Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday - November Challenge -->

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Thankful Thursday - November Challenge


I love Thankful Thursdays! However, I don't always wake up every Thursday feeling thankful. In fact, there have been a few Thursdays when I didn't feel like writing a Thankful Thursday post because ... I wasn't feeling especially thankful.

But then I make the intentional choice to take action and focus on what I might be thankful for. And guess what always seems to happen?

I start to FEEL thankful!

What you focus on impacts your emotions.

Action motivates!

If you focus on what's wrong in your life... you'll feel more depressed. But taking a few moments to think about what is good can often change your mood. And it might even bring a smile to your face! (If you missed my post on smiling, click here.)

I'm going to throw out a challenge to you! I discovered Leah from Iowa who has a blog called South Breeze Farm. She challenged bloggers to keep a daily list of things for which they are thankful during the whole month of November. So, I decided to accept the challenge.

Here's my start for the month of November:

November1: I'm thankful for my good health. Even though I spent most of the day cleaning and doing laundry, I had plenty of energy. Thank you, Lord!

November 2: I'm thankful on this Sunday for my church family. I'm involved in a small group Bible study of "The Truth Project" by Dr. Del Tackett. My pastor preached a great sermon and led us in prayer for our country and the elections.

November 3: I'm thankful for my husband Greg. Today we celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary. We decided not to buy gifts but he came home with my favorite lemon poppy seed muffin from Paradise Bakery. It's the little things that count.

November 4: I'm thankful that I have the freedom to vote and to voice my opinions to others.

November 5: I'm thankful that God is sovereign and in control. The Presidential election is over and we now have a new President elect. Even if my candidate wasn't elected, I'm thankful that I live in a country that holds free elections. The people have voted and have been heard. Now I'm thankful that I can pray for our President elect and that God hears my prayers.

November 6: I'm thankful for Iris who started Thankful Thursday and for the many bloggers who participate. I find myself smiling as I visit many of their blog posts today. By the end of the day, I feel like the "Little Debbie" logo with a big smile on my face. Thanks fellow bloggers.

And now my challenge to you! Will you begin your own list and actually write down at least one thing you're thankful for during the month of November? I have the feeling you may begin to feel more thankful as you focus and look for things you have to be thankful for.

Will you accept the challenge?

Debbie Petras
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  1. Happy Anniversary. Such a nice list of blessings sweetie.

  2. Debbie,

    You put a great big smile on my face when I saw that Little Debbie picture :) They were a staple in our home growing up! tee hee

    What a beautiful thankful post! I love gleaning from your sweet spirit! Blessings to you, my friend.

  3. Great post! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  4. Enjoyed reading your thankful list!!

  5. I try to do this every day during my quiet time. On a piece of paper in my notebook, I put the date and list a few things I'm thankful to the Lord for. My lists swing between thanksgiving and praise, but always draw my eyes back to Jesus.

  6. I accept the challenge!

    I really liked your post and agree with you that what you focus on impacts your emotions.

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh, what a great list of things to be thankful for.

    You are so right, we may not feel like it, but once we start, well, the list can go on and on and on!!

    Blessing to you this TT♥

  8. Amen! It is always a sacrifice to be thankful when we don't feel like it. But the rewards far outweigh the sacrifice!

  9. Great post and great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Happy Anniversary! Love your list of blessings!

  11. You develop great character when you do things that you don't feel like but are good for you. I didn't like yoghurt but I knew it was good for me. So I ate a little bit every day, until I liked it.

    I'm grateful that I have a story to tell my kids about how to learn to eat and like healthy food (like brussel sprouts ;)

    And Happy Anniversary! (Next year is the big 2-5 whoo hoo!)

  12. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. :) I was so excited that you did! This is a great post and a great idea. I have SO much to be thankful for. Ang

  13. Dear Debbie,
    A Norwegian poet, Wergeland, from 150 years back said; "Beneath the stars, don't complain about lack of bright spots in your life."
    He also wrote a beautiful poem, asking how often should God be thanked. I am not able to translate it.
    From Felisol

  14. Great post! We all have so much to be thankful for.

  15. I love this idea and am getting my journal ready. I will take the challenge for the rest of the month.

    Today, I am thankful for my sister who celebrates her ? birthday. I am so blessed that God decided I needed a sister.

    Thank you for sharing.

  16. Congratulations on the anniversary! I am thankful for having a wonderful fiancé who can always make me smile, even when I'm stressed out or sad. I'm thankful for him every day.

    ~ Kristi

  17. Hi Debbie, best regards from Sweeden! Philip

  18. Congrats on your anniversary! I like the Little Debbie logo at the end.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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