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8 Things

I was tagged by Michele on her blog Michele's Morsels. She wanted to get to know me better and what a great way to do that very thing.

Here are the instructions for 8 Things:
  • Mention the person that tagged you
  • Complete the list of 8 things
  • Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends
  • Go tell them you tagged them
8 Things I look forward to:
  1. Spending time with my friends
  2. Seeing my mother in heaven
  3. My morning quiet time
  4. My first cup of coffee in the morning
  5. Reading your blogs
  6. Sunday morning bible study and church
  7. Getting an email from my dad
  8. Meeting my blogging friend Lori of Lori's Reflections when she visits her family in Arizona

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

  1. I was on Blog Talk Radio for a discussion on social media. I signed in to the show and the moderator asked me questions regarding the sound but I got to tell them a bit about our social media tool and company.
  2. Spent hours with Greg perfecting our business presentation.
  3. Had my quiet time in prayer and bible reading.
  4. Wrote a blog post for Heart Choices.
  5. Created several new widgets for Beyond Polls.
  6. Read many blogs and added COMMENTS; yeah!
  7. Spent time helping a friend use Twitter for her work
  8. Watched American Idol and voted for Danny, Adam and Allison
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
  1. Take a long relaxing vacation.
  2. Spend more time reading.
  3. Visit my niece Katie in New York City.
  4. Visit my family in the Tampa Bay area of Florida.
  5. Spend a weekend with all of my favorite new blogging friends.
  6. Attend She Speaks Conference in North Carolina.
  7. Become a motivational speaker.
  8. Travel to Norway again but this time meet my two blogging friends L-Jay and Felisol.
8 Shows I Watch:
  1. American Idol
  2. NCIS
  3. Friday Night Lights
  4. Amazing Race
  5. Survivor
  6. JAG reruns
  7. Barefoot Contessa
  8. Giada at Home

8 Bloggers Tagged:

  1. Charlotte of At Home in Scottsdale
  2. Lisa Shaw of Sharing Life With Lisa
  3. Tiffany of Tea With Tiffany
  4. Grammy of Just Call Me Grammy
  5. Laurie of Women Taking A Stand
  6. Kate of Jottin Mama
  7. Teresa of Grammy Girlfriend
  8. Patricia of Caregiving and Beyond

I chose these bloggers because I'm just getting to know them. It's fun to learn more about each other.

Blogging makes the world a little bit smaller, doesn't it?

Debbie Petras
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  1. I really look forward to that too!!! You are a blessings. Enjoyed reading your list.

    Have a great day.

  2. It is fun to find out more about blogging friends! Have a great afternoon, Debbie.

  3. These were great! I loved learning more about you. I'm an NCIS fan, too. :)

  4. 8 things. Loved reading them.

    I'm not sure when I will get to mine. I'm under the weather today.

    Here's 8 things I love:

    my hubby and two kids
    my blogging friends
    nature(I feed the birds LOL)
    my camera
    chips and salsa

  5. I agree, blogging definitely makes the world go smaller everyday:)
    I'm a huge Adam fan too... he's got an unbelievable talent, good for him!
    I think, you will be a good motivational speaker, Ms. Debbie^-^ Your writings sounded like you're one gentle & sincere person:))
    and yeah, me too! I would love to have a long vacation (in Hawaii). I've never been there and they said it's not as hot & humid as my country, Philippines...
    have a wonderful Wednesday!

  6. This was a fun read. I think Danny, Allison and Adam will be the American Idol final three and I suspect Adam will win the whole thing but I do like Danny. And Allison. And Adam. It's going to be hard to choose this season! lol!

  7. It was nice to find out more about you and I will be posting my 8 Things in a day or two.
    Happy Blogging,

  8. Debbie,

    You are precious and you picked some of my favorite people...I can't wait to learn more about them too!

    By the way, I keep hearing about this SheSpeaks conference...what is it and how can we go together? lol

    Blessings and big hugs!

  9. PS...How can you not like NCIS...It stars Mark Harmon...not that I used to have a girl crush on him or anything...he is just a wonderful actor that's all! lol

  10. Thanks for including me in this...I will post in
    a few days about my
    "8 Things"! I love getting to know the new bloggers...

    I have only blogged for 2 months and am still a little overwhelmed...I expected 10 comments in six months....As you can see,it happened a little faster than that...

    So I am having to get up to speed on things I have no idea how to do...


  11. Thanks for tagging me for the 8 Things. I just entered it on my blog for today. I'm enjoying getting to know you better.

  12. Hi Debbie

    It would be great for you to come to Norway!


  13. Thank you dear friend for sharing these! On AI ... I like Chris...he's the dark horse in this race....

    We need to get together. I'd love to have lunch with you sometime...

  14. Hi Sweet one - you know I've not been online regularly so I missed your post but thank you so much for tagging me...I don't normally do these wonderful things myself but I always enjoy reading others.

    I see somethings we have in common.

    I look forward to that cup of coffee too :)

    I hope you get to Tampa Bay so we can get together. I'll drive there from Orlando.

    I'll have to post the 8 things on my blog.

    Love ya.

  15. Hi Debbie, I finally got around to doing the 8 Things tag. I intended to do it sooner, but actually I forgot about it until I saw your comment in my e-mail again. I had saved it to remind me to do the 8 Things. Maybe I'm getting old. lol


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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