Heart Choices: A Mother's Love -->

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A Mother's Love

Have you ever had moments when you wished you could go back and sit on your mother's lap and tell her all that was going on in your life? Although I'm much too old to do that, I would love to sit and talk to my mom over a cup of coffee and some Norwegian waffles.

It will be five years in February since I lost my mom. I know I will see her again one day in heaven but in the meantime I miss feeling her arms about me, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas fast approaching. I miss her more during these times of celebration.

I was searching through old photos and happened upon this one. I think I was a senior in high school at the time so it would have been about 1971.

Being comforted by my mom ...was always the best medicine.

On her last visit to my house in Phoenix, she was celebrating her 75th birthday. She was in so much pain and was becoming more weak and frail which was so unlike how she'd been most of her life. I allowed my parents to use our master bedroom which was downstairs so it would be easier on her.

But one evening, I heard slow shuffling footsteps coming up the stairs. Standing in the doorway stood my mom in her bathrobe. She walked over to me as I was sitting on the bed and held me in her arms and cried. My heart was breaking and bursting at the same time.

I have not cried for such a long time. And even then, I couldn't cry but certainly felt such emotions of love. My mom sensed I needed a hug and she persisted in walking up those steps to be by my side. Oh, how I could use one of her hugs right now. I miss her even more.

I thought it would get easier as time has gone by but I think with Thanksgiving and Christmas soon upon us, I have so many memories of her.

So, what did I do today? I pulled out my mom's index file of recipes. My sister sent them to me so I'd have them in her handwriting and her typing.

And then I made Norwegian waffles, of course.

Out came my mixer and the flour, sugar, milk, eggs, melted butter, sour cream and baking soda.

Voila ...out came Norwegian waffles! But when I tasted the first batch something was missing. I realized I forgot the secret ingredient ...cardamom.

Norwegian waffles absolutely need to have cardamom. Once I added that one ingredient, it was amazing at how much better they tasted.

Hmm ...I think there's a spiritual lesson here.

I too need a special ingredient and it's called the Holy Spirit. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, this Spirit is the deposit and I can know I belong to Him.

My mood is lifting because I am reminded that I am never alone. And then I also remember that I WILL see my mom again. We will have so much to talk about.

I wonder if there will be Norwegian waffles in heaven? What do you think?

If you are a bit conflicted with the arrival of this holiday season due to losses or difficulties, know that ...you are not alone.

May the Lord provide you comfort as only He can!

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie~ I am so sorry that you are missing your mom, and am glad that you came across that precious picture of the two of you, and made those delicious waffles. I am praying for you right now - that you will feel the arms of the Lord hugging you and holding you just like your mom would have.

    With love~

  2. Beautiful sharing as always, of your precious Mother. I pray for you a extra special dose of hugs from the Holy Spirit during this season as you remember your Mom. I feel the same about my Grandparents so I understand.

    I love when you said: " too need a special ingredient and it's called the Holy Spirit. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, this Spirit is the deposit and I can know I belong to Him."

    Love and blessings.

  3. Debbie,

    I am crying as I read this....my heart is just breaking for you. I can't even imagine how you feel not having your momma by your side on these holidays and everyday for that matter. That story of her coming upstairs into your room breaks my heart!! What a precious momma you have ♥

    But you are exactly right...The HOLY SPIRIT is in us and when we allow HIM to Comfort and Speak to us in times no matter what they are....HE will help us in ALL THINGS! So glad you were able to have waffles and get a lesson too :)

    Love you so much Debbie

  4. Okay Debbie, you really did it with this one! I had to catch my breath to even take a breath! You know...those Norwegian waffles were my childhood as well, and the waffle iron, I can still see it right now. And the arms of our mothers around us.... between you and Kathleen today, I am reliving the whole childhood days afresh. It's been 10 and 11 years since my parents died. Even your telling of that time she climbed the stairs and cried with you...it's so fresh in my heart when my Mom had a stroke on Christmas Day at our home in Texas. She was visiting from California, dad had died the year before. The tears she shed just broke my heart. And yet....quite a long time later, I knew...again, that their God is also my God, and His love is sufficient. What a posting! Thank you...

  5. P.S.....YES...I am just SURE there will be Norwegian waffles in heaven!!!

  6. Debbie, I'm sitting here reading this with tears in my eyes...my sister Sonja (her comments below) just sent it to me. I felt like it was Sonja and me you were talking about with our mother, you have shared my own heart's thoughts. Thank you Debbie and may you have a Christmas full of warm memories that wrap right around your heart, Norwegian style from "tiny Christmas eve" right on up to the night Jesus was born. Thanks for sharing!!!!
    Carol Joy

  7. Dear Debbie,
    I can understand how hard you must miss your mother. 4 years is not a long time. Holidays are though because our loved ones are such great part of our holiday memories. Aren't we rich to share such wonderful memories?
    If the love and affection were that that deep, your mourning would not have felt that hard.
    Just today I discussed the upcoming Christmas with my mother. We both agreed that things
    would never be the same when my father not being there.
    We are going to celebrate and enjoy the gathering of our small family. What we got can never be taken away from us.
    I am definitely sure that they've got your mother's waffle in heaven. She's probably the main chef for the waffle department. While my daddy and my uncle are lining up in queue to get some hot- from- the- iron- hearts.
    From Felisol

  8. Oh Debbie how my heart is hurting so for you. I began to cry at the very beginning of this post. I know that day is coming for me too as my mother is 77 and is starting to show her age in so many ways..I do cherish the times I still have with her. And I know just what you mean, there is nothing like your mother when your world is up side down or you are stressed. Everyone of my own kids are the same way too. Even my grown sons, but especially my daughter. Melody called me a couple of months ago and she was sobbing over the phone. She is NOT a crier, so this was REALLY out of character. So hearing her my heart dropped to my feet as I knew it was something horrible. But she had a very bad day and now to top it off she was in horrible pain and she told her new husband, "I just need my mother." If I could have gotten on a plane and flown out there I would have. She needed a hug from mom badly. But I did talk her through it and then we prayed and she was fine. Still in lots of pain, but OK. There is just something about your mother. But you know what I was thinking about the other day is that God made us that way. He knows how much we need our moms and how much you miss yours. It's OK to feel that way sometimes. (I occasionally will feel guilty if I find myself down or depressed or upset, like somehow I am not a good enough Christian, ridiculous I know just a personal hang up of mine) He is right there to fill you up with His Spirit and wrap His arms around you until your mother does again some day. Doesn't it just thrill your heart to know you WILL see her again, and she WILL hug you and hold you. I love how she came up those stairs just to hug you and cry that night. What a wonderful memory to have. My oldest son lost his first wife to cancer and even though he is remarried it is still hard for him sometimes, and the holidays can be bad. But the Lord is ever faithful and has seen Him through. I know what you were feeling today is a mood that will lift as you let the Holy Spirit minister to you, but I want you to know I will pray for you as well as you go through these holidays. Have a wonderous Thanksgiving, I wish I could give you a big hug too. Love, Debbie

  9. Precious memories! I love your mother's courage and stamina when it came to making her way to your room. No doubt her need to hold you was so compelling she couldn't NOT go, in spite of her pain.

    Sunday was Waffle Day at our house, except that my Dad made them.

    I'm glad you posted this. Hopefully it will empower others to speak their hearts this holiday season too, especially where deceased loved ones are concerned.


  10. That was beautiful, Debbie. It becomes harder for me without my mom each year too. Sometimes it just feels good to sit and remember....


  11. Sending you big hugs and much love!

    I pray that you feel the love of our Father wrapped around you now like never before!

    Have a blessed evening - Jill

  12. Debbie,
    What a lovely post and tribute to your precious mom. I'm sorry for the loss of her presence with you. You have a heart of compassion and I'm sure many will be blessed by you sharing your thoughts here. The "happy" holidays can be lonely times, but your attitude is certainly an encouraging one that we are never alone.

  13. What a touching tribute to your sweet mother. Of course you miss her. May God make every memory sweet and may those memories bring your great comfort and joy.


  14. Holidays sure can be difficult when we are without the ones who were most important to us. Praise God we grieve w/ hope.

    I loved the picture and I won't add how old I was in '71 (heheh). And the waffles look very yummy.

  15. Such a precious, heart touching post. I totally understand. This is the 4th year without my dear momma. I love you sweetie.

  16. Debbie, such a precious post with a precious moment with your mother. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory. Blessings and hugs to you....

  17. I so understand! My mother loved the holidays and always made such a big deal with cooking, baking, etc. My birthday & hers are Dec 1 & 3rd so that adds to the mix.

    You are right though ~ we will see them again! Hold onto that, enjoy those waffles and know that you are loved.

  18. Debbie, I cried through reading this about your mom, and seeing the photo of you and her on the chair. My mom passed into Heaven on Dec. 9th, 1983, and I still miss her so...there are many times I want to pick up the phone and call her for advice...no one on earth loves you or understand you like your mother. Sometimes I talk to her as if she were sitting in a chair at my kitchen table, just like the last time I saw her. My sister and I will start talking about "mama" and both break down in tears...she was so wonderful. Aren't we so blessed, Debbie, that we know the Lord and that we know we have eternal life with our loved ones? If it weren't for that reassurance, I don't think I could have made it all these years without her. When she died, my children were still small, and yet, I just wanted to go be with her...that lasted for a long time, but God has designed us in such a way that,no matter what our losses are, we go on. Often with a hole in our hearts, but we go on.

    You love the Lord so much, His Holy Spirit will indeed bring the peace and comfort you need for the holiday season, just as he will for me, and others that have lost loved ones...He has them close to Him now, and I hear Him telling us ever so gently, that time on earth is so short, we don't have long to wait til we're together once again. I so look forward to that day.

    God bless you, Debbie...have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and with the treasured memories of your mom...and enjoy those wonderful waffles.


  19. I was so touched by this beautiful tribute to your mom, and your faith. Makes me think of my own sweet mom, and also, to remember to hug my daughters every chance I get. I've had the blessing of having some of your Norwegian waffles - yum!
    May God wrap His arms around you today and bring you love, joy, and peace. Love you.

  20. What a wonderful way to remember your mother! You obviously had a special relationship.

  21. I can't see what I'm typing through my tears.

    I'm so sorry.

    It hurts to love so much.


  22. Your mum's hair style is gorgeous! Norwegians are always fashionable. Tromsø is dubbed 'Paris of the North' because all the tourists in the 1800s were amazed at how elegantly dressed everyone was...lol.


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