Heart Choices: Five Minute Friday: Dream -->

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Five Minute Friday: Dream

It's Five Minute Friday when I get to link up with Kate Motaung. She gives us a one word prompt and we get to write for five minutes flat. Our word for today is DREAM.


I tend to dream most when there are changes happening in my life. When I'm struggling with decisions, I find myself dreaming more. I usually write down my dreams if I remember them in the morning.

My most memorable dream occurred many years ago. And it is one I will never forget.

I dreamed that God was inside me. I was looking through His eyes at the world around me. I recall how different everything looked. I kept rubbing my eyes. Was this happening? Everything was brighter. I don't recall specifics but the general message seemed to be a different perspective.

I awakened sobbing. This is so unlike me. My husband immediately woke up and asked me what happened. I told him I had a dream like no other. He asked me to share it before I could forget it. He knew this was something important.

I'm not someone who makes a big deal out of dreams. Sometimes I think they've given me insight into something I'm going through. But other times, they just don't make sense to me.

At that time in my life I wasn't walking closely with the Lord. I wasn't a church goer. I had wandered away. But I still prayed (when I needed help). I considered myself a Christian.

I would love to say that my life changed overnight after that dream. But it didn't. It took me several years later before that occurred. But I believe God was stirring something deep inside of me.

At my grandmother's funeral, I felt the Holy Spirit speaking deep in my heart. There was nothing audible but a deep sense of awareness. I needed to grow in my faith. I needed to find a church family that would help me to grow. And so the next week my spiritual journey began.

As I grew and learned through Bible teaching, I began to see my dream coming true.  My perspective was changing. The world looked so different as I viewed it through His eyes of love.


Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie,
    this was beautiful. And dreaming that God was inside of you. That's so profound. You longed for Him to be within you, and He was. :) What a blessing to have that dream before your grandmother's service. Thank you for sharing this love story!
    (Visiting from Five Minute Friday)
    Love and hugs,
    Tammy (tammysincerity I'm #54 in the linkup)

  2. I have had dreams as well that have shaken me to my core and stayed with me. Praying and listening to His Spirit helps me muddle through that and He brings the right perspective around. I'm so glad He used that to grab your attention and you are now seeing things more clearly. That is awesome! Thanks for sharing that story with us! Happy Friday to you! (Your neighbor at #fmf)

  3. Debbie, this is beautiful! How God began working in your life in that dream and brought you to the point where you could see "through His eyes of love." He is so gentle with us, yet constantly guiding us and bringing us closer to Him, so that we can make a difference in the world seeing it with new eyes. I'm your neighbor at #fmf.

  4. WOW! What an incredible dream! And not only meaningful but soo something we all need to do. Look at things going on around us through HIS eyes. How different our perspective would be! Hope your week-ends a good one! Blessings to you!

  5. I like this post. I like the way God speaks to you in your dreams and this is a wonderful story. I dream too. I love to sleep and love to dream!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi Debbie! It seems like the Holy Spirit was speaking to both of us about His presence inside of us. We posses Him, no need to look outward!

    I think we are all works in progress. God knows that about us, but I think He was really trying to comfort you and get your attention. And look at you now! A Christian Faith Blogger. Wonderful! God's grace is truly powerful and real.
    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  7. Sweet post Debbie! I don't usually dream but if I do, they seem so stupid and don't really make any sense. I'd like to have a profound dream and perhaps I will someday. Wishing you a lovely week ahead!

  8. That God speaks to us in dreams awes me. He's given me dreams throughout the years - as warnings to come to him for help (which became a children's book that came out last year - A Crocodile Under the Bed) - another was a message to be faithful - that God saves - and last year that I want to share soon - and just showed me humor, joy and hope in the midst of a mess. I love that you shared your dream - and how it fulfilled its intent!

  9. This reminds me that He pursues us and will go to whatever length to do that. He loves us so much!! What a wonderful dream He gave you as he wooed you back to Him.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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