Heart Choices: Responding to Difficulties -->

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Responding to Difficulties

It's In Other Words Tuesday and Karen of In Love W.I.T.H. Jesus is our host. This week she has chosen the following quote for us:

Now, this is a subject I've been studying and learning lately. So, it's a timely quote for me.

When life is going along smoothly, it's easy to have faith and praise God. But when those trials and difficulties come along as they eventually do ...it's not as easy.

I've fallen into the trap of asking this first question:

"Why is this happening to me?"

And then the second question is:

"When is this going to end?"

But I have to say that I'm growing in this area. The last few years have been very unsettling for me. I like certainty and stability and they've been just the opposite.

But the Lord is teaching me and I can see that I am growing in my faith and trust. I know He is trustworthy. I am spending time daily in His Word and in prayer. I am seeking His Will.

My theme for 2010 is "trust and obey". And my verse for this year is:

"Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

And do you know what? When I do this, it works. But I've got to lay it all down and not take it up again.

Even though my questions are not being answered at this time, I make the choice to live by faith and not feelings. And why do I choose to do this?

  • I know that God will direct me as I continue to seek His guidance.
  • I know that He has a purpose that is for my good and His glory.
  • I know that this difficulty will not continue forever.
  • I know that God has perfect timing.
  • I know that there are lessons He has for me to learn in the midst of the difficulty.
  • I know that I will be able to be used to help others who go through similiar problems since I've experienced it myself.

Our response as we go through difficulties tells the world what we truly believe.

What does the world see in you? Do you live by your feelings or do you live by faith?

Debbie Petras
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  1. Beautiful Debbie. I catch myself whining sometimes and I hate it.

    Thanks for making us think.

    Love & hugs!

  2. "But I've got to lay it all down and not take it up again."...that struck a nerve...I'm better than I was at doing this...but still need to do better....


    Oh tonight's study was wonderful. Can't wait to share it with you!

    Love and hugs - trusting and obeying with you!

  4. Well said. Laying it all down and not taking it up again is a challenge for me as well. This was a blessing to me. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Powerful message as always, Debbie. I used to live by feelings, but He has helped me to live by faith. I know that I can trust Him, no matter how hard it gets. I have to say, if it were not for my faith, I don't know how much I can handle on a daily basis.

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us...

    Love & peace,

  6. So true my sweet sister. It's been a rough start on the new year and I really need to remember this.
    Thank you for such a timely post.

  7. Debbie:

    I sure recognize both in me. The difference in my life is so huge when it's God's way and not mine.

    He's teaching me along these same lines, and probably most of us.

    "Be anxious for NOTHING"... it's one of my very favorites and I quote it to myself all the time.

    Blessings and hugs,


  8. I like what you said about how "We have to laid it down before the Lord and not pick it back up." Boy what a lesson we all could learn in this area, how to leave it alone! No plan B's needed, no grumbling required. "Why me?" "Why not me!" if it draws me closer to Christ. Thanks for sharing it was really great today.

  9. Oh Debbie I am right there with you. This has been a difficult year for me in many different areas. And yet for me, it has been a year with more growth than what I have had in a long time. The Lord is soo faithful to me even when I do blow it and whine and complain and cry out for an end. I love that. Your verses are all time favorites of mine. I just love them. It does not get any better than this. I will pray for your New Year. Thank you for blessing me with all of this. Hugs, Debbie

  10. Gosh, I've just recently commented to someone "Attitude might not be everything but it's almost everything...".

    I often tell my children you can't always control your circumstances but you CAN control your RESPONSE to those circumstances. I love it when I actually remember that myself!

    Blessings to you, friend...your words are encouraging here!


  11. Debbie,

    This was AWESOME and so true. I also disire to "trust and obey", even when I don't understand all the whys.

    Thanks for sharing today. I'v been greatly blessed and encouraged!!

  12. Learning to walk the walk of faith right along with you, sister!

  13. Thanks for that post, Debbie. I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. We just have to have faith and trust God who is our hope. Love and Hugs, Cathy

  14. WE are a most blessed people to have a Savior, a Lord, who tells us to bring it all to Him and leave it there. These are difficult times and I am so thankful that we have Jesus to help us through. Of course, there is that issue of trusting and obeying Him, but the more we depend on Him, there more of Hm there seems to be.

  15. Our response as we go through difficulties tells the world what we truly believe.

    And your response speaks volumes. I can sense in your words how your faith has solidified in this difficult year.

    Keep hanging on, friend. You've got the God of the universe in your corner.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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