Heart Choices: Prayer and Extravagant Grace -->

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Prayer and Extravagant Grace

Extravagant Grace
This morning I was blog hopping.  After all, it's Then Sings My Soul Saturday and I have the opportunity to sing and worship with many of my blogging friends.  It's a time to sing many of the songs I know and love. I also get to learn new worship songs.  There's always a variety of hymns and contemporary praise music.  It's a wonderful way to praise our awesome God ...from the luxury of my home computer.
I came upon a blog I follow called Extravagant Grace.  eLisa is such a talented writer, graphic artist and designer and most importantly ....a woman who loves the Lord
eLisa is all about God's grace; hence her blog name of Extravagant Grace.  She didn't become a believer until she was in college so she has a past.  Don't we all? 
I loved how transparent she is as I read her testimony.  She had to post it in eight parts but it's worth taking the time.  You can start reading here.
She also encouraged others to consider sharing their story, especially if others could be blessed by it.  She describes it as being real and here is the link to find out more.  You know, we each have different circumstances and backgrounds.  If our story could speak to someone else's heart, it might be worth considering.  I know I am ...
Today is the 10th day of April.  eLisa has committed to Prayer on the 10th of each month.  Her post reminded me of that this morning.  There are so many needs in our world today including lost loved ones, homelessness, job losses, financial burdens, plane crashes, sickness. I could go on and on.  And yet I have the privilege of coming before the Lord in prayer. 
  • He is El Roi ...the God who sees me 
  • He is Elohim ...mighty Creator
  • He is El Shadday ...God Almighty
  • He is El Olam ...the Everlasting Eternal God
  • He is Yahweh Yireh ...The Lord will Provide
  • He is Yahweh ...LORD
If you are a regular reader of Heart Choices, you know that I'm studying Ann Spangler's book "Praying the Names of God".  Next week, I will be up to Adonay; LORD, MASTER. 

What a blessing and a time of learning for me.  I also get to link up with my friend Jill of Forever N Ever N Always

If you've not read this book, I encourage you to get your hands on one. 

As I go through challenges in my life, it helps me to remember who God is.  I can keep my focus on Him and then I'm not afraid.  After all, my theme for 2010 is to trust and obey Him.

And by the way, eLisa reminded us that we are already one fourth of the way through 2010!  Time goes by so fast.  I want to be accountable for how I spend my time.

I encourage you to visit eLisa at Extravagant Grace.  But most importantly, I encourage you to pray.  How much peace we often forfeit as the great hymn says ...everything to God in prayer.

Blessings and love, 

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie, this is the nicest post anyone has ever written about my ministry at Extravagant Grace. I am so glad that the Lord has used EG to encourage you and bless you in your walk with the Lord. To God be all the glory!

  2. Debbie - I just shared her teen blog with Lexi and her friends a few weeks ago!

    Thanks for sharing her and your beautiful heart for Him!!!

    I love you - Jill

  3. Heading over. Great post.
    Blessings, andrea

  4. I'm so glad that you shared! Thank you!!!
    And I am also loving our study of the Names of God...isn't it wonderful to meditate on the precious Names of our LORD!

  5. Oh, prayer is a powerful tool. Right now it is my 'survival tool' - I don't know how else to put it. It keeps me clear from getting frustrated in the world we live in.
    I really need to read elisa's blog more often. Thank you for pointing me back to her marvelous ministry.

    Love & peace,

  6. I read that book then passed it on to someone. Now I wish I had it back so I could read it again! It's a blessing to learn who God is through his many names.

  7. Hi Debbie! I will have to visit her blog. I'm blessed just by what I read so far!!

    I hope you are having a blessed weekend!

  8. Stopped by from blog hopping and saw your post on another blog comment that you were reading the same book I am. Enjoyed meeting you and reading your blog.

  9. Hi, Debbie,
    I took a peak at EG and it is indeed a wonderful blog, and I will be visiting her often. I have a little catching up to do with my reading in "Praying the Names of God." I am finishing Yahweh Yireh, and He has most certainly provided for us this week in a way my husband and I have been praying for for many years. I wrote about it in my last 2 posts and I referenced your post, "Say Yes to Joy". I knew I wanted to choose joy no matter how He answered our prayer, and yesterady He provided a job and housing back here in Montana where we live for our daughter and her family who live in MN. We are so thankful to God and excited for when they move here. We've prayed for 4 years and held them loosely in our hands, and He has provided. How great is our God!
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Debbie:

    I'm so glad you posted this and I went back to eLisa's page and read her testimony. It was such a blessing. God continues His work in each one of us and He never gives up! Isn't that amazaing? I need to know that every day. I'm so thakful for His grace.

    Love you.


  11. It's always a blessing to meet other bloggers who love the Lord and have a wonderful testimony to share. God is sooo good!

    I'll be going over after I comment...

    Pray...believing and in thanks! I thank the Lord for His mercies and grace. He is always there when we need Him, and even when we don't realize it.

    Blessings & Aloha, dear friend!

  12. oh the names of God are precious aren't they? I have a bible study I wrote on the names of God being published. It is called "From Yahweh to Jesus: Knowing God through His Names"...we cannot walk in victory with Jesus if we do not know Him initmately...He makes Himeslf known to us through His names in His word! It is powerful!

  13. I've just start reading the Praying the Names of God. I love learning about our Lord.

    Going over to check out eLisa, now.

  14. 1/4 of the way through already for 2010???? I too pray to be more accountable for my time, have been on that thought for quite awhile, life just zooming by .....yet...how can I TRULY make a difference for God??? Debbie, on same page as always. Onward and forward to new horizons for all of us in 2010..true sister you are....

    Carol Joy

  15. Dear Debbie,
    I so appreciate you're sharing the reading of "Praying in the names of God".
    I might not be reading the book, but walking with you while you are reading, gives me new dimensions of faith and belief.
    The fact that you are being blessed also through the valley of trials, tells me, God's ways are always the best. He simply wants only what's good for us.
    Thanks for being such a strong example.
    From Felisol

  16. H.
    I have found your blog today and I have so loved my visit!
    Thank you for sharing and yourposts are so inspirational! I am new to blogging and look forward to meeting new blogging friends and sharing and learning from each other.
    Have a great day! Blessings.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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