Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday: YES -->

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Five Minute Friday: YES

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with Kate Motaung. We are given a one word prompt and get to write for five minutes flat. Our word for today is YES.


It was only several weeks ago that I wrote a post on Heart Choices on this very topic. The question posed was 'how is God calling you to say yes'. In case you missed it, you can read it here. At the time I was tired after working long hours. But the bottom line of what I wrote was the following:
I want to live so close to Jesus that I hear His voice and follow Him. I want to enter His rest even as I live and breathe and go about my life. Whether I am working as a preschool teacher or as a nurse or writing a book or being a good employee, friend or wife. I want to live resting in Him, trusting Him to provide for me.
It was a relief to realize I didn't need to do something to earn God's approval. I am already accepted by Him because of Jesus. But when I rest in Him, He begins to work through me. And that's when I need and want to say YES.

If I'm serious about saying YES to God, I need to say NO to many good things.

Two days ago, my husband asked me if I was ever going to finish my book. I'm a bit ashamed to admit I've been writing my book on and off for several years. I argued that I don't have the time. I need more than an hour here and there. And I work full time with little children with weekends to get caught up on laundry, grocery shopping, visiting, etc. When would I have time to finish my book?

Greg asked how he could help me so that I would have extra time. Uh oh, now I had no excuse. Because I believe completing this book might just help someone. And even if only one person benefits... that's OK.

As I learn to rest in Him, the Lord opens up my eyes. As I'm getting older, I hear of more people dying. Even friends and friends of friends. Most of my 86 year old dad's friends seem to be dying. And after being at the bedside of so many people when I worked as a cardiovascular nurse, I've learned so many life lessons. I even wrote them down in my journals.

So I'm saying YES. It may not be a best seller. I may not get rave reviews. But I will say YES.


Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Even if one person reads it and is inspired, you would have done God's work. Write well.
    (visiting from FMF)

  2. I am glad you are pursuing your book dream. And I cannot wait to read it.

  3. What a blessing, a question like that from your husband. He must think it's worth your pursuing. May it bless you as well as others!
    So good seeing your blog again. I've been away and "too busy" too... ;)

  4. Extremely "right on". Yes, Lord! FMF #54

  5. I think it's a wonderful goal and I am here cheering you on! I know for a fact I would LOVE to read it. I am sure it would be very interesting and inspiring! Hope you are enjoying your week-end!

  6. I am so glad to hear that you are going to continue working on your book. You have a heart for Jesus and He will use it to honor Him. I am pondering what I need to say YES to after reading your post today....

  7. Good for you, Debbie. I think your book will help many and I love your attitude of surrender both to Greg and to God!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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