having a lot of fun lately, it's true though, but the truth is i'm a bit concerned about what's going to happen next. i will post about that this week, maybe later. i will only be until friday here in this job.

    be still and know that i am God --- such comforting words.

  20. I have been missing my quiet time lately, and my soul yearned so much to spend time with Him. He is the One who listens without judgement and He hears my heart, not just my words. He not only knows our pain, but I love how you said He speaks to us in our pain.

    I pray for your painful time to grow into a blessing, Debbie; perhaps it already has as you grow even closer to Him. Your words are always a blessing to me.

  21. Beautiful post ~ I too have recently experienced a similar situation. It's difficult to see the lesson while we're in the midst of it I think. We do need to be still and listen...and yes, it is hard!

    Brightest blessings to you,


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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