Heart Choices: In Other Words Tuesdays ~ God's Best -->

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In Other Words Tuesdays ~ God's Best

I enjoy participating in the meme "In Other Words Tuesdays". It gives me the opportunity to ponder a quote each week and then share my thoughts about it. I find that I enjoy visiting other blogs who also joined in.

The focus of Heart Choices is ...your day to day choices determine what your tomorrows will become. And that impacts body, mind and spirit. I've found that it's good for me to make the choice to participate because it exercises my mind. How's that for burning off calories? Yeah, I wish.

Today we welcome our guest hostess, Jennifer of Scraps and Snippets. Here's Jennifer's choice of quote for this week:

Do you want God's best for you? I know that I do. But how often have you heard people say "He'll probably send me off to Africa and I really don't want to go there"?

I think it helps to remember who God is. He is sovereign, the creator, knows everything, sees everything (yes, everything), is perfect love, full of grace and is perfectly holy. And I question whether He knows what's best for me?

I believe it comes down to dealing with our flesh. When you become a Christian, your spirit is alive but you still have to deal with your flesh. It doesn't go away this side of eternity. One day but not yet. And in the meantime ...we have moment by moment choices to make.

Satisfy the flesh or live by the Spirit?

When we live by the Spirit and abide in Christ, He leads us to His best for us.

When we satisfy our flesh, we do what feels good or what we want now instead of ...God's best.

It comes down to a matter of trust. Do you believe God has your best interests at heart? Or do you think you know better because who can you really trust?

I encourage you to take the time to link to Scraps and Snippets to find other participating blog posts on this quote.

Debbie Petras
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  1. God is really using you to speak to what is currently going on in my life. Part of me wants to fully surrender to His best for me but the other part hesitates because I'm not sure what the price will be. I know in my heart the outcome is better than I can imagine but it's getting there that is often uncomfortable.

  2. Such a wonderful post my friend.

  3. Love what you shared about God's sovereignty and "who are we to question?" God has so been teaching me that over the past few years. This was such a good reminder this morning about our choices in surrendering to His best...thank you for sharing!

  4. Ahhh, this is good, sister....a good Word for me to hear. Thank you for taking the time to share....I'll be back for more! ;)


  5. It does come down to a matter of trust. Its like convincing our kids that what we are doing for them is for their best. They either trust we know what we are talking about or they don't. With God we can trust He knows what is best, Praise the Lord. I didn't always do what was best for my daughter but God will for His.

  6. Satisfy the spirit or the flesh? Ouch! Great post my friend.

  7. "It comes down to a matter of trust." This is so true. Our journey of faith really boils down to this: "Do I really trust God with my whole life?" I appreciate the way you communicated that God knows every intimate detail about us, so naturally, He knows what is best for us! Thank you for your encouraging words today.

    Denise Hughes :)

  8. Debbie,

    Thank you for your email and the first hand knowledge that you have. The doctor put me on Renaxa and will monitor me until July 6th to see how I do on that medicine.

    I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for taking the time.

    This was a wonderful post, my friend. Trust and obey is the song that came to my mind as I read it. Is there no other way...to be happy in Jesus...but to trust and obey!

    Blessings to you, my friend.

  9. Very good text, although I believe, God has nothing to do with our thoughts and actions... and especially with our weakness... We need though to believe in...

  10. Wonderful post my dear friend.

  11. Dear Debbie,
    Lots of rich food for body and soul on in your recent blogposts.
    Another blog friend, Constance, wrote, "we're telling Our Lord what our wishes are, hoping He'll be giving us what we NEED."

    That has become kind of a "mantra" to me this summer.
    "Dear God, give us what we need."
    I have found great comfort and peace in those words.

    I wish you and your house will always have what you need too.
    From Felisol

  12. Thanks for the reminder to live by the Spirit. Why do we forget the power at our disposal?

  13. This is one for us to chew on constantly!!

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Love you.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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