Heart Choices: Happy Savvy Auntie's Day! -->

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Happy Savvy Auntie's Day!

Happy Savvy Auntie's Day!

Maybe you hadn't heard but Melanie Notkin, the CEO of Savvy Auntie has declared the fourth Sunday of July as ...Savvy Auntie's Day.

I joined this social network when it first began last year. It's a great place to go if you're an auntie.

And as a savvy auntie I wanted to celebrate.

I had won a giveaway from Jill's Forever N Ever N Always blog several months ago.

And do you know what it was?
A gift certificate to a spa! How cool is that?

My only problem has been that I've been working so much lately I haven't had time to redeem my gift certificate. How crazy is that? This from a gal who loves stuff like this.

So, in honor of Savvy Auntie's Day, I booked my appointment for a facial at Body Beautiful Spa in Phoenix.

Let me tell you, Silvia has magical hands and fingers. My face is so clean. I won't go into details but ...you know all those blackheads that accumulate? Well, I don't think she left any behind. My skin is sparkling!

I would highly recommend this place. I think I'm going to have to write about it on my Word of Mouth Phoenix blog. Thank you Jill and thank you Silvia!

If you know of someone who is a special auntie, I hope you'll wish them a Happy Savvy Auntie's Day.

I want to give a shout out to a few savvy aunties: Aunt Ruth, Aunt Christine and Aunt Charity! Enjoy your special day!
Debbie Petras
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  1. Happy, Hapy, Happy Savvy Auntie's Day! (from the short time I met you in this blogworld, your blog has blessed me and you really deserve this special day!!! I inspire to touch more lives in such a positive way and build memories like those you have shared!)

    ...and in conjunction with my latest post-
    "Mele Kalikimaka! Maligayang Pasko!"

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you for stopping by my family’s Christmas memory party :o)

  2. Happy Savvy Aunties Day to you my dear friend.

  3. Yeah, I'm so glad you enjoyed your day!

    I love you!

    Happy Auntie's Day!


  4. Happy Aunties Day Debbie!
    How wonderful is that there is a special day just for us too. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the lovely comments on my blog. I had pics and a story of an entirely different subject and when I sat down to type it this came to me. I do not know who I was reaching out to, but there is someone out there that God led me to reach for, so as the faithful daughter that I am, I posted. My other story will wait for maybe a later today post. Isn't it funny sometimes how things turn out? Thanks for stopping by and I am so thrilled you made it to the spa. What a wonderful treat to have someone pamper you. I have not experienced that as of yet, but it is on my list of to do's. Have a wonderful rested Sunday. Country Love and Hugs, Sherry

  5. What a sweet idea for aunties...

    Congratulations on your spa day...very nice...

  6. Happy Savvy Auntie Day, Debbie. So glad the you took some time out for yourself and got the facial. Sounds like fun.

  7. That sounds like a wonderful luxury. I gave myself a sorta spa night at home it is a really refreshing thing to nurture our self.
    So awesome you took full advantage of it.

  8. Wow! What a wonderful treat!!! Good for you Debbie. You deserved it. :o)


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